980 research outputs found

    Anisotropic dielectric function in polar nano-regions of relaxor ferroelectrics

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    The paper suggests to treat the infrared reflectivity spectra of single crystal perovskite relaxors as fine-grained ferroelectric ceramics: locally frozen polarization makes the dielectric function strongly anisotropic in the phonon frequency range and the random orientation of the polarization at nano-scopic scale requires to take into account the inhomogeneous depolarization field. Employing a simple effective medium approximation (Bruggeman symmetrical formula) to dielectric function describing the polar optic modes as damped harmonic oscillators turns out to be sufficient for reproducing all principal features of room temperature reflectivity of PMN. One of the reflectivity bands is identified as a geometrical resonance entirely related to the nanoscale polarization inhomogeneity. The approach provides a general guide for systematic determination of the polar mode frequencies split by the inhomogeneous polarization at nanometer scale.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Critical elements in implementing fundamental change in public environmental policy: Western Australia’s mine closure and rehabilitation securities reform

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    Development of public policy is a key role of government. Following the framework for Australian governments to uphold when developing public policy alone will not guarantee good policy development. This research critically explores the policy development process of the Department of Mines and Petroleum in Western Australia for mine closure and rehabilitation securities reform, where significant costs for mining companies, and large environmental and community legacies were at stake. Fundamental change from use of individual bonds to a central Mining Rehabilitation Fund resulted; offering financial advantage for mining companies and government alike, and a mechanism for rehabilitation of historically abandoned mines. Critical elements in the policy development process were: (1) openness in clearly articulating the policy problem at the outset, (2) retaining focus on the policy scope relevant to the jurisdictional level, (3) use of trusted experts especially for contentious aspects of the reform agenda, (4) commitment to stakeholder engagement throughout, and (5) acknowledging and managing uncertainties through transparent and consultative data gathering processes. Attention to these matters enabled an innovative and effective mine closure and rehabilitation policy solution to be implemented by the Government of Western Australia that is unique in Australia, and perhaps the world

    Magnetic flux jumps in textured Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+d)

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    Magnetic flux jumps in textured Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+d) have been studied by means of magnetization measurements in the temperature range between 1.95 K and Tc, in an external magnetic field up to 9 T. Flux jumps were found in the temperature range 1.95 K - 6 K, with the external magnetic field parallel to the c axis of the investigated sample. The effect of sample history on magnetic flux jumping was studied and it was found to be well accounted for by the available theoretical models. The magnetic field sweep rate strongly influences the flux jumping and this effect was interpreted in terms of the influence of both flux creep and the thermal environment of the sample. Strong flux creep was found in the temperature and magnetic field range where flux jumps occur suggesting a relationship between the two. The heat exchange conditions between the sample and the experimental environment also influence the flux jumping behavior. Both these effects stabilize the sample against flux instabilities, and this stabilizing effect increases with decreasing magnetic field sweep rate. Demagnetizing effects are also shown to have a significant influence on flux jumping.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX4, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Puzzled: Navigating extractive policy information jigsaws for best practice and transparency

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    This viewpoint article was written in response to our attempt to explore mechanisms that promote financial 'transparency' in the minerals and energy extractive. We controversially forward our opinion that the trajectory of existing transparency mechanisms is likely to generate an obfuscating mass of disclosed information-not 'transparency'. Using a jigsaw analogy, we make a distinction between 'disclosure' and achieving the more challenging 'transparency': it is both being able to have the pieces (disclosure), and put them together to see the big picture. It is just as important to identify missing pieces of the puzzle to prevent selective disclosure. We critically analyze extractive financial policy, and provide an example where a 'best practice' mining securities policy has markedly advanced transparency in a major mining state. The policy substantially reduces government financial risk of a mining company default at no additional cost; reduces costs to industry around ten-fold; incentivises ongoing site rehabilitation; creates a fund for historical abandonments; and; sustains an impressive publically available information instrument of disturbed footprints and associated rehabilitation for every tenement at high precision on an annual basis. Yet it still remains deficient in terms of transparency in particular aspects, of which we clarify and discuss

    Nano granular metallic Fe - oxygen deficient TiO2δ_{2-\delta} composite films: A room temperature, highly carrier polarized magnetic semiconductor

