1,023 research outputs found


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    Objective: Goal of this study is to find a simple method for isolation, colony formation and Trilineage differentiation of Mesenchymal stem cells frombone marrow of Wistar Rat. Adherent capacity, morphology, trilineage differentiation and colony formation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cellswere studied in low glucose, high glucose Dulbecco modified eagle medium with various concentration of fetal bovine serum.Methods: Mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from bone marrow of Wistar rat by Ficoll (sigma) density gradient centrifugation with plasticadherence method. Bone marrow was collected from femur and Tibia of 6-weeks-old Wistar rat; Bone marrow was cultured in Dulbecco's modifiedEagles's medium (DMEM) with low glucose, high glucose supplement (Invitrogen) and 10%, 15% of fetal bovine serum (FBS) at the density of1 × 106, incubated at 37°C in 5% of CO; adherent capacity, colony formation were studied. Differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(BMMSCs) was monitored under suitable differentiation medium. The cells were refeed every 3-4 days and passaged when the cells reached 80-90%confluences.2Result: BMMSCs were adhered in tissue culture flask at 24 hrs, 48 hrs in high glucose and low glucose DMEM with 10% of FBS, respectively. Colonyformation was faster in high glucose and low glucose DMEM with 15% of FBS compared to high glucose and low glucose DMEM with10% FBS.Morphological changes were observed in BMMSCs high glucose, low glucose DMEM with 10% FBS, but no changes were found in the differentiationof BMMSCs in high glucose, low glucose DMEM. Differentiation of BMMSCs was nourishing in third passage cells.Conclusion: High glucose DMEM with 10% FBS is a good supplement for adherence of cells whereas high glucose, low glucose DMEM with 15% FBScan be utilized for rapid Colony formation. Third passage BMMSCs is fruitful for differentiation of BMMSCs.Keywords: Wistar rat, Bone marrow, Mesenchymal stem cells, Adherent capacity, Colony formation, Differentiation, Osteoblast, Chondrocytes,Adipocytes

    Sistem Informasi Terpadu Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi saat ini masih belum banyak di maksimalkan oleh organisasi maupun institusi di Indonesia, seperti di Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Unsrat) Manado. Unsrat sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi terbesar di Sulawesi Utara khususnya di Fakultas Teknik yang seharusnya menjadi pelopor pemanfaatan teknologi informasi ini, dalam proses-proses administrasi seperti registrasi mahasiswa baru, pencarian informasi jadwal kuliah, maupun proses-proses administrasi lainnya masih bersifat manual. Sebenarnya sudah ada beberapa sistem informasi yang dimiliki oleh Fakultas Teknik Unsrat seperti Portal Fakultas Teknik dan Website Fakultas Teknik, namun sistem-sistem tersebut masih belum terintegrasi satu dengan yang lain yang menyebabkan proses pencarian informasi dan pengurusan administrasi oleh dosen, mahasiswa, maupun pegawai Fakultas Teknik Unsrat masih kurang efektif dan efisien. Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Terpadu sebagai wadah integrasi dari sistem-sistem yang ada di Fakultas Teknik Unsrat merupakan solusi yang memberikan kemudahan kepada dosen, mahasiswa, maupun pegawai Fakultas Teknik Unsrat dalam proses pencarian informasi dan pengurusan administrasi di Fakultas Teknik Unsrat


