2,884 research outputs found

    Strategi Kampanye Politik Prabowo-hattadan Perang Pencitraan Di Media Massa Dalam Pemilu Presiden 2014

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    The President is a people's choice. Choose the president is our right as citizens of Republic Indonesia. However,what if there are only two candidate and bothare equally good or equally bad? Each candidate need apolitical campaign strategies to created a better image than its competitor. At September 2013, elektability Jokowi - JK much higher than Prabowo- Hatta. The difference between the candidates reached 38 percent base on LSI Survey. Jokowi will win even nominated withanyone. This is similar with the 2009 elections, anyone vice SBY, he would still be elected president with just one round. How political campaign strategies of Prabowo-Hatta can rise elektabilitycloser to Jokowi-JK.Now the latest LSI survey, June 2014, after the establishment of the candidates and the start of the presidential campaign, the difference between the candidates is only 6 percent (Jokowi 45.0 percent vs. 38.7 percent Prabowo). Truly remarkable leap elektabilitas to Prabowo-Hatta although ultimately still could not win the presidential election in 2014

    Perencanaan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Portable untuk Kegiatan Usaha Pencucian Mobil di Kota Surabaya

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    Pencemaran lingkungan yang terjadi di Kota Surabaya tidak terlepas dari kegiatan industri salah satunya yaitu USAha pencucian mobil. Hal tersebut berdampak pada penurunan kualitas lingkungan dikarenakan USAha pencucian mobil belum memiliki IPAL untuk mengolah limbah yang dihasilkan. Sehingga masih banyaknya USAha pencucian mobil yang membuang air limbah pencucian mobil langsung ke badan air tanpa diolah terlebih dahulu.Dimensi untuk masing-masing unit ­­pre-treatment yang terdiri dari oil trap dan sumur pengumpul sebesar 1,3m x 0,6m x 1 m dan 1 m x 1 m x 1 m. Sedangkan dimensi unit IPAL portable yang terdiri dari tangki septik, aerobik biofilter, dan bak penampung secara berturut-turut sebesar 1,7 m x 0,4 m x 1,2 m; 0,5 m x 0,4 m x 1,2 m sebanyak 2 kompartemen; dan dimensi unit bak penampung yang diperoleh dari lahan IPAL portable yang tersisa sebesar 0,7 m x 0,4 m x 1,2 m. Anggaran biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan unit pre-treatment sebesar Rp 1.590.000,00. Sedangkan untuk unit IPAL portable sebesar Rp 3.900.000,00

    Kandungan Nutrien Dan Kecernaan Bahan Kering In-vitro Limbah Udang Hasil Fermentasi Dengan Aspergillus Oryzae

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    The research aimed at evaluating the nutrient content and dry matter digestibility of aspergillus oryzae fermented shrimp waste meal. The material used are vannamei shrimp waste meal, A.oryzae isolate and chemical standard microbe growth. The research was arranged in completely randomized design with 4 treatments of time incubation (W0 = no fermentation; W1 = 24; W2 = 48 and W3 = 72 hours) with 3 replications. The variables measured were dry matter, organic matter, crude fat, crude fibre, crude protein and dry matter digestibility. The research showed that the nutrient of shrimp waste was changed after 72 hours incubation. The dry matter and organic matter were increased, but crude fibre, fat and crude protein were decreased with 1,67–2,02%, 6,13–6,87%, 0,20–2,065% and 3,48–5,84% respectively, and dry matter digestibility increased 9%

    Perlindungan Konsumen Terkait Regulasi Pencantuman Peringatan Kesehatan Pada Kemasan Dan Promosi Rokok

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    This research involved collecting the required information from primary, secondary and tertiary sources, then followed by conducting empirical research which took place in related government insititutions. The study found that the Regulation of The Health Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 of 2013 conflicts with Law Number 32 of 2009 on Broadcasting, also with P3SPS which is the code of broadcasting ethics issued by the Indonesian Broadcasting Commision. The supervision of Indonesia's National Agency of Food and Drug Control of Yogyakarta city is considered weak due to lack of authority, so that difficult to ensure consumer protection. IntisariPenelitian meliputi penelusuran bahan hukum yang bersifat primer, sekunder maupun tersier kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penelitian lapangan yang bertempat di beberapa institusi pemerintahan terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 28 Tahun 2013 bertentangan dengan UU No. 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, UU No. 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Penyiaran serta P3SPS sebagai kode etik penyiaran yang disusun oleh KPI. Pengawasan oleh BPOM di Yogyakarta dinilai lemah karena terbatasnya kewenangan, sehingga sulit menjamin perlindungan konsumen

    Analisis Penerapan Material Requirement Planning (Mrp) dengan Mempertimbangkan Lot Sizing dalam Pengendalian Persediaan Kebutuhan Bahan Baku Xoly untuk Pembuatan Alkyd 9337 pada PT. Pjc

