815 research outputs found

    Nonabelian Gauge Theories on Noncommutative Spaces

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    In this paper, we describe a method for obtaining the nonabelian Seiberg-Witten map for any gauge group and to any order in theta. The equations defining the Seiberg-Witten map are expressed using a coboundary operator, so that they can be solved by constructing a corresponding homotopy operator. The ambiguities, of both the gauge and covariant type, which arise in this map are manifest in our formalism.Comment: 14 pages, latex, Talk presented at 2001: A Spacetime Odyssey - Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, some typos correcte

    Observation of the Faraday effect via beam deflection in a longitudinal magnetic field

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    We report the observation of the magnetic field induced circular differential deflection of light at the interface of a Faraday medium. The difference in the angles of refraction or reflection between the two circular polarization components is a function of the magnetic field strength and the Verdet constant. The reported phenomena permit the observation of the Faraday effect not via polarization rotation in transmission, but via changes in the propagation direction in refraction or in reflection. An unpolarized light beam is predicted to split into its two circular polarization components. The light deflection arises within a few wavelengths at the interface and is therefore independent of pathlength

    A deformation of AdS_5 x S^5

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    We analyse a one parameter family of supersymmetric solutions of type IIB supergravity that includes AdS_5 x S^5. For small values of the parameter the solutions are causally well-behaved, but beyond a critical value closed timelike curves (CTC's) appear. The solutions are holographically dual to N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a non-conformally flat background with non-vanishing R-currents. We compute the holographic energy-momentum tensor for the spacetime and show that it remains finite even when the CTC's appear. The solutions, as well as the uplift of some recently discovered AdS_5 black hole solutions, are shown to preserve precisely two supersymmetries.Comment: 16 pages, v2: typos corrected and references adde

    A Cohomological Approach to the Non-Abelian Seiberg-Witten Map

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    We present a cohomological method for obtaining the non-Abelian Seiberg-Witten map for any gauge group and to any order in theta. By introducing a ghost field, we are able to express the equations defining the Seiberg-Witten map through a coboundary operator, so that they can be solved by constructing a corresponding homotopy operator.Comment: 18 pages. References added and some misprints correcte

    Boundary States for Supertubes in Flat Spacetime and Godel Universe

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    We construct boundary states for supertubes in the flat spacetime. The T-dual objects of supertubes are moving spiral D1-branes (D-helices). Since we can obtain these D-helices from the usual D1-branes via null deformation, we can construct the boundary states for these moving D-helices in the covariant formalism. Using these boundary states, we calculate the vacuum amplitude between two supertubes in the closed string channel and read the open string spectrum via the open closed duality. We find there are critical values of the energy for on-shell open strings on the supertubes due to the non-trivial stringy correction. We also consider supertubes in the type IIA Godel universe in order to use them as probes of closed timelike curves. This universe is the T-dual of the maximally supersymmetric type IIB PP-wave background. Since the null deformations of D-branes are also allowed in this PP-wave, we can construct the boundary states for supertubes in the type IIA Godel universe in the same way. We obtain the open string spectrum on the supertube from the vacuum amplitude between supertubes. As a consequence, we find that the tachyonic instability of open strings on the supertube, which is the signal of closed time like curves, disappears due to the stringy correction.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, v2: explanations added, references added, v3: explanations adde

    The Seiberg-Witten Map for a Time-dependent Background

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    In this paper the Seiberg-Witten map for a time-dependent background related to a null-brane orbifold is studied. The commutation relations of the coordinates are linear, i.e. it is an example of the Lie algebra type. The equivalence map between the Kontsevich star product for this background and the Weyl-Moyal star product for a background with constant noncommutativity parameter is also studied.Comment: latex, 13 pages, references added and some misprints correcte

    Introduced and Native Congeners Use Different Resource Allocation Strategies to Maintain Performance During Infection

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    Hosts can manage parasitic infections using an array of tactics, which are likely to vary contingent on coevolutionary history between the host and the parasite. Here we asked whether coping ability of congeners that differ in host-parasite coevolutionary history differed in response to experimental infections with a coccidian parasite. House sparrows (Passer domesticus) and gray-headed sparrows (Passer griseus) are sympatric and ecologically similar, but house sparrows are recent colonizers of Kenya, the site of our comparison, whereas gray-headed sparrows are native. We evaluated three variables as barometers of infection coping ability: vertical flight, pectoral muscle size, and fat score. We also measured routing of a dose of 13C-labeled leucine, an essential amino acid, among tissues to compare resource allocation strategies in response to infection. We found that burden effects on performance were minimal in both species, but house sparrows maintained considerably higher burdens than gray-headed sparrows regardless of exposure. House sparrows also had more exogeneous leucine tracer in all tissues after 24 h, demonstrating a difference in the way the two species allocate or distribute resources. We argue that house sparrows may be maintaining larger resource reserves to mitigate costs associated with exposure and infection. Additionally, in response to increased parasite exposure, gray-headed sparrows had less leucine tracer in their spleens and more in their gonads, whereas house sparrows did not change allocation, perhaps indicating a trade-off that is not experienced by the introduced species

    Supertube domain-walls and elimination of closed time-like curves in string theory

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    We show that some novel physics of supertubes removes closed time-like curves from many supersymmetric spaces which naively suffer from this problem. The main claim is that supertubes naturally form domain-walls, so while analytical continuation of the metric would lead to closed time-like curves, across the domain-wall the metric is non-differentiable, and the closed time-like curves are eliminated. In the examples we study the metric inside the domain-wall is always of the G\"odel type, while outside the shell it looks like a localized rotating object, often a rotating black hole. Thus this mechanism prevents the appearance of closed time-like curves behind the horizons of certain rotating black holes.Comment: 22 pages, JHEP3 class. V2: Some corrections and clariffications, references added. V3: more corrections to formulas, results unchanged. V4: minor typos, as published in PR
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