5 research outputs found

    Dysregulation of DGCR6 and DGCR6L: psychopathological outcomes in chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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    Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) is the most common microdeletion syndrome in humans. It is typified by highly variable symptoms, which might be explained by epigenetic regulation of genes in the interval. Using computational algorithms, our laboratory previously predicted that DiGeorge critical region 6 (DGCR6), which lies within the deletion interval, is imprinted in humans. Expression and epigenetic regulation of this gene have not, however, been examined in 22q11DS subjects. The purpose of this study was to determine if the expression levels of DGCR6 and its duplicate copy DGCR6L in 22q11DS subjects are associated with the parent-of-origin of the deletion and childhood psychopathologies. Our investigation showed no evidence of parent-of-origin-related differences in expression of both DGCR6 and DGCR6L. However, we found that the variability in DGCR6 expression was significantly greater in 22q11DS children than in age and gender-matched control individuals. Children with 22q11DS who had anxiety disorders had significantly lower DGCR6 expression, especially in subjects with the deletion on the maternal chromosome, despite the lack of imprinting. Our findings indicate that epigenetic mechanisms other than imprinting contribute to the dysregulation of these genes and the associated childhood psychopathologies observed in individuals with 22q11DS. Further studies are now needed to test the usefulness of DGCR6 and DGCR6L expression and alterations in the epigenome at these loci in predicting childhood anxiety and associated adult-onset pathologies in 22q11DS subjects

    Die gantze Erd-Kugel/ Bestehend In den vier bekannten Theilen der Welt/ Als Europa, Asia, Africa und America

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    DIE GANTZE ERD-KUGEL/ BESTEHEND IN DEN VIER BEKANNTEN THEILEN DER WELT/ ALS EUROPA, ASIA, AFRICA UND AMERICA Die gantze Erd-Kugel/ Bestehend In den vier bekannten Theilen der Welt/ Als Europa, Asia, Africa und America ( - ) Einband ( - ) Kupfertitel ( - ) Titelseite ( - ) Hoch-geneigter Leser ( - ) Karte: [Europa] ( - ) Europa. (1) Karte: Britannia Magna & Hibernia ( - ) Karte: Suecia, Dania, Et Norvegia ( - ) Karte: Regni Daniae Accuratissima delineatio ( - ) Karte: Tabula Russiae ( - ) Karte: Gallia ( - ) Karte: Germania ( - ) Karte: Belgii sive Germaniae Inferioris ( - ) Karte: Polonia & Lithuania Cum suis Palatinatibus ( - ) Karte: Regnorum Hispaniae nova descriptio ( - ) Karte: Italia ( - ) Karte: Turcici Impery In Europa Pars Meridionalis ( - ) Karte: Hungaria sive Imperii Turcici in europa pars Septentrionalis ( - ) Karte: Asia ( - ) Asia. (1) Karte: Natolia sive Asia Minor ( - ) Karte: Imperium Turcicum ni Asia ( - ) Karte: Soria & Diarbeck ( - ) Karte: Turcomania, Georgia et Commania ( - ) Karte: Arabia Petrea, Deserta et Felix ( - ) Karte: Persia sive Sophorum Regnum ( - ) Karte: India Extra Gangem ubi sunt Regna Decam, Golconda, Bisnagar & Malabar ( - ) Karte: Magni Mogolis Imperium ( - ) Karten: Indiae extra Gangem Pars ... ( - ) Karte: China Regnum ( - ) Karte: Tartaria Maior ( - ) Karte: Insularum Iaponiae in VII. partes & LXVI. Regna Antiqua divisae ( - ) Karten: Insulae Philippinae / Islas De Los Ladrones ( - ) Karte: Insulae Moluccae Celebes, Gilolo &c. ( - ) Karte: Insulae Sondae quae Sunt Sumatra Iava, Borneo, &c. ( - ) Karte: Ceylan & Maldivae Insulae ( - ) Karte: Africae Tabula ( - ) Africa. (1) Karte: Regnum Marocco in septem provincias divisum ( - ) Karte: Regnum Fezza in Septem provincias civisum ( - ) Karte: Barbariae Pars, ubi Regnum Alger in Provincias suas divisum & Pars Biledulgerid, ubi sunt Tegorarin, Zer etc. ( - ) Karte: Regnum & Desertum Barca & Aegyptus, in partes suas divisa ( - ) Karte: Pars Barbariae, ubi sunt Regnum Tunis & Tripoli ( - ) Karte: Pars Biledulgrid ubi sunt Tesset, Darha, & Segelmesse, &c. ( - ) Karte: Aegyptus in xii Cassiliffatus divisa ( - ) Karte: Africa, sive Lybia Ulterior, ubi sunt Desertum Saaia, Nigritarum Regio & Guinea ( - ) Karte: Aethiopiae Superioris pars, ubi Abyssinorum Imp. & Nubia ( - ) Karte: Guinea cum Regionibus circumiacentibus ( - ) Karten: Zanguebar Pars, ubi Aian & Abex etc. / Zanguebar ( - ) Karte: Regnum Congo etc. ( - ) Karte: Caffaria nec non Monomotapa Monaemugi, &c. Imperia ( - ) Karte: Insula Madagascar sive S.ti Laurenty ( - ) Karte: Insulae Promontorii Viridis, Orae & Nigritarum Regio, illi vicinae ( - ) Karte: Insulae Canariae ( - ) Karte: Insulae Malta Goza, &c.a ( - ) Karte: Insulae Americanae ( - ) America. (1) Karte: America Septentrionalis ( - ) Karte: Canada, sive Nova Francia, &c. ( - ) Karte: Florida ( - ) Karte: Audienca De Mexico ( - ) Karte: Audienca De Guatimala ( - ) Karte: Audienca De Guadalajara, Nova Mexico California &c. ( - ) Karte: America Meridonalis ( - ) Karte: Terra Firma & Nova Granada &c. ( - ) Karte: Guiana in Guianam & Caribanam divisa ( - ) Karte: Peru & Amazonum Fluvy cursus ( - ) Karte: Chili ( - ) Karte: Brasilia Lusitanorum in XIV praefecturas divisa ( - ) Karte: Paraguay in partes suas praecipuas divisum ( - ) Karte: Fretum Magellanicum cum terris & Insulis adiacentibus ( -

    Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression and posttraumatic stress disorder among HIV-positive women in Kisumu, Kenya: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Mental disorders are the leading global cause of years lived with disability; the majority of this burden exists in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Over half of mental illness is attributable to depression and anxiety disorders, both of which have known treatments. While the scarcity of mental health care providers is recognized as a major contributor to the magnitude of untreated disorders in LMICs, studies in LMICs find that evidence-based treatments for depression and anxiety disorders, such as brief, structured psychotherapies, are feasible, acceptable and have strong efficacy when delivered by local non-specialist personnel. However, most mental health treatment studies using non-specialist providers in LMICs deploy traditional efficacy designs (T1) without the benefit of integrated mental health treatment models shown to succeed over vertical interventions or methods derived from new implementation science to speed policy change. Here, we describe an effectiveness-implementation hybrid study that evaluates non-specialist delivery of mental health treatment within an HIV clinic for HIV-positive (HIV+) women affected by gender- based violence (GBV) (HIV+ GBV+) in the Nyanza region of Kenya. METHODS/DESIGN: In this effectiveness-implementation hybrid type I design, 200 HIV+ women with major depressive disorder (MDD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who are receiving care at a Family AIDS Care Education and Services (FACES)-supported clinic in Kisumu, Kenya will be randomized to: (1) interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) + treatment as usual (TAU) or (2) TAU, both delivered within the HIV clinic. IPT will consist of 12 weekly 60-minute individual IPT sessions, delivered by non-specialists trained to provide IPT. Primary effectiveness outcomes will include MDD and PTSD diagnosis on the Mini International Diagnostic Interview (MINI). Primary implementation outcomes will include treatment cost-benefit, acceptability, appropriateness, feasibility and fidelity of the IPT delivery within an HIV clinic. DISCUSSION: This trial leverages newly defined effectiveness-implementation hybrid designs to gather data on mental health treatment implementation within an HIV care clinic, while testing the effectiveness of an evidence-based treatment for use with a large underserved population (HIV+ GBV+ women) in Kenya. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT02320799, registered on 9 September 2014

    Human-Specific Histone Methylation Signatures at Transcription Start Sites in Prefrontal Neurons

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