15,196 research outputs found

    Growth of primordial black holes in a universe containing a massless scalar field

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    The evolution of primordial black holes in a flat Friedmann universe with a massless scalar field is investigated in fully general relativistic numerical relativity. A primordial black hole is expected to form with a scale comparable to the cosmological apparent horizon, in which case it may go through an initial phase with significant accretion. However, if it is very close to the cosmological apparent horizon size, the accretion is suppressed due to general relativistic effects. In any case, it soon gets smaller than the cosmological horizon and thereafter it can be approximated as an isolated vacuum solution with decaying mass accretion. In this situation the dynamical and inhomogeneous scalar field is typically equivalent to a perfect fluid with a stiff equation of state p=ρp=\rho. The black hole mass never increases by more than a factor of two, despite recent claims that primordial black holes might grow substantially through accreting quintessence. It is found that the gravitational memory scenario, proposed for primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke and scalar-tensor theories of gravity, is highly unphysical.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Self-similar cosmological solutions with dark energy. II: black holes, naked singularities and wormholes

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    We use a combination of numerical and analytical methods, exploiting the equations derived in a preceding paper, to classify all spherically symmetric self-similar solutions which are asymptotically Friedmann at large distances and contain a perfect fluid with equation of state p=(γ1)μp=(\gamma -1)\mu with 0<γ<2/30<\gamma<2/3. The expansion of the Friedmann universe is accelerated in this case. We find a one-parameter family of self-similar solutions representing a black hole embedded in a Friedmann background. This suggests that, in contrast to the positive pressure case, black holes in a universe with dark energy can grow as fast as the Hubble horizon if they are not too large. There are also self-similar solutions which contain a central naked singularity with negative mass and solutions which represent a Friedmann universe connected to either another Friedmann universe or some other cosmological model. The latter are interpreted as self-similar cosmological white hole or wormhole solutions. The throats of these wormholes are defined as two-dimensional spheres with minimal area on a spacelike hypersurface and they are all non-traversable because of the absence of a past null infinity.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures, 1 table, final version to appear in Physical Review

    Limits of sympathetic cooling of fermions: The role of the heat capacity of the coolant

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    The sympathetic cooling of an initially degenerate Fermi gas by either an ideal Bose gas below TcT_c or an ideal Boltzmann gas is investigated. It is shown that the efficiency of cooling by a Bose gas below TcT_c is by no means reduced when its heat capacity becomes much less than that of the Fermi gas, where efficiency is measured by the decrease in the temperature of the Fermi gas per number of particles evaporated from the coolant. This contradicts the intuitive idea that an efficient coolant must have a large heat capacity. In contrast, for a Boltzmann gas a minimal value of the ratio of the heat capacities is indeed necessary to achieve T=0 and all of the particles must be evaporated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Bose-Einstein condensates in standing waves: The cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation with a periodic potential

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    We present a new family of stationary solutions to the cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation with a Jacobian elliptic function potential. In the limit of a sinusoidal potential our solutions model a dilute gas Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a standing light wave. Provided the ratio of the height of the variations of the condensate to its DC offset is small enough, both trivial phase and nontrivial phase solutions are shown to be stable. Numerical simulations suggest such stationary states are experimentally observable.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Stability criterion for self-similar solutions with a scalar field and those with a stiff fluid in general relativity

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    A stability criterion is derived in general relativity for self-similar solutions with a scalar field and those with a stiff fluid, which is a perfect fluid with the equation of state P=ρP=\rho. A wide class of self-similar solutions turn out to be unstable against kink mode perturbation. According to the criterion, the Evans-Coleman stiff-fluid solution is unstable and cannot be a critical solution for the spherical collapse of a stiff fluid if we allow sufficiently small discontinuity in the density gradient field in the initial data sets. The self-similar scalar-field solution, which was recently found numerically by Brady {\it et al.} (2002 {\it Class. Quantum. Grav.} {\bf 19} 6359), is also unstable. Both the flat Friedmann universe with a scalar field and that with a stiff fluid suffer from kink instability at the particle horizon scale.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity, typos correcte

    Holes in the walls: primordial black holes as a solution to the cosmological domain wall problem

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    We propose a scenario in which the cosmological domain wall and monopole problems are solved without any fine tuning of the initial conditions or parameters in the Lagrangian of an underlying filed theory. In this scenario domain walls sweep out (unwind) the monopoles from the early universe, then the fast primordial black holes perforate the domain walls, change their topology and destroy them. We find further that the (old vacuum) energy density released from the domain walls could alleviate but not solve the cosmological flatness problem.Comment: References added; Published in Phys. Rev.

    Evolution of primordial black holes in Jordan-Brans-Dicke cosmology

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    We consider the evolution of primordial black holes in a generalyzed Jordan-Brans-Dicke cosmological model where both the Brans-Dicke scalar field and its coupling to gravity are dynamical functions determined from the evolution equations. The evaporation rate for the black holes changes compared to that in standard cosmology. We show that accretion of radiation can proceed effectively in the radiation dominated era. The black hole lifetime shortens for low initial mass, but increases for high initial mass, and is thus considerably modified compared to the case of standard cosmology. We derive a cut-off value for the initial black hole mass, below which primordial black holes evaporate out in the radiation dominated era, and above which they survive beyond the present era.Comment: 5 pages, Latex; uses MNRAS stylefiles; minor changes; accepted for publication in MNRA