32 research outputs found

    String theory in target space

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    It is argued that the complete S-matrix of string theory at tree level in a flat background can be obtained from a small set of target space properties, without recourse to the worldsheet description. The main non-standard inputs are (generalised) Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten shifts, as well as the monodromy relations for open string theory and the Kawai-Lewellen-Tye relations for closed string theory. The roots of the scattering amplitudes and especially their appearance in the residues at the kinematic poles are central to the story. These residues determine the amplitudes through on-shell recursion relations. Several checks of the formalism are presented, including a computation of the Koba-Nielsen amplitude in the bosonic string. Furthermore the question of target space unitarity is (re-)investigated. For the Veneziano amplitude this question is reduced by Poincaré invariance, unitarity and locality to that of positivity of a particular numerical sum. Interestingly, this analysis produces the main conditions of the no-ghost theorem on dimension and intercept from the first three poles of this amplitude

    Phenomenology of threshold corrections for inclusive jet production at hadron colliders

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    We study one-jet inclusive hadro-production and compute the QCD threshold corrections for large transverse momentum of the jet in the soft-gluon resummation formalism at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We use the resummed result to generate approximate QCD corrections at next-to-next-to leading order, compare with results in the literature and present rapidity integrated distributions of the jet's transverse momentum for Tevatron and LHC. For the threshold approximation we investigate its kinematical range of validity as well as its dependence on the jet's cone size and kinematics

    Dilaton domination in the MSSM and its singlet extensions

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    We analyse the current status of the dilaton domination scenario in the MSSM and its singlet extensions, taking into account the measured value of the Higgs mass, the relic abundance of dark matter and constraints from SUSY searches at the LHC. We find that in the case of the MSSM the requirement of a dark matter relic abundance in accord with observation severely restricts the allowed parameter space, implying an upper bound on the superpartner masses which makes it fully testable at the LHC-14. In singlet extensions with a large singlet-MSSM coupling λ as favoured by naturalness arguments the coloured sparticles should again be within the reach of the LHC-14, while for small λ it is possible to decouple the MSSM and singlet sectors, achieving the correct dark matter abundance with a singlino LSP while allowing for a heavy MSSM spectrum

    Top-quark pair production at hadron colliders: differential cross section and phenomenological applications with DiffTop

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    The results of phenomenological studies of top-quark pair production in proton-proton collisions are presented. Differential cross sections are calculated in perturbative QCD at approximate next-to-next-to-leading order O α s 4 O(αs4) \mathcal{O}\left({\alpha}_s^4\right) by using methods of threshold resummation beyond the leading logarithmic accuracy. Predictions for the single-particle inclusive kinematics are presented for transverse momentum and rapidity distributions of final-state top quarks. Uncertainties related to the description of proton structure, top-quark mass and strong coupling constant are investigated in detail. The results are compared to the recent measurements by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the LHC at the center of mass energy of 7 TeV. The calculation presented here is implemented in the computer code Difftop and can be applied to the general case of heavy-quark pair production at hadron-hadron colliders. For the first time, a fit of parton distribution functions at NNLO is performed by using the differential cross sections of top-quark pair production together with other data sets. The impact of the top-pair production on the precision of the gluon distribution at high scales is illustrated

    On γ5 in higher-order QCD calculations and the NNLO evolution of the polarized valence distribution

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    We discuss the prescription for the Dirac matrix γ5 in dimensional regularization used in most second- and third-order QCD calculations of collider cross sections. We provide an alternative implementation of this approach that avoids the use of an explicit form of γ5 and of its (anti-)commutation relations in the most important case of no more than one γ5 in each fermion trace. This treatment is checked by computing the third-order corrections to the structure functions F2 and g1 in charged-current deep-inelastic scattering with axial-vector couplings to the W -bosons. We derive the so far unknown third-order helicity-difference splitting function ΔPns(2)s that contributes to the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) evolution of the polarized valence quark distribution of the nucleon. This function is negligible at momentum fractions x≳0.3 but relevant at x≪1

