4 research outputs found

    Rethinking Approaches to the Level System of Higher Education in Russia in the Context of the Country’s Withdrawal from the Bologna Process

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    Withdrawal from the Bologna Process has initiated discussions of future development of the level system of higher education in the Russian Federation. The article systematizes the main directions of criticism of the “Bolognaization” of Russian higher education and presents the author’s approach to rethinking the level system, formulating proposals for its new outlook. It is indicated that in view of the dynamic nature of the professional sphere and the growth of professional mobility, the multi-level system of higher education tends to be more promising, and it is advisable to build its new contours ensuring its multi-format, structural flexibility, openness, internal and external integration.Taking into account these principles, an updated interpretation of the main levels of higher education (Bachelor’s, Specialist’s, Master’s, Postgraduate) is proposed, a new vision of a multi-format Master’s program is presented. The author formulates proposals regarding flexibility of study periods at all levels and possible schemes for building individual educational trajectories in the system of inter-level mobility. Transition from the paradigm of the level system of higher education to the paradigm of the integrated education system is substantiated as a promising growth vector

    Transformation of University Models: Analysis of the Development Strategies of Universities in the World

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    The paper presents an analysis of the key characteristics of the typological models of modern universities and outlines the directions of their transformation. The concept of University 3.0 was used as a research methodology in view of the existing approaches to the classification of university models. The research method was the qualitative analysis of the strategic development documents of the various universities of the world posted on their websites. The selection of the universities for analysis was carried out on the basis of the results of the QS WUR 2022 ranking. The sample was made up of 30 universities from North America, Europe, Asia, and Russia, occupying various ranking positions. As a result, there were revealed the features of the strategic priorities for the development of Russian and foreign universities, as well as universities aimed at global and regional influence. A set of basic characteristics of typological models of universities 1.0-4.0 has been developed. It has been established that the transformation of these models takes place in the direction of increasing the scope of their mission, expanding the areas of activity, using new digital technologies, developing integration potential and strengthening the impact on society. The defining parameters for the formation of the model of the university of the future are focus on innovation and advanced continuous education, managed broad integration, diversification of income sources, social involvement and contribution to sustainable development. The presented complex of the main characteristics of typological models of universities can serve as a tool for assessing the compliance of a particular university with a particular model, as well as contribute to goal-setting in the development of the national higher education system and particular universities

    Video and Online Courses in the Educational Process of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics: opportunities, advantages and problems for students and professors

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    The aim of the study is to identify the factors which determine the demand and possibility of integrating e-learning — mainly, video and online courses - into the teaching process of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE). The problem area is discussed from the positions of lecturers and students. The hypothesis is based on the assumption that online techniques are positively perceived by both sides, despite a number of limitations which reduced professors’ enthusiasm for expanding the scope of traditional teaching methods. The necessity to find out the motives and clarify the arguments for and against the use of online and video technologies is aimed at solving the practical problem of maximizing the potential of the university in the modern educational environment. The results of the study allow developing recommendations for the creation of effective programs, which should include transparent motivations as well as effective instructions and schemes of work and interaction between departments, lecturers and students of the university, contributing innovative processes in higher education.Materials and methods include the creation of a theoretical background based on published assessments of Russian and foreign experts regarding the development of Smart Education, as well as on existing examples of effective use of e-learning in universities, and critical study of this experience, taking into account the specifics of PRUE. The field study was conducted by means of a survey of university faculty and students. The content of the questionnaires for each group (lecturer/student) was determined by the purpose of the study adjusted for specifics of each party. The methodical approach allowed to build an objective picture of the perspective and readiness to increase the application of e-learning approaches in PRUE.The study results demonstrate a generally positive attitude of students and professors to the introduction of e-learning in the process of teaching in PRUE. At the same time, a certain amount of skepticism and critical reaction of lecturers to the spread of the online component in the educational process has been revealed. The paper provides specific data on the lecturers’ concerns associated with the expansion of e-learning tools in their work. The main problems relate to the need for personal adaptation to the digital space, misunderstanding of the principles of enshrining authorship and recording virtual courses in academic workload, etc.Conclusion. Identified factors of the greatest influence on the perception of online and video tools by students and lecturers at PRUE reveal several difficulties concerning the development of educational technologies. However, they are mostly. Appropriate increase of the online component in the structure of academic discipline, the offer of various forms of interactive, mastery of the skills of applying the latest technical achievements represent today the most important elements of the progressiveness of the higher education. The conclusions of the study are proposed for consideration in the development of Plekhanov University’s plans related to the innovative tasks of the university

    Transition of Universities to Distance Mode During the Pandemic: Problems and Possible Risks

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    The aim of the work is to analyze key problems and risks that have arisen in connection with the transfer of universities to distance educational activities during the introduction of strict restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic. Among the main objectives of the study – identification of problems in the field of educational inequality, quality of education, the complexity of the educational process and cost of educational services as well as research experience of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, as one of the leading Russian universities, to overcome these problems in the period of the pandemic.Materials and methods. The analysis used data from sociological studies about attitude of university students and lecturers to distance learning conducted by expert organizations during the pandemic, analytical and informational materials of universities and bibliographic sources. Secondary analysis and interpretation of the results of sociological surveys, systematization and classification of theoretical and factual materials were used, analysis of management practices and experience of universities in the conditions of extreme transition to remote mode, including in comparison with foreign universities.Results. The study identified the key problems faced by the university community during the transition to distance work, among which are the growth of educational inequality, the dependence of the quality of education not only on the capabilities of educational institutions, but also on the competencies and technical capabilities of students and lecturers; increased academic load on both students and lecturers; possible quality reduction due to the spread of online education; the rising cost of education.The response of state authorities to the new “challenges” of the pandemic was timely: the regulatory framework was brought into line with modern conditions, the format of holding operational meetings of working groups with representatives of the university community was introduced and free access to a variety of domestic online courses was opened.Actions of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics to overcome threats during the pandemic, such as the revision of norms of time for calculating academic load, providing temporary use of laptops, webcams, organization of unlimited access to the largest electronic platforms for online learning, carrying out activities for administrative and teaching staff on issues of distance work, developing temporary local acts, organization of “Hot line” allowed to go into distance mode. Conclusion. Higher education institutions have passed a serious test for the strength and effectiveness of their work. Some countries, such as Brazil and a number of developing countries, have not been able to fully overcome the effects of the pandemic and switch to distance operation. The activities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the University Community of the Russian Federation have demonstrated high efficiency and cohesion.Distance education will not completely replace classical full-time education. The future development of the higher education system will be influenced by two multidirectional trends of support and rejection of the full distance learning format. However, the coronavirus pandemic has shown the possible effectiveness of converting part of the learning to digital format, which will make learning more flexible, personalized and effective in the future