595 research outputs found

    Free convection in the Matian atmosphere

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    The 'free convective' regime for the Martian atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) was investigated. This state occurs when the mean windspeed at the top of the ABL drops below some critical value U(sub c) and positive buoyant forces are present. Such forces can arise either from vertical temperature or water vapor gradients across the atmospheric surface layer. During free convection, buoyant forces drive narrow plumes that ascend to the inversion height with a return circulation consisting of broad slower-moving downdraughts. Horizontal pressure, temperature, windspeed, and water vapor fluctuations resulting form this circulation pattern can be quite large adjacent to the ground (within the surface layer). The local turbulent fluctuations cause non-zero mean surface stresses, sensible heat fluxes, and latent heat fluxes, even when the mean regional windspeed is zero. Although motions above the surface layer are insensitive to the nature of the surface, the sensible and latent heat fluxes are primarily controlled by processes within the interfacial sublayer immediately adjacent to the ground during free convection. Thus the distinction between aerodynamically smooth and rough airflow within the interfacial sublayer is more important than for the more typical situation where the mean regional windspeed is greater than U(sub c). Buoyant forces associated with water vapor gradients are particularly large on Mars at low pressures and high temperatures when the surface relative humidity is 100 percent, enhancing the likelihood of free convection under these conditions. On this basis, Ingersol postulated the evaporative heat losses from an icy surface on Mars at 237 K and current pressures would exceed the available net radiative flux at the surface, thus prohibiting ice from melting at low atmospheric pressures. Schumann has developed equations describing the horizontal fluctuations and mean vertical gradients occurring during free convection. Schumann's model was generalized to include convection driven by water vapor gradients and to include the effects of circulation above both aerodynamically smooth and rough surfaces


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    This study analyzed the effects that the use of crop insurance products and marketing alternatives had on the gross revenue per acre for an individual farm in Cass County. Crop insurance products and marketing strategies were analyzed individually to determine if they were effective in minimizing down side risk, and combined to determine if integration created synergies. A whole farm scenario analysis was run that included integrated strategies that implemented the same insurance coverage and marketing alternatives for each crop. Several general conclusions can be drawn for situations similar to the representative farm. When analyzed at the individual crop level, the use of crop insurance at the 65 percent level minimizes down side risk in wheat and corn, but not significantly in soybeans. Marketing alternatives generally increase the up side potential of gross revenue per acre, while doing little to minimize the down side risk. The integration of crop insurance products and marketing alternatives create a synergy at the lower levels of value at risk, where the down side risk is located. However, the use of integrated strategies does not increase the chances of achieving a cash flow breakeven gross revenue per acre over the base strategy, which did not include insurance or marketing alternatives. The breakeven level is not reached until the 70 percent level, which means that 7 out of 10 years, the farm will not cash flow. Output from the Bullock and AgRisk models are similar. This study may be used as a guide for producers and analysts in studying risk management strategies. To assist in the individual decision making process, further study will need to be done with yield data and budgets for the individual farm.risk, management, strategy, yield, price, insurance, market, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Free convection in the Martian atmosphere

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    Researchers investigated the free convective regime for the Martian atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). Researchers generalized Schumann's model describing horizontal fluctuations and mean vertical gradients occurring during free convection to include convection driven by water vapor gradients and to include the effects of circulation above both aerodynamically smooth and rough surfaces. Applying the model to Mars, researchers found that nearly all the resistance to sensible and latent heat transfer in the ABL occurs within the thin interfacial sublayer at the surface. Free convection is found to readily occur at low pressures and high temperatures when surface ice is present. At 7 mb, the ABL should freely convect whenever the mean windspeed at the top of the surface layer drops below about 2.5 m s(-1) and surface temperatures exceed 250 K. Mean horizontal fluctuations within the surface layer are found to be as high as 3 m (-1) for windspeed, 0.5 K for temperature, and 10 (-4) kg m (-3) for water vapor density. Airflow over surfaces similar to the Antarctic Polar Plateau was found to be aerodynamically smooth on Mars during free convection for all pressures between 6 and 1000 mb, while surfaces with z sub o approx. equals 1 cm are aerodynamically rough over this pressure range

