3,644 research outputs found

    Rapid Tunneling and Percolation in the Landscape

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    Motivated by the possibility of a string landscape, we reexamine tunneling of a scalar field across single/multiple barriers. Recent investigations have suggested modifications to the usual picture of false vacuum decay that lead to efficient and rapid tunneling in the landscape when certain conditions are met. This can be due to stringy effects (e.g. tunneling via the DBI action), or by effects arising due to the presence of multiple vacua (e.g. resonance tunneling). In this paper we discuss both DBI tunneling and resonance tunneling. We provide a QFT treatment of resonance tunneling using the Schr\"odinger functional approach. We also show how DBI tunneling for supercritical barriers can naturally lead to conditions suitable for resonance tunneling. We argue using basic ideas from percolation theory that tunneling can be rapid in a landscape where a typical vacuum has multiple decay channels and discuss various cosmological implications. This rapidity vacuum decay can happen even if there are no resonance/DBI tunneling enhancements, solely due to the presence of a large number of decay channels. Finally, we consider various ways of circumventing a recent no-go theorem for resonance tunneling in quantum field theory.Comment: 47 pages, 16 figures. Acknowledgements adde

    Top Quarks as a Window to String Resonances

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    We study the discovery potential of string resonances decaying to ttˉt\bar{t} final state at the LHC. We point out that top quark pair production is a promising and an advantageous channel for studying such resonances, due to their low Standard Model background and unique kinematics. We study the invariant mass distribution and angular dependence of the top pair production cross section via exchanges of string resonances. The mass ratios of these resonances and the unusual angular distribution may help identify their fundamental properties and distinguish them from other new physics. We find that string resonances for a string scale below 4 TeV can be detected via the ttˉt\bar{t} channel, either from reconstructing the ttˉt\bar{t} semi-leptonic decay or recent techniques in identifying highly boosted tops.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Maximal Temperature in Flux Compactifications

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    Thermal corrections have an important effect on moduli stabilization leading to the existence of a maximal temperature, beyond which the compact dimensions decompactify. In this note, we discuss generality of our earlier analysis and apply it to the case of flux compactifications. The maximal temperature is again found to be controlled by the supersymmetry breaking scale, T_{crit} \sim \sqrt{m_{3/2} M_P}.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. v2:comment and references adde

    No CPT Violation from Tilted Brane in Neutral Meson--Antimeson Systems

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    Tilted brane in theories with large compact extra dimensions leads to spontaneous symmetry breaking of the Lorentz and rotational invariance in four dimensions, as shown by Dvali and Shifman. In this brief report, we point out that the mentioned Lorentz symmetry breaking, although leading to the CPT--violating interaction terms, cannot lead to the CPT violation in the experimentally interesting KK--Kˉ{\bar K} and analogous systems.Comment: 5 pages, RevTe

    Oblique Parameter Constraints on Large Extra Dimensions

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    We consider the Kaluza-Klein scenario in which gravity propagates in the 4+n4+n dimensional bulk of spacetime and the Standard Model particles are confined to a 3-brane. We calculate the gauge boson self-energy corrections arising from the exchange of virtual gravitons and present our results in the STUSTU-formalism. We find that the new physics contributions to SS, TT and UU decouple in the limit that the string scale MSM_S goes to infinity. The oblique parameters constrain the lower limit on MSM_S. Taking the quantum gravity cutoff to be MSM_S, SS-parameter constraints impose MS>1.55M_S>1.55 TeV for n=2n=2 at the 1σ\sigma level. TT-parameter constraints impose MS>1.25(0.75)M_S>1.25 (0.75) TeV for n=3(6)n=3 (6).Comment: Version to appear in PR

    Comparing Brane Inflation to WMAP

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    We compare the simplest realistic brane inflationary model to recent cosmological data, including WMAP 3-year cosmic microwave background (CMB) results, Sloan Digital Sky Survey luminous red galaxies (SDSS LRG) power spectrum data and Supernovae Legacy Survey (SNLS) Type 1a supernovae distance measures. Here, the inflaton is simply the position of a D3D3-brane which is moving towards a Dˉ3\bar{D}3-brane sitting at the bottom of a throat (a warped, deformed conifold) in the flux compactified bulk in Type IIB string theory. The analysis includes both the usual slow-roll scenario and the Dirac-Born-Infeld scenario of slow but relativistic rolling. Requiring that the throat is inside the bulk greatly restricts the allowed parameter space. We discuss possible scenarios in which large tensor mode and/or non-Gaussianity may emerge. Here, the properties of a large tensor mode deviate from that in the usual slow-roll scenario, providing a possible stringy signature. Overall, within the brane inflationary scenario, the cosmological data is providing information about the properties of the compactification of the extra dimensions.Comment: 45 pages 11 figure

    On High-Energy Behavior of Cross Sections in Theories with Large Extra Dimensions

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    We discuss the high-energy behavior of cross sections in theories with large extra dimensions and low-scale quantum gravity, addressing two particular issues: (i) the tension of the D-branes, and (ii) bounds on the cross section and their relation to approximations in the mode sum over Kaluza-Klein-graviton exchanges.Comment: 6 pages, late

    Non-gaussianity from the inflationary trispectrum

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    We present an estimate for the non-linear parameter \tau_NL, which measures the non-gaussianity imprinted in the trispectrum of the comoving curvature perturbation, \zeta. Our estimate is valid throughout the inflationary era, until the slow-roll approximation breaks down, and takes into account the evolution of perturbations on superhorizon scales. We find that the non-gaussianity is always small if the field values at the end of inflation are negligible when compared to their values at horizon crossing. Under the same assumption, we show that in Nflation-type scenarios, where the potential is a sum of monomials, the non-gaussianity measured by \tau_NL is independent of the couplings and initial conditions.Comment: 15 pages, uses iopart.sty. Replaced with version accepted by JCAP; journal reference adde

    On D3-brane Dynamics at Strong Warping

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    We study the dynamics of a D3 brane in generic IIB warped compactifications, using the Hamiltonian formulation discussed in arXiv:0805.3700 [hep-th]. Taking into account of both closed and open string fluctuations, we derive the warped Kahler potential governing the motion of a probe D3 brane. By including the backreaction of D3, we also comment on how the problem of defining a holomorphic gauge coupling on wrapped D7 branes in warped background can be resolved.Comment: 19 pages, No figure