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    [Application Analysis of Material Requirement Planning Considering Lot Sizing in Inventory Control for Raw Material Needs (Xoly) for Making Alkyd 9337 in PT. PJC] PT. PJC is one of the companies producing synthetic resin in Indonesia with a current production capacity of 46,110 tons / year, production produced is a semi-finished materials. One of the raw materials that have a problem is xoly. The raw material used to produce Alkyd 9337. The problems that occur in the raw materials xoly is the company booked too many raw materials that do not suit it needs. It certainly lead to overstock raw materials in the warehouse and demanded the company must pay more for storing raw material. The method used for this problem is the lotting from Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method. Based on calculations with 9 existing MRP method is obtained that Wagner Within Algorithm WWA results obtained Rp 3,416,073,100. WWA method is an optimal solution for booking a deterministic number of units during a specified time horizon

    Shear heating, flow, and friction of confined molecular fluids at high pressure

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    Understanding the molecular-scale behavior of fluids confined and sheared between solid surfaces is important for many applications, particularly tribology where this often governs the macroscopic frictional response. In this study, nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations are performed to investigate the effects of fluid and surface properties on the spatially resolved temperature and flow profiles, as well as friction. The severe pressure and shear rate conditions studied are representative of the elastohydrodynamic lubrication regime. In agreement with tribology experiments, flexible lubricant molecules give low friction, which increases linearly with logarithmic shear rate, while bulky traction fluids show higher friction, but a weaker shear rate dependence. Compared to lubricants, traction fluids show more significant shear heating and stronger shear localization. Models developed for macroscopic systems can be used to describe both the spatially resolved temperature profile shape and the mean film temperature rise. The thermal conductivity of the fluids increases with pressure and is significantly higher for lubricants compared to traction fluids, in agreement with experimental results. In a subset of simulations, the efficiency of the thermostat in one of the surfaces is reduced to represent surfaces with lower thermal conductivity. For these unsymmetrical systems, the flow and the temperature profiles become strongly asymmetric and some thermal slip can occur at the solid-fluid interface, despite the absence of velocity slip. The larger temperature rises and steeper velocity gradients in these cases lead to large reductions in friction, particularly at high pressure and shear rate

    Penerapan Strategi Genius Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Koloid di Kelas XI SMA Negeri 2 Siak Hulu

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    This research aims to know the improve of students learning achievement by using Genius Learning strategy on the topic of the colloid in class XI science senior high school 2 Siak Hulu. This research was experimental research with pretest-postest design. The sample of this research were students of class XI science 4 as the experimental research and students of class XI science 3 as a control class that has been randomly selected after a test of normally and homogenity test. Experiment class is a class that is applied Genius Learning strategy while the control class was not. Data analysis technique used is t-test. Based on analysis of the data obtained tcount > ttable is 1,89 > 1,67, it is mean that the apllication of Genius Learning strategy can improved students learning achievement on the topic of the colloid in class XI science senior high school 2 Siak Hulu. The category improvement of student achievement at experiment class was high category with N-gain normalized is 0,79. Meanwhile, the category improvement of student achievement in control class was medium category with N-gain normalized is 0,68. Genius Learning strategy can activate the students in learning process to improve the students achievement in learning

    Penggunaan Accelerometer dan Magnetometer pada Sistem Real TIME Tracking Indoor Position untuk Studi Kasus pada Gedung Teknik Informatika ITS

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    Indoor Positioning System (IPS) menggunakan perangkat mobile seperti smartphone masih menjadi permasalahan yang menantang. Seperti GPS yang tidak bekerja secara akurat di dalam gedung, IPS juga memiliki kelemahan yaitu sangat bergantung pada infrastruktur gedung seperti sinyal WiFi yang terkadang tidak tersebar secara merata di seluruh bagian gedung, sehingga membuat sistem ini terkadang tidak dapat bekerja secara optimal dan real time di setiap bagian gedung. Untuk itulah dikembangkan IPS yang menggunakan sensor gerak seperti accelerometer dan magnetometer sebagai tambahan untuk melakukan update posisi secara real time dengan mendeteksi langkah dan arah hadap pengguna saat berjalan. Pertama, posisi awal pengguna harus ditentukan terlebih dahulu misalnya menggunakan sinyal WiFi yang diproses melalui klasifikasi. Setelah posisi pengguna telah ditentukan, sistem akan mendeteksi pergerakan pengguna secara real time menggunakan sensor gerak. Uji coba dilakukan menggunakan studi kasus gedung Teknik Informatika lantai tiga. Hasil yang diberikan pada saat pengujian memberikan performa yang cukup baik dengan rata-rata persentase akurasi untuk pendeteksian langkah dan estimasi arah hadap pengguna adalah sebesar 94,8% dan 94,48%
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