79 research outputs found

    Vitamin B12, folate, and the methionine remethylation cycle-biochemistry, pathways, and regulation

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    Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, Cbl) is a nutrient essential to human health. Due to its complex structure and dual cofactor forms, Cbl undergoes a complicated series of absorptive and processing steps before serving as cofactor for the enzymes methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and methionine synthase. Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase is required for the catabolism of certain (branched-chain) amino acids into an anaplerotic substrate in the mitochondrion, and dysfunction of the enzyme itself or in production of its cofactor adenosyl-Cbl result in an inability to successfully undergo protein catabolism with concomitant mitochondrial energy disruption. Methionine synthase catalyzes the methyl-Cbl dependent (re)methylation of homocysteine to methionine within the methionine cycle; a reaction required to produce this essential amino acid and generate S-adenosylmethionine, the most important cellular methyl-donor. Disruption of methionine synthase has wide-ranging implications for all methylation-dependent reactions, including epigenetic modification, but also for the intracellular folate pathway, since methionine synthase uses 5-methyltetrahydrofolate as a one-carbon donor. Folate-bound one-carbon units are also required for deoxythymidine monophosphate and de novo purine synthesis; therefore, the flow of single carbon units to each of these pathways must be regulated based on cellular needs. This review provides an overview on Cbl metabolism with a brief description of absorption and intracellular metabolic pathways. It also provides a description of folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism and its intersection with Cbl at the methionine cycle. Finally, a summary of recent advances in understanding of how both pathways are regulated is presented

    The complex machinery of human cobalamin metabolism

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    Vitamin B12_{12} (cobalamin, Cbl) is required as a cofactor by two human enzymes, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase (MTR) and methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MMUT). Within the body, a vast array of transporters, enzymes and chaperones are required for the generation and delivery of these cofactor forms. How they perform these functions is dictated by the structure and interactions of the proteins involved, the molecular bases of which are only now being elucidated. In this review, we highlight recent insights into human Cbl metabolism and address open questions in the field by employing a protein structure and interactome based perspective. We discuss how three very similar proteins-haptocorrin, intrinsic factor and transcobalamin-exploit slight structural differences and unique ligand receptor interactions to effect selective Cbl absorption and internalisation. We describe recent advances in the understanding of how endocytosed Cbl is transported across the lysosomal membrane and the implications of the recently solved ABCD4 structure. We detail how MMACHC and MMADHC cooperate to modify and target cytosolic Cbl to the client enzymes MTR and MMUT using ingenious modifications to an ancient nitroreductase fold, and how MTR and MMUT link with their accessory enzymes to sustainably harness the supernucleophilic potential of Cbl. Finally, we provide an outlook on how future studies may combine structural and interactome based approaches and incorporate knowledge of post-translational modifications to bring further insights

    Epimutations in both the TESK2 and MMACHC promoters in the Epi-cblC inherited disorder of intracellular metabolism of vitamin B12

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    Background: epi-cblC is a recently discovered inherited disorder of intracellular vitamin B12 metabolism associating hematological, neurological, and cardiometabolic outcomes. It is produced by an epimutation at the promoter common to CCDC163P and MMACHC, which results from an aberrant antisense transcription due to splicing mutations in the antisense PRDX1 gene neighboring MMACHC. We studied whether the aberrant transcription produced a second epimutation by encompassing the CpG island of the TESK2 gene neighboring CCDC163P. Methods: We unraveled the methylome architecture of the CCDC163P-MMACHC CpG island (CpG:33) and the TESK2 CpG island (CpG:51) of 17 epi-cblC cases. We performed an integrative analysis of the DNA methylome profiling, transcriptome reconstruction of RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq), chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) of histone H3, and transcription expression of MMACHC and TESK2. Results: The PRDX1 splice mutations and activation of numerous cryptic splice sites produced antisense readthrough transcripts encompassing the bidirectional MMACHC/CCDC163P promoter and the TESK2 promoter, resulting in the silencing of both the MMACHC and TESK2 genes through the deposition of SETD2-dependent H3K36me3 marks and the generation of epimutations in the CpG islands of the two promoters. Conclusions: The antisense readthrough transcription of the mutated PRDX1 produces an epigenetic silencing of MMACHC and TESK2. We propose using the term 'epi-digenism' to define this epigenetic disorder that affects two genes. Epi-cblC is an entity that differs from cblC. Indeed, the PRDX1 and TESK2 altered expressions are observed in epi-cblC but not in cblC, suggesting further evaluating the potential consequences on cancer risk and spermatogenesis. Keywords: Epi-cblC; MMACHC; Methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria, cblC type; Promoter hypermethylation; Secondary epimutation; TESK2

