18 research outputs found

    Epizootiological-and-Epidemiological Situation in Natural Tularemia Foci of the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts in 2011, and Prognosis for 2012

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    Presented is a piece of information about the situation in natural tularemia foci and human morbidity in the territory of Siberia and Far East in 2011. Outlined is the prognosis of epizootic situation for 2012. In 2011, sporadic morbidity was registered in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, and Omsk Regions. Isolated cases of the disease were identified in the Altai Territory, in the Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district, and the Sakhalin Region. Specified is the fact that in 2011 epizooties were of a local scale, and the situation on tularemia on the whole was favorable. Nevertheless, the possibility of aggravation of the situation in some territories in 2012 is not ruled out completely

    The First Case of <I>Yersinia pestis</I> subsp. <I>pestis</I> Isolation in the Territory of the Altai Mountain Natural Plague Focus. Communication 2. Probable Ways and Mechanisms of Plague Agent Main Subspesies Importation into the Territory of the Focus

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    Analysis of the epizootical situation in the North-West Mongolia and bordering regions of Russia has revealed the fact that plague agent of the main ssp., for the first time ever isolated in the Altai mountain natural plague focus in 2012, is imported from Serkh-Munkh-Khairkhan, which stands approximately 240 km away from it on the straight. It has been demonstrated that possibility of Yersinia pestis ssp. pestis transfer into the territory of Gorny Altai via slow natural migration of infected rodents, lagomorphs and their ectoparasites, as well as transmission by birds or terrestrial varmints in the mountainous environment over that large distance even within the period of several decades, is extremely negligible. The situation is conditioned by the presence of numerous physical-geographical barriers between the two regions involved and ecological peculiarities of the plague vectors and carriers. It is more likely that the agent of the main spp. has appeared in Gorny Altai due to the importation of infected fleas with isabelline wheatear ( Ocenanthe isabellina ) during a spring migration

    Modern Conception of the Control over the Abundance of Carriers and Vectors of Plague in the Territory of the Russian Federation

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    Disinfestation and deratization remain the main ways of non-specific disease prophylaxis in natural plague foci. Modern strategies, tactics, methods and means of control over carriers and vectors of plague and associated infectious diseases are selected with due consideration to epidemiological potential of territories, epizootic activity of a foci, peculiarities of population ecology of animals that are of a medical significance, preservation of biodiversity in natural ecosystems, and the requirements for human and natural environments protection from pollutants

    Epizootic Activity of Natural Plague Foci in the Territory of the Russian Federation in 2011, and Prognosis for 2012

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    Carried out is the assessment of epizootic activity of natural plague foci in the Russian Federation and in the Republic of Kazakhstan during the period of 2000-2010. It is specified that 38 plague microbe strains have been isolated in the territory of the Russian Federation, the total area of epizooties being 882,5 km2. Plague microbe strains are isolated in the territory of East-Caucasian high-mountain and Altai mountain natural foci. Identified are the reasons of low epizootic activity of plain and low-mountain natural plague foci in the Russian Federation. Outlined is the role of climatic factors in the development of current intense depression in numbers of carriers and vectors of plague. Put forward is the prognosis on the low epizootic activity of the natural plague foci in the Russian Federation in 2012. It is substantiated that the emergence of local epizooties in 2012 is to take place in the territory of Altai mountain, Tuvin mountain and East-Caucasian high-mountain natural plague foci

    The First Case of <I>Yersinia Pestis</I> Subsp. <I>Pestis</I> Isolation in the Territory of Altai Mountain Natural Plague Focus. Communication 1. Microbiological Characteristics, Molecular-Genetic and Mass-Spectrometric Identification of the Isolate

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    Performed is a complex microbiological, molecular-genetic and mass-spectrometric identification of Yersinia pestis main ssp. strain, which was isolated for the first time in the history of surveillance over the Altai mountain natural plague focus in June, 2012. Determined is its high universal virulence. Plasmid screening, multi-locus VNTR- and mass-spectrometric analyses have revealed the strain to be more closely related to the plague agent variant, circulating in the territory of the natural focus Khuukh-Serkh-Munkh-Khairkhan, Bayan-Ulā€™giisk aimak, Mongolia

    Epizootic Activity of Natural Plague Foci in the Russian Federation in 2013 and Prognosis for the Year of 2014