    Conformal correlators of mixed-symmetry tensors

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    We generalize the embedding formalism for conformal field theories to the case of general operators with mixed symmetry. The index-free notation encoding symmetric tensors as polynomials in an auxiliary polarization vector is extended to mixed-symmetry tensors by introducing a new commuting or anticommuting polarization vector for each row or column in the Young diagram that describes the index symmetries of the tensor. We determine the tensor structures that are allowed in n -point conformal correlation functions and give an algorithm for counting them in terms of tensor product coefficients. A simple derivation of the unitarity bound for arbitrary mixed-symmetry tensors is obtained by considering the conservation condition in embedding space. We show, with an example, how the new formalism can be used to compute conformal blocks of arbitrary external fields for the exchange of any conformal primary and its descendants. The matching between the number of tensor structures in conformal field theory correlators of operators in d dimensions and massive scattering amplitudes in d + 1 dimensions is also seen to carry over to mixed-symmetry tensors

    R2 log  R quantum corrections and the inflationary observables

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    We study a model of inflation with terms quadratic and logarithmic in the Ricci scalar, where the gravitational action is f(R)=R+α R2+β R2 ln R. These terms are expected to arise from one loop corrections involving matter fields in curved space-time. The spectral index ns and the tensor to scalar ratio yield 4 × 10-4≲ r≲0.03 and 0.94≲ ns ≲ 0.99. i.e. r is an order of magnitude bigger or smaller than the original Starobinsky model which predicted r∼ 10-3. Further enhancement of r gives a scale invariant ns∼ 1 or higher. Other inflationary observables are d ns/dln k ≳ -5.2 × 10-4, μ ≲ 2.1 × 10-8 , y ≲ 2.6 × 10-9. Despite the enhancement in r, if the recent BICEP2 measurement stands, this model is disfavoured

    Moduli spaces in AdS 4 supergravity

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    We study the structure of the supersymmetric moduli spaces of N \mathcal{N} = 1 and N \mathcal{N} = 2 supergravity theories in AdS 4 backgrounds. In the N \mathcal{N} = 1 case, the moduli space cannot be a complex submanifold of the Kähler field space, but is instead real with respect to the inherited complex structure. In N \mathcal{N} = 2 supergravity the same result holds for the vector multiplet moduli space, while the hypermultiplet moduli space is a Kähler submanifold of the quaternionic-Kähler field space. These findings are in agreement with AdS/CFT considerations

    NLO Monte Carlo predictions for heavy-quark production at the LHC: pp collisions in ALICE

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    Next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD predictions for the production of heavy quarks in proton-proton collisions are presented within three different approaches to quark mass, resummation and fragmentation effects. In particular, new NLO and parton shower simulations with POWHEG are performed in the ALICE kinematic regime at three different centre-of-mass energies, including scale and parton density variations, in order to establish a reliable baseline for future detailed studies of heavy-quark suppression in heavy-ion collisions. Very good agreement of POWHEG is found with FONLL, in particular for centrally produced D 0 , D + and D *+ mesons and electrons from charm and bottom quark decays, but also with the generally somewhat higher GM-VFNS predictions within the theoretical uncertainties. The latter are dominated by scale rather than quark mass variations. Parton density uncertainties for charm and bottom quark production are computed here with POWHEG for the first time and shown to be dominant in the forward regime, e.g. for muons coming from heavy-flavour decays. The fragmentation into D s mesons seems to require further tuning within the NLO Monte Carlo approach

    Towards precise predictions for Higgs-boson production in the MSSM

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    We study the production of scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs bosons via gluon fusion and bottom-quark annihilation in the MSSM. Relying on the NNLO-QCD calculation implemented in the public code SusHi, we provide precise predictions for the Higgs-production cross section in six benchmark scenarios compatible with the LHC searches. We also provide a detailed discussion of the sources of theoretical uncertainty in our calculation. We examine the dependence of the cross section on the renormalization and factorization scales, on the precise definition of the Higgs-bottom coupling and on the choice of PDFs, as well as the uncertainties associated to our incomplete knowledge of the SUSY contributions through NNLO. In particular, a potentially large uncertainty originates from uncomputed higher-order QCD corrections to the bottom-quark contributions to gluon fusion