    HIF1 and DROSHA are involved in MMACHC repression in hypoxia

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    The MMACHC gene encodes for an enzyme involved in intracellular vitamin B12 metabolism, and autosomal recessive defects in MMACHC represent the most common disorder of intracellular vitamin B12 metabolism. Recent studies have identified increased levels of reactive oxygen species in cells and tissues with MMACHC dysfunction, suggesting a role for oxidative stress in disease. To investigate the link between oxidative stress and MMACHC, we exposed mice as well as human and mouse cells to hypoxia, and found significant repression of MMACHC in all investigated tissues (retina, eyecup, liver, kidney) and cell lines (HeLa, ARPE-19, human and mouse fibroblasts, 661W). Furthermore, in HeLa cells, we found transcriptional repression already at 5% oxygen, which was stable during prolonged hypoxia up to 5 days, and a return of MMACHC transcripts to normal levels only 24 h after reoxygenation. This hypoxia-induced downregulation of MMACHC was not due to altered function of the known MMACHC controlling transcription factor complex HCFC1/THAP11/ZNF143. Using in vitro RNA interference against hypoxia-induced transcription factors (HIF1A, HIF2A and REST) as well as the microRNA transcription machinery (DROSHA), we observed release of hypoxia-dependent downregulation of MMACHC expression by HIF1A and DROSHA knockdowns, whose combined effect was additive. Together, these results strongly indicate that MMACHC is a hypoxia-regulated gene whose downregulation appears to be partially mediated through both hypoxia-induced transcription factor and microRNA machinery. These findings suggest that oxidative stress could impair vitamin B12 metabolism by repression of MMACHC in healthy as well as in diseased individuals

    Naturally occurring cobalamin (B12) analogs can function as cofactors for human methylmalonyl-CoA mutase

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    Cobalamin, commonly known as vitamin B12, is an essential micronutrient for humans because of its role as an enzyme cofactor. Cobalamin is one of over a dozen structurally related compounds - cobamides - that are found in certain foods and are produced by microorganisms in the human gut. Very little is known about how different cobamides affect B12-dependent metabolism in human cells. Here, we test in vitro how diverse cobamide cofactors affect the function of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MMUT), one of two cobalamin-dependent enzymes in humans. We find that, although cobalamin is the most effective cofactor for MMUT, multiple cobamides support MMUT function with differences in binding affinity (Kd), binding kinetics (kon), and concentration dependence during catalysis (KM, app). Additionally, we find that six disease-associated MMUT variants that cause cobalamin-responsive impairments in enzymatic activity also respond to other cobamides, with the extent of catalytic rescue dependent on the identity of the cobamide. Our studies challenge the exclusive focus on cobalamin in the context of human physiology, indicate that diverse cobamides can support the function of a human enzyme, and suggest future directions that will improve our understanding of the roles of different cobamides in human biology. Keywords: Cobalamin; Cobamide; MMUT; Methylmalonic aciduria; Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase; Vitamin B(12)

    Genetic disorders of vitamin B12 metabolism: eight complementation groups – eight genes

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    Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, Cbl) is an essential nutrient in human metabolism. Genetic diseases of vitamin B12 utilisation constitute an important fraction of inherited newborn disease. Functionally, B12 is the cofactor for methionine synthase and methylmalonyl CoA mutase. To function as a cofactor, B12 must be metabolised through a complex pathway that modifies its structure and takes it through subcellular compartments of the cell. Through the study of inherited disorders of vitamin B12 utilisation, the genes for eight complementation groups have been identified, leading to the determination of the general structure of vitamin B12 processing and providing methods for carrier testing, prenatal diagnosis and approaches to treatment

    Genetic, structural, and functional analysis of pathogenic variations causing methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase deficiency

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    Human methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase (MCEE) catalyzes the interconversion of d-methylmalonyl-CoA and l-methylmalonyl-CoA in propionate catabolism. Autosomal recessive pathogenic variations in MCEE reportedly cause methylmalonic aciduria (MMAuria) in eleven patients. We investigated a cohort of 150 individuals suffering from MMAuria of unknown origin, identifying ten new patients with pathogenic variations in MCEE. Nine patients were homozygous for the known nonsense variation p.Arg47* (c.139C > T), and one for the novel missense variation p.Ile53Arg (c.158T > G). To understand better the molecular basis of MCEE deficiency, we mapped p.Ile53Arg, and two previously described pathogenic variations p.Lys60Gln and p.Arg143Cys, onto our 1.8 Å structure of wild-type (wt) human MCEE. This revealed potential dimeric assembly disruption by p.Ile53Arg, but no clear defects from p.Lys60Gln or p.Arg143Cys. We solved the structure of MCEE-Arg143Cys to 1.9 Å and found significant disruption of two important loop structures, potentially impacting surface features as well as the active-site pocket. Functional analysis of MCEE-Ile53Arg expressed in a bacterial recombinant system as well as patient-derived fibroblasts revealed nearly undetectable soluble protein levels, defective globular protein behavior, and using a newly developed assay, lack of enzymatic activity - consistent with misfolded protein. By contrast, soluble protein levels, unfolding characteristics and activity of MCEE-Lys60Gln were comparable to wt, leaving unclear how this variation may cause disease. MCEE-Arg143Cys was detectable at comparable levels to wt MCEE, but had slightly altered unfolding kinetics and greatly reduced activity. These studies reveal ten new patients with MCEE deficiency and rationalize misfolding and loss of activity as molecular defects in MCEE-type MMAuria

