2,713 research outputs found

    Magnetic correlations of the quasi-one-dimensional half-integer spin-chain antiferromagnets SrM2M_2V2_2O8_8 (MM = Co, Mn)

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    Magnetic correlations of two iso-structural quasi-one-dimensional (1D) antiferromagnetic spin-chain compounds SrM2M_2V2_2O8_8 (MM = Co, Mn) have been investigated by magnetization and powder neutron diffraction. Two different collinear antiferromagnetic (AFM) structures, characterized by the propagation vectors, kk = (0 0 1) and kk = (0 0 0), have been found below \sim 5.2 K and \sim 42.2 K for the Co- and Mn-compounds, respectively. For the Mn-compound, AFM chains (along the cc axis) order ferromagnetically within the abab plane, whereas, for the Co-compound, AFM chains order ferro-/antiferromagnetically along the a/ba/b direction. The critical exponent study confirms that the Co- and Mn-compounds belong to the Ising and Heisenberg universality classes, respectively. For both compounds, short-range spin-spin correlations are present over a wide temperature range above TNT_N. The reduced ordered moments at base temperature (1.5 K) indicate the presence of quantum fluctuations in both compounds due to the quasi-1D magnetic interactions.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 9 table

    Weakly Enforced Boundary Conditions for the NURBS-Based Finite Cell Method

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    In this paper, we present a variationally consistent formulation for the weak enforcement of essential boundary conditions as an extension to the finite cell method, a fictitious domain method of higher order. The absence of boundary fitted elements in fictitious domain or immersed boundary methods significantly restricts a strong enforcement of essential boundary conditions to models where the boundary of the solution domain coincides with the embedding analysis domain. Penalty methods and Lagrange multiplier methods are adequate means to overcome this limitation but often suffer from various drawbacks with severe consequences for a stable and accurate solution of the governing system of equations. In this contribution, we follow the idea of NITSCHE [29] who developed a stable scheme for the solution of the Laplace problem taking weak boundary conditions into account. An extension to problems from linear elasticity shows an appropriate behavior with regard to numerical stability, accuracy and an adequate convergence behavior. NURBS are chosen as a high-order approximation basis to benefit from their smoothness and flexibility in the process of uniform model refinement

    Colloidal crystal growth at externally imposed nucleation clusters

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    We study the conditions under which and how an imposed cluster of fixed colloidal particles at prescribed positions triggers crystal nucleation from a metastable colloidal fluid. Dynamical density functional theory of freezing and Brownian dynamics simulations are applied to a two-dimensional colloidal system with dipolar interactions. The externally imposed nucleation clusters involve colloidal particles either on a rhombic lattice or along two linear arrays separated by a gap. Crystal growth occurs after the peaks of the nucleation cluster have first relaxed to a cutout of the stable bulk crystal.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Nocturnal activity of a blenny Lipophrys trigloides (Pisces, Blenniidae) at the Spanish Mediterranean coast

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    Scanning Hyperspectral Imaging for In Situ Biogeochemical Analysis of Lake Sediment Cores: Review of Recent Developments

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in situ core scanning has emerged as a valuable and novel tool for rapid and non-destructive biogeochemical analysis of lake sediment cores. Variations in sediment composition can be assessed directly from fresh sediment surfaces at ultra-high-resolution (40–300 μm measurement resolution) based on spectral profiles of light reflected from sediments in visible, near infrared, and short-wave infrared wavelengths (400–2500 nm). Here, we review recent methodological developments in this new and growing field of research, as well as applications of this technique for paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental studies. Hyperspectral imaging of sediment cores has been demonstrated to effectively track variations in sedimentary pigments, organic matter, grain size, minerogenic components, and other sedimentary features. These biogeochemical variables record information about past climatic conditions, paleoproductivity, past hypolimnetic anoxia, aeolian input, volcanic eruptions, earthquake and flood frequencies, and other variables of environmental relevance. HSI has been applied to study seasonal and inter-annual environmental variability as recorded in individual varves (annually laminated sediments) or to study sedimentary records covering long glacial–interglacial time-scales (>10,000 years)

    Non-genetic inheritance, fertility and assisted reproductive technologies

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    The concept of non-genetic inheritance is gaining considerable attention in the assisted reproductive technology (ART) community due to the reported differences between children born from ART and those that are conceived naturally. It has been demonstrated that children conceived via ART have differences in fetal growth, birth weight, congenital abnormalities, cardiometabolic parameters, glucose homeostasis as well as changes to body composition compared to children conceived naturally. Although these changes may have a parental contribution and may be influenced by the pathology of infertility there is concern that the technologies themselves may play a role. In support of this, is emerging evidence that aspects of ART technology such as culture media formulation and insemination method can alter offspring phenotype. In addition it is also documented that exposure to environmental factors, such as toxins can impact on offspring gametogenesis such that these perturbations persist through generations. With the increasing use of ART and the development of new technologies it is vital that we understand whether ART can effect non-genetic inheritance so that we can optimise technology and prevent abnormal programming and its impact on all aspects of offspring health including fertility and a possible transmission to subsequent generations.Deirdre Zander-Fox, Nicole O McPherson, Michelle Lan

