2,439 research outputs found

    In situ visualization of Ni-Nb bulk metallic glasses phase transition

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    We report the results of the Ni-based bulk metallic glass structural evolution and crystallization behavior in situ investigation. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nano-beam diffraction (NBD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), radial distribution function (RDF) and scanning probe microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) techniques were applied to analyze the structure and electronic properties of Ni63.5Nb36.5 glasses before and after crystallization. It was proved that partial surface crystallization of Ni63.5Nb36.5 can occur at the temperature lower than for the full sample crystallization. According to our STM measurements the primary crystallization is originally starting with the Ni3Nb phase formation. It was shown that surface crystallization drastically differs from the bulk crystallization due to the possible surface reconstruction. The mechanism of Ni63.5Nb36.5 glass alloy 2D-crystallization was suggested, which corresponds to the local metastable (3x3)-Ni(111) surface phase formation. The possibility of different surface nano-structures development by the annealing of the originally glassy alloy in ultra high vacuum at the temperature lower, than the crystallization temperature was shown. The increase of mean square surface roughness parameter Rq while moving from glassy to fully crystallized state can be caused by concurrent growth of Ni3Nb and Ni6Nb7 bulk phases. The simple empirical model for the estimation of Ni63.5Nb36.5 cluster size was suggested, and the obtained values (7.64 A, 8.08 A) are in good agreement with STM measurements data (8 A-10 A)

    Noninvasive Embedding of Single Co Atoms in Ge(111)2x1 Surfaces

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    We report on a combined scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) based investigation of Co atoms on Ge(111)2x1 surfaces. When deposited on cold surfaces, individual Co atoms have a limited diffusivity on the atomically flat areas and apparently reside on top of the upper pi-bonded chain rows exclusively. Voltage-dependent STM imaging reveals a highly anisotropic electronic perturbation of the Ge surface surrounding these Co atoms and pronounced one-dimensional confinement along the pi-bonded chains. DFT calculations reveal that the individual Co atoms are in fact embedded in the Ge surface, where they occupy a quasi-stationary position within the big 7-member Ge ring in between the 3rd and 4th atomic Ge layer. The energy needed for the Co atoms to overcome the potential barrier for penetration in the Ge surface is provided by the kinetic energy resulting from the deposition process. DFT calculations further demonstrate that the embedded Co atoms form four covalent Co-Ge bonds, resulting in a Co4+ valence state and a 3d5 electronic configuration. Calculated STM images are in perfect agreement with the experimental atomic resolution STM images for the broad range of applied tunneling voltages.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 3 table

    Hybridization and interference effects for localized superconducting states in strong magnetic field

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    Within the Ginzburg-Landau model we study the critical field and temperature enhancement for crossing superconducting channels formed either along the sample edges or domain walls in thin-film magnetically coupled superconducting - ferromagnetic bilayers. The corresponding Cooper pair wave function can be viewed as a hybridization of two order parameter (OP) modes propagating along the boundaries and/or domain walls. Different momenta of hybridized OP modes result in the formation of vortex chains outgoing from the crossing point of these channels. Near this crossing point the wave functions of the modes merge giving rise to the increase in the critical temperature for a localized superconducting state. The origin of this critical temperature enhancement caused by the wave function squeezing is illustrated for a limiting case of approaching parallel boundaries and/or domain walls. Using both the variational method and numerical simulations we have studied the critical temperature dependence and OP structure vs the applied magnetic field and the angle between the crossing channels.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Hertz-to-infrared electrodynamics of single-crystalline barium-lead hexaferrite Ba1-xPbxFe12O19

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    Broadband electrodynamic response of single-crystalline lead-substituted barium hexaferrite Ba1-xPbxFe12O19 is studied at temperatures from 5 to 300 K in the range from 1 Hz to 240 THz that includes radio, sub-terahertz, terahertz and infrared frequencies and altogether spans over 14 frequency decades. Discovered phenomena include relaxational radio-frequency dynamics of domains and domain walls, temperature-unstable terahertz excitations connected with electric dipoles induced by off-center displacements in the ab-plane of the lead ions, narrow terahertz excitations associated with electronic transitions between the fine-structure components of the Fe2+ground state, dielectric gigahertz resonances presumably of magneto-electric origin and polar lattice vibrations

    Magnetodielectric effect and optic soft mode behaviour in quantum paraelectric EuTiO3 ceramics

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    Infrared reflectivity and time-domain terahertz transmission spectra of EuTiO3 ceramics revealed a polar optic phonon at 6 - 300K, whose softening is fully responsible for the recently observed quantum paraelectric behaviour. Even if our EuTiO3 ceramics show lower permittivity than the single crystal due to a reduced density and/or small amount of secondary pyrochlore Eu2Ti2O7 phase, we confirmed the magnetic field dependence of the permittivity, also slightly smaller than in single crystal. Attempt to reveal the soft phonon dependence at 1.8K on the magnetic field up to 13T remained below the accuracy of our infrared reflectivity experiment

    The lightest scalar glueball

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    Recently performed investigations of meson spectra allow us to determine the resonance structure for the waves IJPC=00++IJ^{PC}=00^{++}, 10++10^{++}, 02++02^{++}, 12++12^{++} = IJP=1/20+IJ^P= 1/2 0^+ in the mass region up to 1900 MeV, thus establishing the meson multiplets 13P0qqˉ1^3P_0q\bar q and 23P0qqˉ2^3P_0q\bar q. Experimental data demonstrate that there are five scalar/isoscalar states in this mass region. Four of them are qqˉq\bar q states, that is, members of the 13P0qqˉ1^3P_0q\bar q and 23P0qqˉ2^3P_0q\bar q nonets, while the fifth state is an extra one not accomodated by qqˉq \bar q systematics; it has the properties of the lightest scalar glueball. Analysis of the 00++00^{++}-wave performed within the framework of the dispersion relation technique allows us to reconstruct the mixing of a pure gluonium with neighbouring scalar qqˉq \bar q states belonging to 13P0qqˉ1^3P_0q\bar q and 23P0qqˉ2^3P_0q\bar q nonets: three scalar mesons share the gluonium state between each other -- those are two comparatively narrow resonances f0(1300)f_0(1300) and f0(1500)f_0(1500) and a broad resonance f0(1530−250+90)f_0(1530^{+90}_{-250}). The broad state is a descendant of the gluonium, keeping about 40-50% of its component.Comment: 48 pages, LaTeX, 25 PostScript figures, epsfig.sty. Submitted to Russian Journal Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk (Phys-Uspekhi

    Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy of ring-like surface electronic structures around Co islands on InAs(110) surfaces

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    We report on the experimental observation by scanning tunneling microscopy at low temperature of ring-like features that appear around Co metal clusters deposited on a clean (110) oriented surface of cleaved p-type InAs crystals. These features are visible in spectroscopic images within a certain range of negative tunneling bias voltages due to the presence of a negative differential conductance in the current-voltage dependence. A theoretical model is introduced, which takes into account non-equilibrium effects in the small tunneling junction area. In the framework of this model the appearance of the ring-like features is explained in terms of interference effects between electrons tunneling directly and indirectly (via a Co island) between the tip and the InAs surface.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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