1,143 research outputs found

    Simulation of primordial object formation

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    We have included the chemical rate network responsible for the formation of molecular Hydrogen in the N-body hydrodynamic code, Hydra, in order to study the formation of the first cosmological at redshifts between 10 and 50. We have tested our implementation of the chemical and cooling processes by comparing N-body top hat simulations with theoretical predictions from a semi-analytic model and found them to be in good agreement. We find that post-virialization properties are insensitive to the initial abundance of molecular hydrogen. Our main objective was to determine the minimum mass (MSG(z)M_{SG}(z)) of perturbations that could become self gravitating (a prerequisite for star formation), and the redshift at which this occurred. We have developed a robust indicator for detecting the presence of a self-gravitating cloud in our simulations and find that we can do so with a baryonic particle mass-resolution of 40 solar masses. We have performed cosmological simulations of primordial objects and find that the object's mass and redshift at which they become self gravitating agree well with the MSG(z)M_{SG}(z) results from the top hat simulations. Once a critical molecular hydrogen fractional abundance of about 0.0005 has formed in an object, the cooling time drops below the dynamical time at the centre of the cloud and the gas free falls in the dark matter potential wells, becoming self gravitating a dynamical time later.Comment: 45 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Ap

    Recent Insights into Cell Surface Heparan Sulphate Proteoglycans and Cancer

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    A small group of cell surface receptors are proteoglycans, possessing a core protein with one or more covalently attached glycosaminoglycan chains. They are virtually ubiquitous and their chains are major sites at which protein ligands of many types interact. These proteoglycans can signal and regulate important cell processes, such as adhesion, migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Since many protein ligands, such as growth factors, morphogens, and cytokines, are also implicated in tumour progression, it is increasingly apparent that cell surface proteoglycans impact tumour cell behaviour. Here, we review some recent advances, emphasising that many tumour-related functions of proteoglycans are revealed only after their modification in processes subsequent to synthesis and export to the cell surface. These include enzymes that modify heparan sulphate structure, recycling of whole or fragmented proteoglycans into exosomes that can be paracrine effectors or biomarkers, and lateral interactions between some proteoglycans and calcium channels that impact the actin cytoskeleton

    Gapped and gapless short range ordered magnetic states with (12,12,12)(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}) wavevectors in the pyrochlore magnet Tb2+x_{2+x}Ti2−x_{2-x}O7+δ_{7+\delta}

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    Recent low temperature heat capacity (CP_P) measurements on polycrystalline samples of the pyrochlore antiferromagnet Tb2+x_{2+x}Ti2−x_{2-x}O7+δ_{7+\delta} have shown a strong sensitivity to the precise Tb concentration xx, with a large anomaly exhibited for x∼0.005x \sim 0.005 at TC∼0.5T_C \sim 0.5 K and no such anomaly and corresponding phase transition for x≤0x \le 0. We have grown single crystal samples of Tb2+x_{2+x}Ti2−x_{2-x}O7+δ_{7+\delta}, with approximate composition x=−0.001,+0.0042x=-0.001, +0.0042, and +0.0147+0.0147, where the x=0.0042x=0.0042 single crystal exhibits a large CP_P anomaly at TCT_C=0.45 K, but neither the x=−0.001x=-0.001 nor the x=+0.0147x=+0.0147 single crystals display any such anomaly. We present new time-of-flight neutron scattering measurements on the x=−0.001x=-0.001 and the x=+0.0147x=+0.0147 samples which show strong (12,12,12)\left(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}\right) quasi-Bragg peaks at low temperatures characteristic of short range antiferromagnetic spin ice (AFSI) order at zero magnetic field but only under field-cooled conditions, as was previously observed in our x=0.0042x = 0.0042 single crystal. These results show that the strong (12,12,12)\left(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}\right) quasi-Bragg peaks and gapped AFSI state at low temperatures under field cooled conditions are robust features of Tb2_2Ti2_2O7_7, and are not correlated with the presence or absence of the CP_P anomaly and phase transition at low temperatures. Further, these results show that the ordered state giving rise to the CP_P anomaly is confined to 0≤x≤0.010 \leq x \leq 0.01 for Tb2+x_{2+x}Ti2−x_{2-x}O7+δ_{7+\delta}, and is not obviously connected with conventional order of magnetic dipole degrees of freedom.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    A New Algorithm for Computing Statistics of Weak Lensing by Large-Scale Structure