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    Objectives: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major clinical health problem as it is a systemic disorder that causes widespread organ damageand it is related to significant morbidity and mortality. Numerous studies have shown that, cognitive dysfunction increase in prevalence, due toincrease in reactive oxygen species in CKD severity. Tau proteins are proteins that stabilize microtubules. Hyperphosphorylation of tau reduces itsability to bind to microtubule causes dystabilization and production of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) and neurodegeneration in the brain. Aberranthyperphosphorylation of tau is critical to the progression of neurodegeneration. Erythropoietin (EPO), a glycoprotein has been in clinical use formillions of anemic patients, and some studies show it has a neuroprotective role. Till now studies on the level of tau protein phosphorylation in brainregions of CKD-induced experimental animals and impact of EPO therapy are scarce. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of CKD and EPOtherapy on tau protein phosphorylation in brain regions of experimental rats.Methods: This study was performed on 48 adult male Wistar rats. Two phases were conducted to find out the difference between simultaneous andposttreatment of EPO. Phase I: 24 adult male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups (6 animals each): Group 1: Control, Group 2: 0.75% of adeninemixed diet for 4 weeks, Group 3: 0.75% of adenine mixed diet was given for 4 weeks and simultaneous administration of EPO (100 IU/kg btw, ip)thrice weekly. Group 4: EPO alone (100 IU/Kg btw, ip) thrice per week. All the animals were sacrificed uniformly at the end of 4 weeks. In Phase II,24 animals were maintained separately for 40 days experimental period and divided into 4 groups. Groups 1, 2, and 4 animals were treated as samementioned in Phase I. Group 3: For EPO posttreatment, adenine mixed diet was given for 4 weeks for chronic renal failure (CRF) induction. After the 4week, EPO (100 IU/Kg btw.) was administered daily once for 12 days. At the end of the 40 days, all the animals were sacrificed uniformly. In both thephases after the treatment period, the brain tissue was removed and samples were homogenized. Total tau protein and phosphorylated tau proteinexpressions were analyzed by western blotting method.Results: In results, both the total tau and phosphorylated tau protein levels were significantly increased all the brain regions of CRF-induced groupswhen compared to control. In both simultaneous and posttreatment of EPO, the levels were retrieved.Conclusion: This study proves that EPO supplementation has a promising role in neuroprotection by preventing abnormal phosphorylated tauprotein accumulation. This study also proves the clinical usefulness of EPO as a supplemental therapeutic agent in neurotoxicity.Keywords: Chronic renal failure, Cognitive dysfunction, Hyperphosphorylation of tau protein, Erythropoietin.t

    The Factor Analysis of Ipsative Measures

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    This article deals with the problem of analyzing sets of ipsative variables using the common factor model. We demonstrate that the usual assumptions of the common factor model, especially the assumption of uncorrelated disturbances, are not appropriate for sets of ipsative variables. We develop a common factor model that takes into account the ipsative properties of such data and show how this model can be applied to any set of ipsative measures using the methods of confirmatory factor analysis. We then suggest that the application of this model may be useful in modeling the latent content of sets ofrankings and other measures that have the ipsative property as a result of the measurement procedure. Finally, we apply the model to Kohn's measures of parental values, using sample data from the General Social Surveys.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68736/2/10.1177_004912418000900206.pd

    Religious Identity, Religious Attendance, and Parental Control

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    Using a national sample of adolescents aged 10–18 years and their parents (N = 5,117), this article examines whether parental religious identity and religious participation are associated with the ways in which parents control their children. We hypothesize that both religious orthodoxy and weekly religious attendance are related to heightened levels of three elements of parental control: monitoring activities, normative regulations, and network closure. Results indicate that an orthodox religious identity for Catholic and Protestant parents and higher levels of religious attendance for parents as a whole are associated with increases in monitoring activities and normative regulations of American adolescents

    Monitoring the Bird Community at G. Kendeng-gunung Halimun National Park*[pemantauan Komunitas Burung Di G. Kendeng-taman Nasional Halimun]

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    Untuk mengetahui dinamika komunitas burung di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun dilakukan pemantauan setiap bulan mulai bulan Januari 2000 sampai Desember 2001.Pemantauan dilakukan di kaki G. Kendeng menggunakan metode tangkap lepas dengan jaring kabut yang dipasang di atas tanah dan pada tajuk pohon. Dalam makalah ini disampaikan hasil pengamatan dari periode kedua yang dilakukan mulai Januari sampai Desember 2001.Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa keragaman jenis burung di tajuk pohon (26 jenis) hampir sama dengan pada permukaan tanah (25 jenis). Sedangkan 12 jenis tercatat dapat dijumpai di tajuk pohon dan pada permukaan tanah.Burung yang sangat umum dijumpai adalah Cinclidium diana dan Ficedula dumetoria diikuti Arachnothera longirostra.Burung yang sangat jarang dijumpai adalah Accipiter trivirgatus Macropygia unchall, Batrachostomus cornutus, Lacedo pulcheila, Iole virescens,Enicurus leschenaulti, Tesia superciliaris, Phylloscopus trivirgatus, Abroscopus superciliaris, Seicercus grammiceps, Muscicapa daurica,Muscicapaferruginea, Arachnothera ajfinis, Anthreptes singalensis, Zosterops montanus dan Lophozoplerops javanicus
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