    Structural insights into the MMACHC-MMADHC protein complex involved in vitamin B12 trafficking

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    Conversion of vitamin B12 (cobalamin, Cbl) into the cofactor forms methyl-Cbl (MeCbl) and adenosyl-Cbl (AdoCbl) is required for the function of two crucial enzymes, mitochondrial methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and cytosolic methionine synthase, respectively. The intracellular proteins MMACHC and MMADHC play important roles in processing and targeting the Cbl cofactor to its destination enzymes, and recent evidence suggests that they may interact while performing these essential trafficking functions. To better understand the molecular basis of this interaction, we have mapped the crucial protein regions required, indicate that Cbl is likely processed by MMACHC prior to interaction with MMADHC, and identify patient mutations on both proteins that interfere with complex formation, via different mechanisms. We further report the crystal structure of the MMADHC C-terminal region at 2.2 Ã… resolution, revealing a modified nitroreductase fold with surprising homology to MMACHC despite their poor sequence conservation. Because MMADHC demonstrates no known enzymatic activity, we propose it as the first protein known to repurpose the nitroreductase fold solely for protein-protein interaction. Using small angle x-ray scattering, we reveal the MMACHC-MMADHC complex as a 1:1 heterodimer and provide a structural model of this interaction, where the interaction region overlaps with the MMACHC-Cbl binding site. Together, our findings provide novel structural evidence and mechanistic insight into an essential biological process, whereby an intracellular "trafficking chaperone" highly specific for a trace element cofactor functions via protein-protein interaction, which is disrupted by inherited disease mutations

    The Spatial Expansion and Ecological Footprint of Fisheries (1950 to Present)

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    Using estimates of the primary production required (PPR) to support fisheries catches (a measure of the footprint of fishing), we analyzed the geographical expansion of the global marine fisheries from 1950 to 2005. We used multiple threshold levels of PPR as percentage of local primary production to define ‘fisheries exploitation’ and applied them to the global dataset of spatially-explicit marine fisheries catches. This approach enabled us to assign exploitation status across a 0.5° latitude/longitude ocean grid system and trace the change in their status over the 56-year time period. This result highlights the global scale expansion in marine fisheries, from the coastal waters off North Atlantic and West Pacific to the waters in the Southern Hemisphere and into the high seas. The southward expansion of fisheries occurred at a rate of almost one degree latitude per year, with the greatest period of expansion occurring in the 1980s and early 1990s. By the mid 1990s, a third of the world's ocean, and two-thirds of continental shelves, were exploited at a level where PPR of fisheries exceed 10% of PP, leaving only unproductive waters of high seas, and relatively inaccessible waters in the Arctic and Antarctic as the last remaining ‘frontiers.’ The growth in marine fisheries catches for more than half a century was only made possible through exploitation of new fishing grounds. Their rapidly diminishing number indicates a global limit to growth and highlights the urgent need for a transition to sustainable fishing through reduction of PPR

    Insights into energy balance dysregulation from a mouse model of methylmalonic aciduria

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    Inherited disorders of mitochondrial metabolism, including isolated methylmalonic aciduria, present unique challenges to energetic homeostasis by disrupting energy-producing pathways. To better understand global responses to energy shortage, we investigated a hemizygous mouse model of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (Mmut)–type methylmalonic aciduria. We found Mmut mutant mice to have reduced appetite, energy expenditure and body mass compared with littermate controls, along with a relative reduction in lean mass but increase in fat mass. Brown adipose tissue showed a process of whitening, in line with lower body surface temperature and lesser ability to cope with cold challenge. Mutant mice had dysregulated plasma glucose, delayed glucose clearance and a lesser ability to regulate energy sources when switching from the fed to fasted state, while liver investigations indicated metabolite accumulation and altered expression of peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor and Fgf21-controlled pathways. Together, these shed light on the mechanisms and adaptations behind energy imbalance in methylmalonic aciduria and provide insight into metabolic responses to chronic energy shortage, which may have important implications for disease understanding and patient management
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