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    We describe an efficient algorithm for calculating the statistics of weak lensing by large-scale structure based on a tiled set of independent particle-mesh N-body simulations which telescope in resolution along the line of sight. This efficiency allows us to predict not only the mean properties of lensing observables such as the power spectrum, skewness and kurtosis of the convergence, but also their sampling errors for finite fields of view, which are themselves crucial for assessing the cosmological significance of observations. We find that the nongaussianity of the distribution substantially increases the sampling errors for the skewness and kurtosis in the several to tens of arcminutes regime, whereas those for the power spectrum are only fractionally increased even out to wavenumbers where shot noise from the intrinsic ellipticities of the galaxies will likely dominate the errors.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures; minor changes reflect accepted versio

    Radio Signatures of HI at High Redshift: Mapping the End of the ``Dark Ages''

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    The emission of 21-cm radiation from a neutral intergalactic medium (IGM) at high redshift is discussed in connection with the thermal and ionization history of the universe. The physical mechanisms that make such radiation detectable against the cosmic microwave background include Ly_alpha coupling of the hydrogen spin temperature to the kinetic temperature of the gas and preheating of the IGM by the first generation of stars and quasars. Three different signatures are investigated in detail: (a) the fluctuations in the redshifted 21-cm emission induced by the gas density inhomogeneities that develop at early times in cold dark matter (CDM) dominated cosmologies; (b) the sharp absorption feature in the radio sky due to the rapid rise of the Ly_alpha continuum background that marks the birth of the first UV sources in the universe; and (c) the 21-cm emission and absorption shells that are generated on several Mpc scales around the first bright quasars. Future radio observations with projected facilities like the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and the Square Kilometer Array may shed light on the power spectrum of density fluctuations at z>5, and map the end of the "dark ages", i.e. the transition from the post-recombination universe to one populated with radiation sources.Comment: LateX, 19 pages, 5 figures, significantly revised version to be published in the Ap

    Peculiar Velocities of Galaxy Clusters

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    We investigate the peculiar velocities predicted for galaxy clusters by theories in the cold dark matter family. A widely used hypothesis identifies rich clusters with high peaks of a suitably smoothed version of the linear density fluctuation field. Their peculiar velocities are then obtained by extrapolating the similarly smoothed linear peculiar velocities at the positions of these peaks. We test these ideas using large high resolution N-body simulations carried out within the Virgo supercomputing consortium. We find that at early times the barycentre of the material which ends up in a rich cluster is generally very close to a high peak of the initial density field. Furthermore the mean peculiar velocity of this material agrees well with the linear value at the peak. The late-time growth of peculiar velocities is, however, systematically underestimated by linear theory. At the time clusters are identified we find their rms peculiar velocity to be about 40% larger than predicted. Nonlinear effects are particularly important in superclusters. These systematics must be borne in mind when using cluster peculiar velocities to estimate the parameter combination σ8Ω0.6\sigma_8\Omega^{0.6}.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; submitted to MNRA

    Reionization of the Universe and the Early Production of Metals

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    We simulate a plausible cosmological model in considerable physical and numerical detail through the successive phases of reheating (at 10<z<20), formation of Pop III stars at z=15 (due to molecular hydrogen cooling), with subsequent reionization at z=7. We assume an efficiency of high mass star formation appropriate to leave the universe, after it becomes transparent, with an ionizing background J_21=0.4 (at z=4), near (and perhaps slightly below) the observed value. Since the same stars produce the ionizing radiation and the first generation of heavy elements, a mean metallicity of Z/Z_\sun=1/200 is produced in this early phase, but there is a large variation about this mean, with the high density regions having Z/Z_\sun=1/30 and low density regions essentially no metals. Reionization, when it occurs, is very rapid, which will leave a signature which may be detectable by very large area meter-wavelength radio instruments. Also, the background UV radiation field will show a sharp drop from 1Ryd to 4Ryd due to absorption edges. The simulated volume is too small to form L_* galaxies, but the smaller objects which are found in the simulation obey the Faber-Jackson relation. In order to explore theoretically this domain of "the end of the dark ages" quantitatively, numerical simulations must have a mass resolution of the order of 10^{4.5} M_\sun} in baryons, high spatial resolution (1 kpc) to resolve strong clumping, and allow for detailed and accurate treatment of both the radiation field and atomic/molecular physics.Comment: submitted to Ap
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