16 research outputs found

    Poboljšavanje svojstava brzoreznog čelika 1.3302u vrućem stanju

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    Laboratory investigation of hot workability of 1.3302 high speed steel was carried out and its improving was achieved. Hot compression tests for the determination of optimal soaking temperature as well as for the study of hot workability in temperature range 1150-850 ºC, strain rates range 0,001-6 s–1 and applied strain up to 0,9 were performed. Microstructure of deformed specimen was analyzed. Apparent activation energies for hot working for upper and for lower temperature range were calculated. Onsets of dynamical recrystallization for applied deformation conditions on the basis of calculated strain hardening ratewere determined. Extending of hot working temperature range at its lower limit, i.e. down to 850 ºC, by applying optimal soaking temperature was obtained.Data su laboratorijska istraživanja prerađivačkih svojstva brzoreznog čelika 1.3302 u vrućem stanju koji su doprinijeli poboljšanju tih svojstava. Izvedeni su pokusi vrućeg sabijanja za određivanje temperature zagrijavanja kao i prerađivačkih svojstva u temperaturnom rasponu 1 150-850 ºC, brzinom deformacije 0,001-6 s–1 i stupnja deformacije do 0,9. Analizirana je mikrostruktura deformiranih proba.Izračunane su prividne aktivacijske energije za vruću preradu za gornje i donje temperaturno područje. Počeci dinamičke rekristalizacije za primijenjene uvjete deformacije utvrđeni su na temelju izračuna brzine deformacijskog očvršćavanja. Primjenjujući optimalno temperaturu zagrijavanja dobiveno je povećanje vrućeg radnog temperaturnog raspona na svojoj donjoj granici, odnosno do 850 ºC

    Increasing of hot workability of 1.3302HIGH speed steel

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    Laboratory investigation of hot workability of 1.3302 high speed steel was carried out and its improving was achieved. Hot compression tests for the determination of optimal soaking temperature as well as for the study of hot workability in temperature range 1150-850 ºC, strain rates range 0,001-6 s<sup>–1/sup> and applied strain up to 0,9 were performed. Microstructure of deformed specimen was analyzed. Apparent activation energies for hot working for upper and for lower temperature range were calculated. Onsets of dynamical recrystallization for applied deformation conditions on the basis of calculated strain hardening ratewere determined. Extending of hot working temperature range at its lower limit, i.e. down to 850 ºC, by applying optimal soaking temperature was obtained

    Problemi kod reparaturnog zavarivanja alatnog čelika sa duplex zaštitom

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    The present paper addresses problems in laser welding of die-cast tools used for aluminum pressure die-castings and plastic moulds. To extend life cycle of tools various surface improvements are used. These surface improvements significantly reduce weldability of the material. This paper presents development of defects in repair welding of duplex-treated tool steel. The procedure is aimed at reduction of defects by the newly developed repair laser welding techniques. Effects of different repair welding process parameters and techniques are considered. A microstructural analysis is conducted to detect defect formation and reveal the best laser welding method for duplex-treated tools.U radu su istraženi problemi kod laserskog zavarivanja alata za lijevanje u industriji tlačnog lijeva aluminija ili plastike. Za produženje života alata primjenjena su različita poboljšanja površine. Ovakva poboljšanja značajno smanjaju sposobnost materijala za zavarivanje. U radu se opisuje razvoj grešaka kod reparaturog zavarivanja alatnog čelika sa dupleks zaštitom. Nametnuta procedura nastoji smanjiti greške sa novom zavarivnom tehnikom. Proučeni su I efekti različitih parametra procesa i tehnika zavarivanja. Mikrostrukturnim istraživanjima nastoju se naći greške za odabir najboljeg postupka za lasersko zavarivanje alata za dupleks zaštitom

    Problems in repair-welding of duplex-treated tool steels

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    The present paper addresses problems in laser welding of die-cast tools used for aluminum pressure die-castings and plastic moulds. To extend life cycle of tools various surface improvements are used. These surface improvements significantly reduce weldability of the material. This paper presents development of defects in repair welding of duplex-treated tool steel. The procedure is aimed at reduction of defects by the newly developed repair laser welding techniques. Effects of different repair welding process parameters and techniques are considered. A microstructural analysis is conducted to detect defect formation and reveal the best laser welding method for duplex-treated tools

    Quantification of hydrogen trapping in multiphase steels:Part II – Effect of austenite morphology

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    We tackle the role of austenite in multiphase steels on hydrogen diffusion systematically for the first time, considering a range of factors such as morphology, interface kinetics and the additional effect of point traps using both experiments and modelling. This follows the findings from part I where we showed that austenite cannot be parametrised and modelled as point traps under the assumption of local equilibrium, unlike grain boundaries and dislocations. To solve this, we introduce a 2D hydrogen diffusion model accounting for the difference in diffusivities and solubilities between the phases. We first revisit the as-quenched martensite permeation results from part I and show that the extremely low H diffusivity there can be partly explained with the new description of austenite but is partly likely due to quench vacancies. We then also look at the H absorption and desorption rates in a duplex steel as a case study using a combination of simulations and experiments. The rates are shown to depend heavily on austenite morphology and the kinetics of H transition from ferrite to austenite and that an energy barrier is likely associated to this transition. We show that H diffusion through the ferrite matrix and austenite islands proceeds at similar rates and the assumption of negligible concentration gradients in ferrite occasionally applied in the literature is a poor approximation. This approach is also applicable to other austenite-containing steels as well as other multiphase alloys

    Grain boundary carbides as hydrogen diffusion barrier in a Fe-Ni alloy: A thermal desorption and modelling study

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    © 2018 A significant decrease in hydrogen absorption in the presence of grain boundary carbides compared to the carbide-free microstructure in the Ni-based HR6W alloy was measured by thermal desorption analysis (TDA). This novel observation is at odds with numerous existing reports – precipitate-rich microstructures generally absorb more hydrogen due to trapping effects. This discrepancy can only be explained by grain boundary diffusion which is known to be fast in Ni-based alloys. It is proposed that grain boundary diffusion is hindered by carbides, resulting in decreased hydrogen absorption. Further experimental evidence corroborates the hypothesis. In addition, a diffusion model was developed to quantify the experimental results, incorporating trapping, grain boundary diffusion and temperature effects. It was successfully applied to the reported TDA data as well as additional diffusion data from the literature. A parametric analysis showed that hydrogen absorption scales strongly with grain size and grain boundary diffusivity while grain boundary segregation energy has a much lower impact. The results of the study point at grain boundary precipitation as a possible means of hydrogen embrittlement mitigation in Ni alloys and austenitic stainless steels.EPSRC: EP/H022309/1 and EP/H500375/1 Royal Academy of Engineering for Research Fellowship fundin