871 research outputs found

    Observations of VLF hiss at very low L values

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    VLF radio noise at low altitudes near magnetic equator from Injun III satellite observation

    VLF electric and magnetic fields observed with the Javelin 8.45 sounding rocket

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    Very low frequency electric and magnetic fields in ionosphere observed by Javelin 8.4

    Double probe measurements of dc electric fields with the Injun 5 satellite

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    Injun 5 double probe measurements of dc fields in magnetospher

    Determination of hydrogen ion concentration, electron density and proton gyrofrequency from the dispersion of proton whistlers

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    Hydrogen ion concentration, electron density, and proton gyrofrequency near satellites from asymptotic frequency-time profile of proton whistler near proton gyrofrequenc

    Correlation of bow shock plasma wave turbulence with solar wind parameters

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    The r.m.s. field strengths of electrostatic and electromagnetic turbulence in the earth's bow shock, measured in the frequency range 20 Hz to 200 kHz with IMP-6 satellite, are found to correlate with specific solar wind parameters measured upstream of the bow shock

    Plasma physics abstracts, 1 January 1966 through 31 December 1967

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    Bibliography containing 26 references with abstracts on plasma physics research, 1966-196

    Observations of 8-amu/unit charge ion cyclotron whistlers

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    Ion cyclotron whistler in very low frequency noise observations with Injun 5 satellit

    Thermal and suprathermal plasma densities in the outer magnetosphere

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    Using the low-frequency cutoff of electromagnetic noise trapped in the magnetosphere at frequencies above the local plasma frequency, it is now possible to make very accurate, + or - 1%, electron density measurements in the low density region between the magnetopause and plasmapause. This technique for measuring the total plasma density was used, together with measurements of the suprathermal proton intensities with the LEPEDEA instrumentation on the IMP-6 spacecraft, to determine the thermal proton densities in the region between the plasmapause and magnetopause. Although the thermal protons usually account for a significant fraction, approximately 50%, of the total proton density in this region, in some cases, particularly at the larger radial distances the density of the thermal protons sometimes drops to a very small fraction, 5%, of the total density and nearly all of the plasma consists of suprathermal particles

    Observed relationships between electric fields and auroral particle precipitation

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    Simultaneous electric field and plasma observations with the low altitude, polar orbiting satellite Injun (Hawkeye) 5 provided a comprehensive survey of convection electric fields and their association with magnetospheric plasma phenomena. The most prominent features of the convection electric fields are reversals located at high magnetic latitudes, with generally anti sunward convection poleward convection equatorward of the electric field reversal location. The electric field reversal is interpreted as the boundary between open and closed magnetic field lines. To investigate the electric field and plasma interrelationships during a polar magnetic substorm, a series of passes obtained prior to and during a substrom is presented. Large, anti sunward convection velocities were detected over the polar cap several tens of minutes before the onset of the expansive phase of the substrom. These convection velocities gradually decreased during the decay phase of the substrom. Measurements of enhanced anti sunward flow over the polar cap region are generally consistent with concepts of the origin of substroms

    Theory of the Injun 5 VLF Poynting flux measurements

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    VLF Poynting flux measurement technique used on Injun 5 satellit