207 research outputs found

    Neuropathies optiques héréditaires

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    Les neuropathies optiques héréditaires sont un groupe hétérogène de pathologies affectant les nerfs optiques et qui peuvent se transmettre selon un mode autosomique dominant, autosomique récessif, lié à l’X ou selon une hérédité mitochondriale. Les deux pathologies héréditaires non syndromiques les plus fréquentes (neuropathie optique héréditaire de Leber et l’atrophie optique dominante) ont des manifestations cliniques et des modes de transmission très différents, aboutissant néanmoins à une atrophie optique non spécifique. Au-delà des manifestations purement visuelles, il n’est pas exceptionnel de constater chez des patients atteints, un nombre croissant de manifestations neurologiques associées

    Dietary Vitamin D and AMD

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    Visual loss related to macular subretinal fluid and cystoid macular edema in HIV-related optic neuropathy

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    Optic nerve involvement may occur in various infectious diseases, but is rarely reported after infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We report the atypical case of a 38-year-old patient in whom the presenting features of HIV infection were due to a bilateral optic neuropathy associated with macular subretinal fluid and cystoid macular edema, which responded well to antiretroviral therapy

    Le pseudoxanthome élastique et la myopie

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    IntroductionNous souhaitons aborder le sujet de la réfraction chez le patient pseudoxanthome élastique (PXE). Nous voulons savoir si le PXE s’accompagne d’une myopie, tout comme le syndrome de Marfan, autre pathologie du tissu élastique. Patients et méthodes Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale chez 53 patients PXE consécutifs (21 hommes, 32 femmes, âge moyen 50 ans ± 16) de septembre 2009 à juin 2011 appariés sur l’âge et le sexe avec 53 témoins. Pour chaque patient, nous avons mesuré l’équivalent sphérique, l’acuité visuelle, la kératométrie (KM), la longueur axiale (LA) et la puissance du cristallin de chaque œil. Les résultats ont été comparés avec le test t de Student. Résultats Notre population PXE avait une myopie moyenne de –0,98 dioptrie versus –0,33 pour la population témoin (p < 0,0093). Cette myopie n’était pas liée à une augmentation de la longueur axiale (23,9 versus 23,69 ; p = 0,236), ni à une cornée plus courbe (43,53 versus 43,44 ; p = 0,68), ni à une puissance cristallinienne plus faible (22,03 versus 21,71 ; p = 0,225). Discussion Le PXE provoque une calcification des fibres élastiques dans plusieurs tissus (peau, rétine, parois vasculaires). Or, il n’y a pas de fibre élastique ni dans la cornée ni dans le cristallin, mais dans la zonule. Celle-ci pourrait être pathologique chez le patient PXE et expliquer une position du cristallin plus en avant que chez nos patients témoins. Conclusion Le PXE s’associe à une myopie significativement plus élevée que dans une population saine. Des études intégrant plus de patients avec une évaluation de la profondeur de la chambre antérieure et une étude histologique de la zonule pourraient aider à comprendre cette tendance à la myopie

    Impaired saccadic eye movement in primary open-angle glaucoma

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    PURPOSE: Our study aimed at investigating the extent to which saccadic eye movements are disrupted in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). This approach followed upon the discovery of differences in the eye-movement behavior of POAG patients during the exploration of complex visual scenes. METHODS: The eye movements of 8 POAG patients and 4 healthy age-matched controls were recorded. Four of the patients had documented visual field scotoma, and 4 had no identifiable scotoma on visual field testing. The eye movements were monitored as the observers watched static and kinetic targets. The gain, latency, and velocity-peak latency of the saccades recorded were then analyzed. RESULTS: In POAG patients, with abnormal visual fields, watching a static target, the saccades were delayed and their accuracy was reduced, compared with those of normal observers. In POAG patients, with normal and abnormal visual fields, watching a kinetic target, a task involving precise motion analysis, the latency and accuracy of the saccades were impaired, compared with those of normal observers. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that POAG alters saccade programming and execution particularly in the case of moving targets


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    Sea-buckthorn is a shrub fruit whose benefits have been known since antiquity. The whole plant is considered medicinal by specialists in the field, but the most active part is the sea-buckthorn fruit because it has a beneficial effect on the entire human body and more recently on animal breeding. A high-value by-product is sea-buckthorn oil, which is currently gaining traders’ attention at international level and which is obtained from both fruit and pomace resulting from the extraction of juice (shells and seeds). This paper presents some representative technolo-gies and installations used for fruit processing in general, technologies that will be the basis for the realization by INMA Bucharest of a technical equipment for separating sea-buckthorn pulp from the seeds

    PMH66 Growth in Antidepressant Use in 10 Countries in the Last Decade

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    Water is essential for humans, animals, and plants; pollutants, usually derived from anthropogenic activities, can have a serious effect on its quality. Heavy metals are significant pollutants and are often highly toxic to living organisms, even at very low concentrations. Among the numerous removal techniques proposed, adsorption onto suitable adsorbent materials is considered to be one of the most promising. The objective of the current study was to determine the effectiveness of halloysite nanotubes (HNT) functionalized with organic amino or thiol groups as adsorbent materials to decontaminate polluted waters, using the removal of Hg2+ ions, one of the most dangerous heavy metals, as the test case. The effects of pH, ionic strength (I), and temperature of the metal ion solution on the adsorption ability and affinity of both materials were evaluated. To this end, adsorption experiments were carried out with no ionic medium and in NaNO3 and NaCl at I = 0.1 mol L−1, in the pH range 3–5 and in the temperature range 283.15–313.15 K. Kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of adsorption were considered by measuring the metal ion concentrations in aqueous solution. Various equations were used to fit experimental data, and the results obtained were explained on the basis of both the adsorbent’s characterization and the Hg2+ speciation under the given experimental conditions. Thiol and amino groups enhanced the adsorption capability of halloysite for Hg2+ ions in the pH range 3–5. The pH, the ionic medium, and the ionic strength of aqueous solution all play an important role in the adsorption process. A physical adsorption mechanism enhanced by ion exchange is proposed for both functionalized materials
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