10,868 research outputs found

    Resolution of Cosmological Singularity and a Plausible Mechanism of the Big Bang

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    The initial cosmological singularity in the framework of the general theory of relativity is resolved by introducing the effect of the uncertainty principle of quantum theory without violating conventional laws of physics. A plausible account of the mechanism of the big bang, analogous to that of a nuclear explosion, is given and the currently accepted Planck temperature of about 10^(32)K at the beginning of the big bang is predicted. Subj-class: cosmology: theory-pre-big bang; mechanism of the big bang.Comment: 5 pages, LaTex, Talk given at INPC 2001. To be published by the American Institute of Physics in the Proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference that took place at the University of California campus in Berkeley, California on July 30-August 3,200

    Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Missing Hydrogen Mass in the Universe

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    It is proposed that when the era of the big-bang nucleosynthesis ended, almost all of the 75 percent of the observed total baryonic matter remained in the form of hydrogen and continued to exist in the form of protons and electrons. They are present today as baryonic dark matter in the form of intergalactic hydrogen plasma. To test our hypothesis we have investigated the effects of Thomson scattering by free electrons on the reported dimming of Type Ia supernovae. The quantitative results of our calculation suggest that the dimming of these supernovae, which are dimmer than expected and hence more distant than predicted by Hubble expansion, is a result of Thomson scattering without cosmic acceleration.Comment: A typographical error in equation (7) page 3 has been correcte

    Unparticle physics in diphoton production at the CERN LHC

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    We have considered the di-photon production with unparticle at LHC. The contributions of spin-0 and spin-2 unparticle to the di-photon production are studied in the invariant mass and other kinematical distributions, along with their dependencies on the model dependent parameters. The signal corresponding to the unparticle is significant for moderate coupling constant values.Comment: 17 pages, 15 eps figure

    Unparticle physics in top pair signals at the LHC and ILC

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    We study the effects of unparticle physics in the pair productions of top quarks at the LHC and ILC. By considering vector, tensor and scalar unparticle operators, as appropriate, we compute the total cross sections for pair production processes depending on scale dimension d_{\U}. We find that the existence of unparticles would lead to measurable enhancements on the SM predictions at the LHC. In the case of ILC this may become two orders of magnitude larger than that of SM, for smaller values of d_\U, a very striking signal for unparticles.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, analysis for ILC has been adde

    Unitarity constraints on the stabilized Randall-Sundrum scenario

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    Recently proposed stabilization mechanism of the Randall-Sundrum metric gives rise to a scalar radion, which couples universally to matter with a weak interaction (≃1\simeq 1 TeV) scale. Demanding that gauge boson scattering as described by the effective low enerrgy theory be unitary upto a given scale leads to significant constraints on the mass of such a radion.Comment: 10 page Latex 2e file including 4 postscript figures. Accepted in Journal of Physics

    Fractal Inspired Models of Quark and Gluon Distributions and Longitudinal Structure Function FL(x, Q2) at small x

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    In recent years, Fractal Inspired Models of quark and gluon densities at small x have been proposed. In this paper, we investigate longitudinal structure function F-L (x, Q2) within this approach. We make predictions using the QCD based approximate relation between the longitudinal structure function and the gluon density. As the Altarelli-Martinelli equation for the longitudinal structure function cannot be applied to Model I due to the presence of a singularity in the Bjorken x-space we consider Model II only. The qualitative feature of the prediction of Model II is found to be compatible with the QCD expectation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication on 10-07-2010 in Indian Journal of Physic

    CP violation at colliders

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    The prospects of experimental detection of CPCP violation at e+e−e^+e^- and pp/pp‾pp/p\overline{p} colliders are reviewed. After a general discussion on the quantities which can measure CPCP violation and on the implications of the CPTCPT theorem, various possibilities of measuring CPCP violation arising outside the standard model are taken up. CPCP violation in leptonic processes, especially polarization effects in e+e−→l+l−e^+e^-\rightarrow l^+l^- are discussed next. CPCP violation in tt‾t\overline{t} and W+W−W^+W^- production and decay is also described. (Based on talk presented at the WHEPP3, Madras, January 1994).Comment: 20 pages, latex, no figures (only revision is the comment that the article is based on a talk presented at WHEPP3, Madras, January 1994
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