5 research outputs found

    RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS Hybrid Technology Solar Thermal Membrane Desalination of Salt Water for Populations In The Saloum River Delta

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    The use of brackish water in the Saloum Delta in Senegal can be made by combining the processes of desalination as a source of solar energy, usually thermal and photovoltaic processes for membrane distillation. But the demand for energy is growing; the use of solar energy can be a good solution, given the high solar potential in these areas. Different experiences around the world have shown that the process AGMD (Air Gap Membrane Distillation) is properly adapted to renewable energy. Our work has shown that the production of fresh water by a hybrid method of desalination is possible. Then we analyzed the results on the effect of the pore size of the membrane on the mechanisms of mass transfer to estimate the production of fresh water per day generated. We also showed the effect of hot water heated by a solar panel on the phenomena of polarization membrane solution. And the final result allowed us to estimate in a dynamic system and for a small model, a daily production of about 4 L / h

    Preliminary Study of a Small Beam-down Solar Tower on Sub-Saharan Countries

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    International audienceIn this present work, a small Beam Down power plant is studied in the Sahel region. The preconfigured system is a field of 78 heliostats and a hyperboloid sectioned with a length rhyp = 11.72 m. The simulation made with the software SolTrace shows an efficiency of the field up to 89%. Temperatures from 675.37 K to 809.55 K are achieved and the power intercepted at the receiver input are equal to 96.57 kW, 124.53 9 kW and 98.90 kW respectively at 9 am, 1: 06 pm and 4 pm. © 2016 Author(s)

    Study and Modeling of a Pressurized Air Receiver to Power a Micro Gas Turbine

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    International audienceIn the present work a solar receiver with reticulated porous ceramic foam bounded by two concentric cylinders, horizontal axis and length L is selected and studied. A receiver pre-sizing study based on the optimization work of Hischier allowed us to find the dimensions and the receiver input variables. We have developed a mathematical model based on the Representative elementary volume to model the flow and heat transfer within the absorber. The numerical solution of equations set was obtained with FLUENT. The power of 75 kW wanted in this study is obtained with a thermal efficiency equal to 87%. The fields of temperature and velocities from the simulation are analyzed and it is clear from this study that the temperature profiles show the excellent ability of the receiver to transfer the heat to the fluid. The influences of the porosity and mass flow on the thermal efficiency are analyzed also. It emerges from this study that the mass flow rate and porosity are very critical parameters on the thermal performance of the receiver. © 2016 Author(s)

    Optimisation des propriétés thermiques et mécaniques du béton à base de pierre ponce

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    Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre de la valorisation des matériaux locaux de construction. En effet, l'utilisation des matériaux locaux dans la construction permet l'accès au logement à moindre coût. Cet avantage ne doit pas primer sur les critères fondamentaux de choix des matériaux de construction que sont la sécurité du bâtiment et le confort thermique. Un compromis thermomécanique est nécessaire puisque les résistances thermiques et mécaniques varient en sens inverse. Pour prendre en compte cet aspect nous avons, à partir de plusieurs formulations du béton à base de pierre ponce, effectué des essais de caractérisations mécaniques et thermiques. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de déterminer la formulation qui concilie le mieux les caractéristiques thermiques et mécaniques. Afin que la méthode utilisée puisse être appliquée à d'autres matériaux de construction, l'optimisation a été faite en utilisant des variables adimensionnelles Journal des Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur Vol. 6, 2006: 25-3