    Economic consequences of insect pests outbreaks in boreal forests: a literature review

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    Вспышки насекомых-вредителей считаются одним из наиболее разрушительных видов естественных лесных нарушений. Серьезность таких вспышек в последние годы быстро возрастает из-за процесса глобального потепления, который влияет на скорость размножения вредителей и диапазон их естественного распространения. Особое значение имеют экономические последствия данных видов нарушений. Несмотря на обширные исследования экологии древесных фитофагов, вопросы оценки экономического ущерба и формирования механизмов его минимизации изучены слабо. В данной статье представлен обзор исследований, посвященных проблеме вредных воздействий насекомых – вредителей леса, классифицированных по их локализации. Область исследования включает в себя в основном бореальные леса, расположенные в ряде европейских стран, США, Канаде и России. В исследовании обсуждаются инструменты, применяемые для предотвращения упомянутых выше нарушений и смягчения соответствующих негативных последствий. Несмотря на то, что существуют теоретические подходы к анализу экономических последствий поражения лесов вредителями, они пока не могут найти практического применени

    Linking the formation of varves in a eutrophic temperate lake to meteorological conditions and water column dynamics.

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    Despite varved sediments being widely used for paleolimnological studies, little information is available about how climate and meteorological signals are recorded in varves at sub-seasonal to annual scale. We investigate links between meteorological and limnological conditions and their influence on biochemical varve formation and preservation of sub-seasonal climate signals in the sediments. Our study site is postglacial Lake Żabińskie located in NE Poland, in which thick and complex varved sediments have been studied for the last decade. These sediments provide an excellent material for studying the influence of short-term weather conditions on geological records. For this, we use an almost decade-long (2012-2019) series of observational data (meteorological conditions, physicochemical water parameters, and modern sedimentation observations) to understand varve formation processes. Then we compare these results with a high-resolution biogeochemical proxy dataset based on μXRF and hyperspectral imaging (HSI) measurements of a varved sediment core spanning the same period. Here we show direct links between the meteorological and limnological conditions and varve formation processes This is particularly the case for air temperature which governs calcite laminae formation and primary production. We further show that calcite grain size is influenced by lake mixing intensity resulting from the wind activity, and that holomixis events lead to the formation of distinct manganese (Mn) peaks in the typically anoxic sediments. Our findings show that high-resolution non-destructive spectroscopy methods applied to complex biochemical varves, in combination with long observational limnological datasets, provide useful information for tracking meteorological and limnological processes in the past

    Statistical estimation of trailing edge noise from finite wall-mounted airfoils

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    The 2016 Joint Conference of The Australian Acoustical Society and The Acoustical Society of New Zealand. Acoustics2016 - The Second Australasian Acoustical Societies ConferenceIt is important to be able to accurately model the flow and noise generated by finite wall-mounted airfoil flows because of the many engineering applications in which these flows occur. One method for predicting turbulent trailing edge noise is the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes based statistical noise model (RSNM) of Doolan et al. (Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010). The RSNM method has previously been used successfully on a range of two-dimensional geometry-flow cases. In this paper a new turbulent velocity cross-spectrum model and improved implementation are proposed to allow the RSNM method to be used to effectively and efficiently predict turbulent trailing edge noise from more complex three-dimensional cases. Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations of a series of wing-in-junction cases are used in combination with the developed acoustic model to predict the far-field noise and compared against experimental noise measurements.Jesse Coombs, Con Doolan, Anthony Zander, Danielle Moreau and Laura Brook

    A survey of image-based computational learning techniques for frost detection in plants

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    Frost damage is one of the major concerns for crop growers as it can impact the growth of the plants and hence, yields. Early detection of frost can help farmers mitigating its impact. In the past, frost detection was a manual or visual process. Image-based techniques are increasingly being used to understand frost development in plants and automatic assessment of damage resulting from frost. This research presents a comprehensive survey of the state-of the-art methods applied to detect and analyse frost stress in plants. We identify three broad computational learning approaches i.e., statistical, traditional machine learning and deep learning, applied to images to detect and analyse frost in plants. We propose a novel taxonomy to classify the existing studies based on several attributes. This taxonomy has been developed to classify the major characteristics of a significant body of published research. In this survey, we profile 80 relevant papers based on the proposed taxonomy. We thoroughly analyse and discuss the techniques used in the various approaches, i.e., data acquisition, data preparation, feature extraction, computational learning, and evaluation. We summarise the current challenges and discuss the opportunities for future research and development in this area including in-field advanced artificial intelligence systems for real-time frost monitoring