644 research outputs found

    The Magnetic Ordering of the 3d Wigner Crystal

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    Using Path Integral Monte Carlo, we have calculated exchange frequencies as electrons undergo ring exchanges of 2, 3 and 4 electrons in a ``clean'' 3d Wigner crystal (bcc lattice) as a function of density. We find pair exchange dominates and estimate the critical temperature for the transition to antiferromagnetic ordering to be roughly 1×1081 \times 10^{-8}Ry at melting. In contrast to the situation in 2d, the 3d Wigner crystal is different from the solid bcc 3He in that the pair exchange dominates because of the softer interparticle potential. We discuss implications for the magnetic phase diagram of the electron gas

    Giant Intrinsic Spin and Orbital Hall Effects in Sr2MO4 (M=Ru,Rh,Mo)

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    We investigate the intrinsic spin Hall conductivity (SHC) and the d-orbital Hall conductivity (OHC) in metallic d-electron systems, by focusing on the t_{2g}-orbital tight-binding model for Sr2MO4 (M=Ru,Rh,Mo). The conductivities obtained are one or two orders of magnitude larger than predicted values for p-type semiconductors with 5% hole doping. The origin of these giant Hall effects is the ``effective Aharonov-Bohm phase'' that is induced by the d-atomic angular momentum in connection with the spin-orbit interaction and the inter-orbital hopping integrals. The huge SHC and OHC generated by this mechanism are expected to be ubiquitous in multiorbital transition metal complexes, which pens the possibility of realizing spintronics as well as orbitronics devices.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in PR

    Leading Temperature Corrections to Fermi Liquid Theory in Two Dimensions

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    We calculate the basic parameters of the Fermi Liquid: the scattering vertex, the Landau interaction function, the effective mass, and physical susceptibilities for a model of two-dimensional (2D) fermions with a short ranged interaction at non-zero temperature. The leading temperature dependences of the spin components of the scattering vertex, the Landau function, and the spin susceptibility are found to be linear. T-linear terms in the effective mass and in the ``charge-sector''- quantities are found to cancel to second order in the interaction, but the cancellation is argued not to be generic. The connection with previous studies of the 2D Fermi-Liquid parameters is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Pengaruh Metode Pemisahan Pelarut Dalam Gel Terhadap Sifat Fisik Titania-alumina Sebagai Penyangga Katalis

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    PENGARUH METODE PEMISAHAN PELARUT DALAM GEL TERHADAP SIFAT FISIK TITANIA-ALUMINA SEBAGAI PENYANGGA KATALIS. TiO2-Al2O3 gel monolitik dalam nisbah mol 0,2 untuk TiO2 dan 0,8 untuk Al2O3 telah dibuat dengan cara hidrolisis dari aluminium sec-butoksida, Al (OC4H9sec)3 dan titanium isopropoksida Ti(OC3H7iso)4 dalam larutan n-propanol dengan katalis asam. Pemisahan pelarut dalam gel dilakukan dengan dua cara, pertama pengeringan pada tekanan atmosfer hingga terbentuk xerogel. Kedua, pemisahan pelarut pada kondisi CO2 superkritik, hingga terbentuk aerogel. Terbentuknya gugus Ti-O, salah satu dari titanium dioksida atau jaringan polimer –Ti-O-Ti-O-Al-O- ditunjukkan dengan adanya puncak antara 500 dan 900 cm-1 yang tajam tetapi lebar pada spektrum infra merah. Puncak yang kuat pada 1635 cm-1 menandakan adanya gugus –OH uluran yang merupakan derajat yang tinggi dari permukaan hidroksilasi. Volume kumulatif pori-pori dari xerogel sangat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan aerogel hasil pemisahan pelarut pada kondisi CO2 superkritik. Fase anatase TiO2 tidak terbentuk selama proses kristalisasi hingga kalsinasi sampai suhu 1000oC. Pengkristalan alumina terjadi secara langsung dari fasa amorf Al2O3 ke fasa α-Al2O3 dan fasa-fasa antara θ- dan γ-Al2O3 tidak teramati. Dari hasil tersebut dapat diperkirakan bahwa selama kalsinasi partikel TiO2 terpisah dari partikel Al2O3 membentuk inti atom rutil sebelum terbentuknya kristal α-Al2O3. Karena itu pembentukan fasa rutile TiO2 akan mempercepat terbentuknya fasa α-Al2O3. Keasaman campuran titania alumina setelah dikalsinasi pada suhu 500 oC lebih tinggi daripada oksidanya masing-masing, yaitu TiO2 dan Al2O3. Hal ini disebabkan oleh terbentuknya asam Lewis dari campuran titania-alumina