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    Nano granular metallic iron (Fe) and titanium dioxide (TiO2δ_{2-\delta}) were co-deposited on (100) lanthanum aluminate (LaAlO3_3) substrates in a low oxygen chamber pressure using a pulsed laser ablation deposition (PLD) technique. The co-deposition of Fe and TiO2_2 resulted in \approx 10 nm metallic Fe spherical grains suspended within a TiO2δ_{2-\delta} matrix. The films show ferromagnetic behavior with a saturation magnetization of 3100 Gauss at room temperature. Our estimate of the saturation magnetization based on the size and distribution of the Fe spheres agreed well with the measured value. The film composite structure was characterized as p-type magnetic semiconductor at 300 K with a carrier density of the order of 1022/cm3 10^{22} /{\rm cm^3}. The hole carriers were excited at the interface between the nano granular Fe and TiO2δ_{2-\delta} matrix similar to holes excited in the metal/n-type semiconductor interface commonly observed in Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) devices. From the large anomalous Hall effect directly observed in these films it follows that the holes at the interface were strongly spin polarized. Structure and magneto transport properties suggested that these PLD films have potential nano spintronics applications.Comment: 6 pages in Latex including 8 figure

    The effect of distributed exchange parameters on magnetocaloric refrigeration capacity in amorphous and nanocomposite materials

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    The temperature dependent magnetization of nanocomposite alloys has been fit with a modified Handrich-Kobe equation with an asymmetric exchange fluctuation parameter combined with the Arrott-Noakes equation. The two equations of state are combined to calculate the entropy change in the magnetocaloric effect associated with the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic phase transformation. The complete fit for the M(T) of (Fe70Ni30)88Zr7B4Cu nanocomposite powder is accomplished by combining the two theories. We investigate the broadening of the second-order transition arising from asymmetric exchange parameters and resulting from the fluctuations of interatomic spacing found in an amorphous matrix and the asymmetric dependence of exchange energy on interatomic spacing. The magnetic entropy curve revealed extra broadening with a refrigeration capacity (RC) value of 135 J/kg at 5 T, which is comparable to (Fe76Cr8-xMoxCu1B15) ribbons, which have a RC value of 180 J/kg for the same applied field. Broadening of the magnetic entropy can lead to larger RC values and a wider working temperature range, making nanocomposite alloys promising for magnetocaloric applications

    Anomalous far infrared monochromatic transmission through a film of type-II superconductor in magnetic field

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    Anomalous far infrared monochromatic transmission through a lattice of Abrikosov vortices in a type-II superconducting film is found and reported. The transmitted frequency corresponds to the photonic mode localized by the defects of the Abrokosov lattice. These defects are formed by extra vortices placed out of the nodes of the ideal Abrokosov lattice. The extra vortices can be pinned by crystal lattice defects of a superconductor. The corresponding frequency is studied as a function of magnetic field and temperature in the framework of the Dirac-type two-band model. While our approach is valid for all type-II superconductors, the specific calculations have been performed for the YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O7δ_{7-\delta} (YBCO). The control of the transmitted frequency by varying magnetic field and/or temperature is analyzed. It is suggested that found anomalously transmitted localized mode can be utilized in the far infrared monochromatic filters.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Functional Integration Approach to Hysteresis

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    A general formulation of scalar hysteresis is proposed. This formulation is based on two steps. First, a generating function g(x) is associated with an individual system, and a hysteresis evolution operator is defined by an appropriate envelope construction applied to g(x), inspired by the overdamped dynamics of systems evolving in multistable free energy landscapes. Second, the average hysteresis response of an ensemble of such systems is expressed as a functional integral over the space G of all admissible generating functions, under the assumption that an appropriate measure m has been introduced in G. The consequences of the formulation are analyzed in detail in the case where the measure m is generated by a continuous, Markovian stochastic process. The calculation of the hysteresis properties of the ensemble is reduced to the solution of the level-crossing problem for the stochastic process. In particular, it is shown that, when the process is translationally invariant (homogeneous), the ensuing hysteresis properties can be exactly described by the Preisach model of hysteresis, and the associated Preisach distribution is expressed in closed analytic form in terms of the drift and diffusion parameters of the Markovian process. Possible applications of the formulation are suggested, concerning the interpretation of magnetic hysteresis due to domain wall motion in quenched-in disorder, and the interpretation of critical state models of superconducting hysteresis.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, to be published on Phys. Rev.

    Absence of Edge Localized Moments in the Doped Spin-Peierls System CuGe1x_{1-x}Six_{x}O3_3

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    We report the observation of nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) of Cu from the sites near the doping center in the spin-Peierls system CuGe1x_{1-x}Six_{x}O3_3. The signal appears as the satellites in the Cu NQR spectrum, and has a suppressed nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate indicative of a singlet correlation rather than an enhanced magnetic correlation near the doping center. Signal loss of Cu nuclei with no neighboring Si is also observed. We conclude from these observations that the doping-induced moments are not in the vicinity of the doping center but rather away from it.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let