289 research outputs found

    Non-Equilibrium Ionization States of GRB Environments

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    Iron spectral features are thought to be the best tracer of a progenitor of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The detections of spectral features such as an iron line and/or a Radiative Recombination edge and Continuum (RRC) were reported in four X-ray afterglows of GRBs. However their properties were different each other burst by burst. For example, Chandra observation of GRB 991216 reported both the strong H-like iron line together with its RRC. On the contrary, Yoshida et al. (2001) report only a detection of the strong RRC in GRB 970828 with ASCA. Since it is difficult to produce the strong RRC, we have to consider special condition for the line and/or the RRC forming region. In this paper, we point out a possibility of a ``non-equilibrium ionization state'' for the line and the RRC forming region.Comment: 10pages, 2figures. Accepted for ApJL. This is a companion paper by A.Yoshida et. a

    Strict Limit on CPT Violation from Polarization of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We report the strictest observational verification of CPT invariance in the photon sector, as a result of gamma-ray polarization measurement of distant gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which are brightest stellar-size explosions in the universe. We detected the gamma-ray polarization of three GRBs with high significance, and the source distances may be constrained by a well-known luminosity indicator for GRBs. For the Lorentz- and CPT-violating dispersion relation E_{\pm}^2=p^2 \pm 2\xi p^3/M_{Pl}, where \pm denotes different circular polarization states of the photon, the parameter \xi is constrained as |\xi|<O(10^{-15}). Barring precise cancellation between quantum gravity effects and dark energy effects, the stringent limit on the CPT-violating effect leads to the expectation that quantum gravity presumably respects the CPT invariance.Comment: 4 pages; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters; redshift estimates of GRBs changed (i.e z=0.382 was wrong for GRB 110721A) and calculations of \xi limit improved from the previous versio

    GRB formation rate derived by the Ep-luminosity relation

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    We estimate a GRB formation rate based on the new relation between the spectral peak energy (Ep) and the peak luminosity. This relation is derived combining the data of Ep and the peak luminosities by BeppoSAX and BATSE, and it looks considerably tighter and more reliable than the relations suggested by the previous works. Using the new Ep-luminosity relation, we estimate redshifts of the 689 GRBs without known distances in the BATSE catalog and derive a GRB formation rate as a function of the redshift. For the redshift range of 0 ≤ z ≤ 2, the GRB formation rate increases and is well correlated with the star formation rate while it keeps constant toward z ∼ 12

    The rapid decline of the prompt emission in Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Many gamma ray bursts (GRBs) have been observed with the Burst-Alert and X-Ray telescopes of the Swift satellite. The successive `pulses' of these GRBs end with a fast decline and a fast spectral softening, until they are overtaken by another pulse, or the last pulse's decline is overtaken by a less rapidly-varying `afterglow'. The fast decline-phase has been attributed, in the currently-explored standard fireball model of GRBs, to `high-latitude' synchrotron emission from a collision of two conical shells. This high latitude emission does not explain the observed spectral softening. In contrast, the temporal behaviour and the spectral evolution during the fast-decline phase agree with the predictions of the cannonball model of GRBs.Comment: Four added figures comparing the evolution of the inferred effective photon spectral index during the fast decline phase of the prompt emission in 14 selected Swift GRBS and the cannonball (CB) model predictio

    The Reionization History and Early Metal Enrichment inferred from the Gamma-Ray Burst Rate

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    Based on the gamma-ray burst (GRB) event rate at redshifts of 4≤z≤124 \leq z \leq 12, which is assessed by the spectral peak energy-to-luminosity relation recently found by Yonetoku et al., we observationally derive the star formation rate (SFR) for Pop III stars in a high redshift universe. As a result, we find that Pop III stars could form continuously at 4≤z≤124 \leq z \leq 12. Using the derived Pop III SFR, we attempt to estimate the ultraviolet (UV) photon emission rate at 7≤z≤127 \leq z \leq 12 in which redshift range no observational information has been hitherto obtained on ionizing radiation intensity. We find that the UV emissivity at 7≤z≤127 \leq z \leq 12 can make a noticeable contribution to the early reionization. The maximal emissivity is higher than the level required to keep ionizing the intergalactic matter at 7≤z≤127 \leq z \leq 12. However, if the escape fraction of ionizing photons from Pop III objects is smaller than 10%, then the IGM can be neutralized at some redshift, which may lead to the double reionization. As for the enrichment, the ejection of all metals synthesized in Pop III objects is marginally consistent with the IGM metallicity, although the confinement of metals in Pop III objects can reduce the enrichment significantly.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, ApJL accepte

    Evidence for a Molecular Cloud Origin for Gamma-Ray Bursts: Implications for the Nature of Star Formation in the Universe