    Intrinsic Spin Hall Effect in s-wave Superconducting State: Analysis of Rashba Model

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    A general expression for the spin Hall conductivity (SHC) in the s-wave superconducting state at finite temperatures is derived. Based on the expression, we study the SHC in a two-dimensional electron gas model in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI). The SHC is zero in the normal state, whereas it takes a large negative value as soon as the superconductivity occurs, due to the change in the quasiparticle contributions. Since this remarkable behavior is independent of the strength of the SOI, it will be widely observed in thin films of superconductors with surface-induced Rashba SOI, or in various non-centrosymmetric superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Electronic susceptibilities in systems with anisotropic Fermi surfaces

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    The low temperature dependence of the spin and charge susceptibilities of an anisotropic electron system in two dimensions is analyzed. It is shown that the presence of inflection points at the Fermi surface leads, generically, to a TlogT T \log T dependence, and a more singular behavior, χT3/4logT\chi \sim T ^{3/4} \log T, is also possible. Applications to quasi two-dimensional materials are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, revtex 4 styl

    Giant Orbital Hall Effect in Transition Metals: Origin of Large Spin and Anomalous Hall Effects

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    In transition metals and their compounds, the orbital degrees of freedom gives rise to an orbital current, in addition to the ordinary spin and charge currents. We reveal that considerably large spin and anomalous Hall effects (SHE and AHE) observed in transition metals originate from an orbital Hall effect (OHE). To elucidate the origin of these novel Hall effects, a simple periodic s-d hybridization model is proposed as a generic model. The giant positive OHE originates from the orbital Aharonov-Bohm phase factor, and induces spin Hall conductivity that is proportional to the spin-orbit polarization at the Fermi level, which is positive (negative) in metals with more than (less than) half-filling.Comment: 5 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Giant Extrinsic Spin Hall Effect due to Rare-Earth Impurities

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    We investigate the extrinsic spin Hall effect in the electron gas model due to magnetic impurities, by focusing on Ce- and Yb-impurities. In the dilute limit, the skew scattering term dominates the side jump term. For Ce-impurities, the spin Hall angle αSH\alpha_{\rm SH} due to skew scattering is given by 8πsinδ2/7-8\pi\sin\delta_2/7, where δ2(1)\delta_2 (\ll 1) is the phase shift ford(l=2)d (l=2) partial wave. Since αSH\alpha_{\rm SH} reaches O(101)O(10^{-1}) if \delta_2 \simge 0.03, the spin Hall effect is anticipated to be considerable in metals with rare-earth impurities. The giant extrinsic SHE originates from the large orbital angular momentum, which is also significant for the intrinsic SHE.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published in New Journal of Physic

    Weak-coupling expansions for the attractive Holstein and Hubbard models

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    Weak-coupling expansions (conserving approximations) are carried out for the attractive Holstein and Hubbard models (on an infinite-dimensional hypercubic lattice) that include all bandstructure and vertex correction effects. Quantum fluctuations are found to renormalize transition temperatures by factors of order unity, but may be incorporated into the superconducting channel of Migdal-Eliashberg theory by renormalizing the phonon frequency and the interaction strength.Comment: 10 pages, (five figures available from the author by request) typeset with ReVTeX, preprint NSF-ITP-93-10