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    Analyzed are the data of the epizootiologic survey of plague enzootic territories in Russia in 2013. Evaluated are the numbers of major carriers and vectors as well as the epizootic activity of natural foci of different types. Analysis of preconditions for decrease of epizootic potential of plague natural foci of Caucasus, Altai and Tyva is carried out. Single findings of infected fleas are registered at the sites of steady focality in the territory of Pre-Caspian lowland. Forecast of epizootic situation for 2014 is presented. Marked is raising probability that Volga-Ural sandy and Central Caucasian high-mountain plague foci would get out of the inter-epizootic period state. Substantiated are the possibility of plague epizootics continuation and their intensity in Pre-Caspian sandy, Altai and Tyva mountain, and Eastern-Caucasus high-mountain plague natural foci

    Epizootic Activity of Natural Plague Foci in the Territory of the Russian Federation in 2014 and Prognosis for 2015

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    . Isolated were 128 plague agent strains: from rodents and lagomorphs - 24, 103 - from bloodsucking arthropods. One strain was obtained from a patient in the territory of Gorno-Altaisk high-mountain natural plague focus. Substantiated has been epizootiological prognosis claiming persistent challenging epidemiological situation in the foci. Outlined is the necessity to use epizootiological forecasting as the basis for scheduling and carrying out epidemiological monitoring and preventive measures in active natural plague foci. Due to the varying epidemiological significance of Y. pestis ssp. pestis , Y. pestis ssp. caucasica , and Y. pestis ssp. altaica strains the data on their spatial distribution should be deployed for differentiation of focal areas according to the degree of the potential epidemic hazard

    Epizootic Activity of Natural Plague Foci in the Russian Federation in 2012 and Prognosis for the Year of 2013

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    Integrated are the data on the number of major carriers and vectors as well as the epizootic activity of natural foci of plague of different types in the territory of Russia in 2012. Submitted is the short-term forecast of epizootic situation for 2013. Analyzed are the reasons of current low epizootic activity of plain natural foci of plague. The role of climatic factors in the development of long inter-epizootic periods in plague natural foci in the Pre-Caucasus, Pre-Caspian regions and Siberia is discussed. Assessed is the change of potential epidemiologic hazard of plague-enzootic territories under the current warming of climate. The long-term forecast of epizootic activity of natural plague foci for the period of up to 2020 is substantiated

    Improvement of Epidemiological Surveillance of Natural Plague Foci of the Russian Federation and the Forecast of Their Epizootic Activity for 2023

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    The aim of the work was to assess the epidemic situation on plague in the world and epizootic activity of natural plague foci of the Russian Federation in 2022. Following the implementation of comprehensive preventive interventions plans, there was a decrease in the epizootic activity of the Gorno-Altai high-mountain and Tuva mountain natural foci, the cessation of plague epizootics in the Central Caucasian high-mountain focus. The total area of epizootics in the Russian Federation in 2022 reached 248.3 km2, which is 7 times less than in 2021. Infected animals were not found in the Tersko-Sunzhensky low-mountain, Dagestan plain-piedmont, Caspian North-Western steppe, Volga-Ural steppe, Trans-Baikal steppe, Volga-Ural sandy, Caspian sandy, East Caucasian high-mountain natural foci. Persistence of tense epizootiological situation in 2023 is predicted for the territory of the Altai Republic and the Republic of Tuva. The prospects of using the GIS portal of the Russian Anti-Plague Institute ā€œMicrobeā€ of the Rospotrebnadzor for an operational assessment of the actual epidemiological situation in natural plague foci are substantiated

    Enhancement of Epidemiological Surveillance in Natural Plague Foci of the Russian Federation and Forecast of Epizootic Activity for 2022

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    The aim of the research was to assess epizootic activity of natural plague foci in the Russian Federation in 2021 and provide a prognosis for 2022. Activation of epizootic process has been detected in Central-Caucasian high-mountain natural plague focus after a recess since 2007. Local epizootics persist to develop in Tuva Mountain and Gorno-Altai highmountain plague foci. Total area of epizooties in Russia in 2021 amounted to 1649.5 km2. 28 plague microbe strains were isolated. Animals infected with plague were not found in Tersko-Sunzhensky low-mountain, Dagestan plain-piedmont, Precaspian north-western steppe, Volga-Ural steppe, Trans-Baikal steppe, Volga-Ural sandy, Caspian sandy and EastCaucasian high-mountain natural plague foci. It is demonstrated that epidemiological welfare as regards plague in Russia in 2017ā€“2021 was achieved through annual epizootic monitoring of plague-enzootic territories, timely epizooty detection and preventive activities aimed at reducing the risk of infection. Substantiated has been the forecast for tense epidemiological situation on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Altai Republic and Tuva Republic in 2022. A new Epitracker application has been proven to be prospective for rapid assessment of actual epidemiological situation in natural plague foci