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    It appears that the majority of rapidly-, well-localized gamma-ray bursts with undetected, or dark, optical afterglows, or `dark bursts' for short, occur in clouds of size R > 10L_{49}^{1/2} pc and mass M > 3x10^5L_{49} M_{sun}, where L is the isotropic-equivalent peak luminosity of the optical flash. We show that clouds of this size and mass cannot be modeled as a gas that is bound by pressure equilibrium with a warm or hot phase of the interstellar medium (i.e., a diffuse cloud): Such a cloud would be unstable to gravitational collapse, resulting in the collapse and fragmentation of the cloud until a burst of star formation re-establishes pressure equilibrium within the fragments, and the fragments are bound by self-gravity (i.e., a molecular cloud). Consequently, dark bursts probably occur in molecular clouds, in which case dark bursts are probably a byproduct of this burst of star formation if the molecular cloud formed recently, and/or the result of lingering or latter generation star formation if the molecular cloud formed some time ago. We then show that if bursts occur in Galactic-like molecular clouds, the column densities of which might be universal, the number of dark bursts can be comparable to the number of bursts with detected optical afterglows: This is what is observed, which suggests that the bursts with detected optical afterglows might also occur in molecular clouds. We confirm this by modeling and constraining the distribution of column densities, measured from absorption of the X-ray afterglow, of the bursts with detected optical afterglows: We find that this distribution is consistent with the expectation for bursts that occur in molecular clouds, and is not consistent with the expectation for bursts that occur in diffuse clouds. More...Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal, 22 pages, 6 figures, LaTe

    Precursor Plerionic Activity and High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission in the Supranova Model of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    The supranova model of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), in which the GRB event is preceded by a supernova (SN) explosion by a few months to years, has recently gained support from Fe line detections in X-ray afterglows. A crucial ingredient of this model yet to be studied is the fast-rotating pulsar that should be active during the time interval between the SN and the GRB, driving a powerful wind and a luminous plerionic nebula. We discuss some observational consequences of this precursor plerion, which should provide important tests for the supranova model: 1) the fragmentation of the outlying SN ejecta material by the plerion and its implications for Fe line emission; and 2) the effect of inverse Compton cooling and emission in the GRB external shock due to the plerion radiation field. The plerion-induced inverse Compton emission can dominate in the GeV-TeV energy range during the afterglow, being detectable by GLAST from redshifts z≲1.5z \lesssim 1.5 and distinguishable from self-Compton emission by its spectrum and light curve. The prospects for direct detection and identification of the precursor plerion emission are also briefly considered.Comment: ApJ vol.583, in pres

    Cosmological Constraints from calibrated Yonetoku and Amati relation implies Fundamental plane of Gamma-ray bursts

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    We consider two empirical relations using data only from the prompt emission of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), peak energy (EpE_p) - peak luminosity (LpL_p) relation (so called Yonetoku relation) and EpE_p-isotropic energy (EisoE_{\rm iso}) relation (so called Amati relation). We first suggest the independence of the two relations although they have been considered similar and dependent. From this viewpoint, we compare constraints on cosmological parameters, Ωm\Omega_m and ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda}, from the Yonetoku and Amati relations calibrated by low-redshift GRBs with z<1.8z < 1.8. We found that they are different in 1-σ\sigma level, although they are still consistent in 2-σ\sigma level. This and the fact that both Amati and Yonetoku relations have systematic errors larger than statistical errors suggest the existence of a hidden parameter of GRBs. We introduce the luminosity time TLT_L defined by TL≡Eiso/LpT_L\equiv E_{\rm iso}/L_p as a hidden parameter to obtain a generalized Yonetoku relation as (Lp/1052ergs−1)=10−3.88±0.09(Ep/keV)1.84±0.04(TL/s)−0.34±0.04(L_p/{10^{52} \rm{erg s^{-1}}}) = 10^{-3.88\pm0.09}(E_p/{\rm{keV}})^{1.84\pm0.04} (T_L/{\rm{s}})^{-0.34\pm0.04}. The new relation has much smaller systematic error, 30%, and can be regarded as "Fundamental plane" of GRBs. We show a possible radiation model for this new relation. Finally we apply the new relation for high-redshift GRBs with 1.8<z<5.61.8 < z < 5.6 to obtain (Ωm,ΩΛ)=(0.16−0.06+0.04,1.20−0.09+0.03)(\Omega_m,\Omega_{\Lambda}) = (0.16^{+0.04}_{-0.06},1.20^{+0.03}_{-0.09}), which is consistent with the concordance cosmological model within 2-σ\sigma level.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, published in JCA

    Gamma-Ray Burst Polarimeter - GAP - aboard the Small Solar Power Sail Demonstrator IKAROS

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    The small solar power sail demonstrator "IKAROS" is a Japanese engineering verification spacecraft launched by H-IIA rocket on May 21, 2010 at JAXA Tanegashima Space Center. IKAROS has a huge sail with 20 m in diameter which is made of thin polyimide membrane. This sail converts the solar radiation-pressure into the propulsion force of IKAROS and accelerates the spacecraft. The Gamma-Ray Burst Polarimeter (GAP) aboard IKAROS is the first polarimeter to observe the gamma-ray polarization of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) during the IKAROS cruising phase. GAP is a tinny detector of 3.8 kg in weight and 17 cm in size with an energy range between 50-300 keV. The GAP detector also plays a role of the interplanetary network (IPN) to determine the GRB direction. The detection principle of gamma-ray polarization is the anisotropy of the Compton scattering. GAP works as the GRB polarimeter with the full coincidence mode between the central plastic and the surrounding CsI detectors. GAP is the first instrument, devoted for the observation of gamma-ray polarization in the astronomical history. In this paper, we present the GAP detector and its ground and onboard calibrations.Comment: Submitted to Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ), 23 pages, 14 figure
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