    Characteristics of the Martian atmosphere surface layer

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    Elements of various terrestrial boundary layer models are extended to Mars in order to estimate sensible heat, latent heat, and momentum fluxes within the Martian atmospheric surface ('constant flux') layer. The atmospheric surface layer consists of an interfacial sublayer immediately adjacent to the ground and an overlying fully turbulent surface sublayer where wind-shear production of turbulence dominates buoyancy production. Within the interfacial sublayer, sensible and latent heat are transported by non-steady molecular diffusion into small-scale eddies which intermittently burst through this zone. Both the thickness of the interfacial sublayer and the characteristics of the turbulent eddies penetrating through it depend on whether airflow is aerodynamically smooth or aerodynamically rough, as determined by the Roughness Reynold's number. Within the overlying surface sublayer, similarity theory can be used to express the mean vertical windspeed, temperature, and water vapor profiles in terms of a single parameter, the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter. To estimate the molecular viscosity and thermal conductivity of a CO2-H2O gas mixture under Martian conditions, parameterizations were developed using data from the TPRC Data Series and the first-order Chapman-Cowling expressions; the required collision integrals were approximated using the Lenard-Jones potential. Parameterizations for specific heat and binary diffusivity were also determined. The Brutsart model for sensible and latent heat transport within the interfacial sublayer for both aerodynamically smooth and rough airflow was experimentally tested under similar conditions, validating its application to Martian conditions. For the surface sublayer, the definition of the Monin-Obukhov length was modified to properly account for the buoyancy forces arising from water vapor gradients in the Martian atmospheric boundary layer. It was found that under most Martian conditions, the interfacial and surface sublayers offer roughly comparable resistance to sensible heat and water vapor transport and are thus both important in determining the associated fluxes

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPeriodic temperature measurements in the DOI/GTN-P Deep Borehole Array on the western Arctic Slope of Alaska have shown a strong near-surface permafrost warming over the last 40 years, particularly since ∼ 1990. Due to the manner in which these deep wells were drilled, the portion of the observed permafrost warming caused by climate change has remained unclear. Other factors that have strongly influenced temperatures near the wellbores include the heat deposited into permafrost during drilling and local-landscape changes associated with drilling operations (creation of reserve pits and drill pads). Multidimensional heat-transfer models capable of assessing the magnitude of the drilling and local-landscape disturbances near the wellbores have not been available. For the western Arctic Slope, such models must be capable of simulating heat-transfer processes in layered fine-grained mudrocks whose thermal properties are highly nonlinear due to the occurrence of unfrozen water at temperatures well below 0°C. An assessment of the drilling and landscape-change effects also requires knowledge of the specific thermophysical properties occurring at the well sites. Little information has been available about these properties on the western Arctic Slope. To establish the portion of the observed permafrost warming related to drilling and landscape-change effects, multidimensional (2-D cylindrical, 3-D cartesian) numerical heat-transfer models were created that simulate heat flow in layered heterogenous materials surrounding a wellbore, phase changes, and the unfrozen water properties of a wide range of fine-grained sediments. Using these models in conjunction with the borehole temperature measurements, the mean thermophysical properties of permafrost rock units on the western Arctic Slope were determined using an optimization process. Incorporation of local meteorological information into the optimization allows a more refined estimate of the thermal properties to be determined at a well site. Applying this methodology to the East Simpson #1 well on the Beaufort Sea coast (70°55.046'N, 154°37.286'W), the freezing point of permafrost is found to be -1.05°C at this site and thermal diffusivities range 0.22-0.40 × 10 -6 m2 s-1. Accounting for the drilling and landscape-change effects, tundra adjacent to East Simpson is found to have warmed 5.1 K since the mid-1880s. Of this, 3.1 K (60%) of the warming has occurred since 1970