113 research outputs found

    Cancer stem cells in colorectal cancer

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    The cancer stem cell theory suggests that tumors grow like normal tissues of the body, with stem cells at the starting point of an organized system that produces new cells to make a tissue grow. According to this idea, tumors contain: Cancer stem cells that divide and feed tumour growth. These cells can self-renew (copy themselves) extensively, and also produce more mature cells called transit amplifying cells-..

    Cancer stem cells in colorectal cancer

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    The cancer stem cell theory suggests that tumors grow like normal tissues of the body, with stem cells at the starting point of an organized system that produces new cells to make a tissue grow. According to this idea, tumors contain: Cancer stem cells that divide and feed tumour growth. These cells can self-renew (copy themselves) extensively, and also produce more mature cells called transit amplifying cells-..

    Construction of large scale boolean logic based pathways of colorectal cancer stem cells

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    Despite advances in the post-genomic era, which allowed for generation of an impressive amount of biological data, representing the whole network of biological interactions, gene regulating networks and signaling pathways in a unified temple and coherent way is still a challenging task. Here we performed analysis of upregulated molecular networks found in colorectal cancer stem cells (CCSC)

    Pre-clinical evaluation of an adult extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal system for pediatric application

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    Adult extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) systems and pediatric ECMO share the common objectives of having a low blood flow rate and low priming volume while safely maintaining sufficient respiratory support. The Hemolung is a highly simplified adult ECCO2R system intended for partial respiratory support in adult patients with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure

    The Russian Graphosphere: The Perspective of a British Scholar

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    The article was submitted on 12.01.2022.Рецензия на: Франклин С. Русская графосфера, 1450–1850 / пер. с англ. Т. В. Ковалевской. – СПб. : Дмитрий Буланин, 2020. – 568 с. В рецензии рассматривается монография «Русская графосфера, 1450–1850» (2020) известного британского ученого С. Франклина, специалиста по византийской и русской средневековой истории. Монография представляет собой переработанный для русского читателя авторизованный перевод исследования, вышедшего на английском языке годом раньше. Книга содержит систематический обзор различных памятников русского письма за 400 лет начиная с середины XV в. За обзором следуют несколько проблемных очерков, касающихся технологии письма, примененной в каждом отдельном случае. Внимание ученого сосредоточено на визуальном аспекте памятников письма, на их функциях и взаимодействии как совокупности видимых слов. Автор представляет себе письменные источники в виде системы зрительно воспринимаемых сигналов. Эту систему ученый предложил называть графосферой. Графосфера описывается в ее динамике, соотносится с развитием общества и культуры. Рецензент признает монографию выдающимся научным трудом, открывающим новые горизонты для будущих исторических разысканий. Одновременно рецензент выражает сожаление по поводу того, что история именно русской графосферы как особого феномена отчасти теряется в книге на фоне типологически сходных процессов, которые разворачивались по всей Европе.Review of: Franklin, S. (2020). Russkaya grafosfera, 1450–1850 [The Russian Graphosphere, 1450–1850] / transl. by T. V. Kovalevskaya. St Petersburg, Dmitrii Bulanin. 568 p. This review examines The Russian Graphosphere, 1450–1850 (2020) by Simon Franklin, a well-known British specialist in Byzantine and mediaeval Russian history. The book is an authorised Russian translation; the original was published in English a year before. The book contains a reference guide to different types of Russian writing over a period of four hundred years, starting from the mid-fifteenth century. In the book, an overview is followed by a series of case studies on controversial issues dealing with the writing technology that was applied in a particular case. The author focuses his attention on the visual aspect of the writings, their functions, and their interaction as a set of visible words. Franklin considers the written sources a system of visually distinguishable signals and calls the system a graphosphere. The graphosphere is described in its dynamics and correlated with the development of society and culture. The reviewer regards the monograph as an outstanding academic work that opens new paths for future historical research. However, he also expresses regret that the history of the Russian graphosphere, which can be seen as a special phenomenon, is partly lost in the book against the background of identical processes that took place around Europe.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Российского научного фонда, проект № 20-18-00171

    Evaluation of extracorporeal gas exchange device hemolung for potential application in pediatric practice

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    The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the Hemolung pumping ability and gas exchange effectiveness while using the catheters of smaller diameter and blood flow rates applied in pediatrics

    Evaluation of extracorporeal gas exchange device hemolung for potential application in pediatric practice

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    The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the Hemolung pumping ability and gas exchange effectiveness while using the catheters of smaller diameter and blood flow rates applied in pediatrics

    Pre-clinical evaluation of an adult extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal system for pediatric application

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    Adult extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) systems and pediatric ECMO share the common objectives of having a low blood flow rate and low priming volume while safely maintaining sufficient respiratory support. The Hemolung is a highly simplified adult ECCO2R system intended for partial respiratory support in adult patients with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure

    Spatial and Wavenumber Resolution of Doppler Reflectometry

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    Doppler reflectometry spatial and wavenumber resolution is analyzed within the framework of the linear Born approximation in slab plasma model. Explicit expression for its signal backscattering spectrum is obtained in terms of wavenumber and frequency spectra of turbulence which is assumed to be radially statistically inhomogeneous. Scattering efficiency for both back and forward scattering (in radial direction) is introduced and shown to be inverse proportional to the square of radial wavenumber of the probing wave at the fluctuation location thus making the spatial resolution of diagnostics sensitive to density profile. It is shown that in case of forward scattering additional localization can be provided by the antenna diagram. It is demonstrated that in case of backscattering the spatial resolution can be better if the turbulence spectrum at high radial wavenumbers is suppressed. The improvement of Doppler reflectometry data localization by probing beam focusing onto the cut-off is proposed and described. The possibility of Doppler reflectometry data interpretation based on the obtained expressions is shown.Comment: http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/46/114