261 research outputs found

    Intermediate Review of Single Bunch Collective Effects in the LHC

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    This paper presents an intermediate review of the single bunch collective effects in the LHC. It first reviews the LHC impedance budget including all elements for which a design is presently available. Then, based on this updated budget, the corresponding rise times and thresholds for single bunch instabilities are evaluated and discussed

    ATF2 spot size tuning using the rotation matrix

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    The Accelerator Test Facility (ATF2) at KEK aims to experimentally verify the local chromaticity correction scheme to achieve a vertical beam size of 37nm. The facility is a scaled down version of the final focus design proposed for the future linear colliders. In order to achieve this goal, high precision tuning methods are being developed. One of the methods proposed for ATF2 is a novel method known as the ‘rotation matrix’ method. Details of the development and testing of this method, including orthogonality optimisation and simulation methods, are presented

    Panofsky quadrupole parameters for the ILC 2mrad alternative crossing angle scheme

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    In this memo, the parameters of two Panofsky quadrupoles needed for the extraction lines of the newly redesigned ILC 2mrad alternative crossing angle scheme are presented. These quadrupoles are used to focus the outgoing beam in large rectangular apertures accommodating also the beamstrahlung. A smaller low-ïŹeld region in the immediate vicinity is required for the incoming beam

    The 2mrad horizontal crossing angle IR layout for a TeV ILC

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    The current status of the 2mrad crossing angle layout for the ILC is reviewed. The scheme developed in the UK and France is described and the performance discussed for a TeV machine. Secondly, the scheme developed at SLAC and BNL is then studied and modified for a TeV machine. We find that both schemes can handle the higher energy beam with modifications, and share many common features.Comment: The proceedings of the 2005 International Linear Collider Workshop, March 2005. 4 pages, 5 figure

    Status report of the baseline collimation system of CLIC. Part II

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    Important efforts have recently been dedicated to the characterisation and improvement of the design of the post-linac collimation system of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). This system consists of two sections: one dedicated to the collimation of off-energy particles and another one for betatron collimation. The energy collimation system is further conceived as protection system against damage by errant beams. In this respect, special attention is paid to the optimisation of the energy collimator design. The material and the physical parameters of the energy collimators are selected to withstand the impact of an entire bunch train. Concerning the betatron collimation section, different aspects of the design have been optimised: the transverse collimation depths have been recalculated in order to reduce the collimator wakefield effects while maintaining a good efficiency in cleaning the undesired beam halo; the geometric design of the spoilers has been reviewed to minimise wakefields; in addition, the optics design has been optimised to improve the collimation efficiency. This report presents the current status of the the post-linac collimation system of CLIC. Part II is mainly dedicated to the study of the betatron collimation system and collimator wakefield effects.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figure
