1,500 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional quantum liquids from interacting non-Abelian anyons

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    A set of localized, non-Abelian anyons - such as vortices in a p_x + i p_y superconductor or quasiholes in certain quantum Hall states - gives rise to a macroscopic degeneracy. Such a degeneracy is split in the presence of interactions between the anyons. Here we show that in two spatial dimensions this splitting selects a unique collective state as ground state of the interacting many-body system. This collective state can be a novel gapped quantum liquid nucleated inside the original parent liquid (of which the anyons are excitations). This physics is of relevance for any quantum Hall plateau realizing a non-Abelian quantum Hall state when moving off the center of the plateau.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    The Gervais-Neveu-Felder equation for the Jordanian quasi-Hopf U_{h;y}(sl(2)) algebra

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    Using a contraction procedure, we construct a twist operator that satisfies a shifted cocycle condition, and leads to the Jordanian quasi-Hopf U_{h;y}(sl(2)) algebra. The corresponding universal Rh(y){\cal R}_{h}(y) matrix obeys a Gervais-Neveu-Felder equation associated with the U_{h;y}(sl(2)) algebra. For a class of representations, the dynamical Yang-Baxter equation may be expressed as a compatibility condition for the algebra of the Lax operators.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, no figure

    Cotensor Coalgebras in Monoidal Categories

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    We introduce the concept of cotensor coalgebra for a given bicomodule over a coalgebra in an abelian monoidal category. Under some further conditions we show that such a cotensor coalgebra exists and satisfies a meaningful universal property. We prove that this coalgebra is formally smooth whenever the comodule is relative injective and the coalgebra itself is formally smooth

    Centre and Representations of U_q(sl(2|1)) at Roots of Unity

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    Quantum groups at roots of unity have the property that their centre is enlarged. Polynomial equations relate the standard deformed Casimir operators and the new central elements. These relations are important from a physical point of view since they correspond to relations among quantum expectation values of observables that have to be satisfied on all physical states. In this paper, we establish these relations in the case of the quantum Lie superalgebra U_q(sl(2|1)). In the course of the argument, we find and use a set of representations such that any relation satisfied on all the representations of the set is true in U_q(sl(2|1)). This set is a subset of the set of all the finite dimensional irreducible representations of U_q(sl(2|1)), that we classify and describe explicitly.Comment: Minor corrections, References added. LaTeX2e, 18 pages, also available at http://lapphp0.in2p3.fr/preplapp/psth/ENSLAPP583.ps.gz . To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    The Hopf modules category and the Hopf equation

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    We study the Hopf equation which is equivalent to the pentagonal equation, from operator algebras. A FRT type theorem is given and new types of quantum groups are constructed. The key role is played now by the classical Hopf modules category. As an application, a five dimensional noncommutative noncocommutative bialgebra is given.Comment: 30 pages, Letax2e, Comm. Algebra in pres

    Global analysis by hidden symmetry

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    Hidden symmetry of a G'-space X is defined by an extension of the G'-action on X to that of a group G containing G' as a subgroup. In this setting, we study the relationship between the three objects: (A) global analysis on X by using representations of G (hidden symmetry); (B) global analysis on X by using representations of G'; (C) branching laws of representations of G when restricted to the subgroup G'. We explain a trick which transfers results for finite-dimensional representations in the compact setting to those for infinite-dimensional representations in the noncompact setting when XCX_C is GCG_C-spherical. Applications to branching problems of unitary representations, and to spectral analysis on pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces are also discussed.Comment: Special volume in honor of Roger Howe on the occasion of his 70th birthda

    Perturbative Symmetries on Noncommutative Spaces

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    Perturbative deformations of symmetry structures on noncommutative spaces are studied in view of noncommutative quantum field theories. The rigidity of enveloping algebras of semi-simple Lie algebras with respect to formal deformations is reviewed in the context of star products. It is shown that rigidity of symmetry algebras extends to rigidity of the action of the symmetry on the space. This implies that the noncommutative spaces considered can be realized as star products by particular ordering prescriptions which are compatible with the symmetry. These symmetry preserving ordering prescriptions are calculated for the quantum plane and four-dimensional quantum Euclidean space. Using these ordering prescriptions greatly facilitates the construction of invariant Lagrangians for quantum field theory on noncommutative spaces with a deformed symmetry.Comment: 16 pages; LaTe

    One-loop Effective Potential for a Fixed Charged Self-interacting Bosonic Model at Finite Temperature with its Related Multiplicative Anomaly

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    The one-loop partition function for a charged self-interacting Bose gas at finite temperature in D-dimensional spacetime is evaluated within a path integral approach making use of zeta-function regularization. For D even, a new additional vacuum term ---overlooked in all previous treatments and coming from the multiplicative anomaly related to functional determinants-- is found and its dependence on the mass and chemical potential is obtained. The presence of the new term is shown to be crucial for having the factorization invariance of the regularized partition function. In the non interacting case, the relativistic Bose-Einstein condensation is revisited. By means of a suitable charge renormalization, for D=4 the symmetry breaking phase is shown to be unaffected by the new term, which, however, gives actually rise to a non vanishing new contribution in the unbroken phase.Comment: 25 pages, RevTex, a new Section and several explanations added concering the non-commutative residue and the physical discussio

    Quantum spin coverings and statistics

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    SL_q(2) at odd roots of unity q^l =1 is studied as a quantum cover of the complex rotation group SO(3,C), in terms of the associated Hopf algebras of (quantum) polynomial functions. We work out the irreducible corepresentations, the decomposition of their tensor products and a coquasitriangular structure, with the associated braiding (or statistics). As an example, the case l=3 is discussed in detail.Comment: 15 page

    Factorizable ribbon quantum groups in logarithmic conformal field theories

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    We review the properties of quantum groups occurring as Kazhdan--Lusztig dual to logarithmic conformal field theory models. These quantum groups at even roots of unity are not quasitriangular but are factorizable and have a ribbon structure; the modular group representation on their center coincides with the representation on generalized characters of the chiral algebra in logarithmic conformal field models.Comment: 27pp., amsart++, xy. v2: references added, some other minor addition
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