180 research outputs found

    Quantifying N response and N use efficiency in Rice-Wheat (RW) cropping systems under different water management

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    About 0·10 of the food supply in China is produced in rice¿wheat (RW) cropping systems. In recent decades, nitrogen (N) input associated with intensification has increased much more rapidly than N use in these systems. The resulting nitrogen surplus increases the risk of environmental pollution as well as production costs. Limited information on N dynamics in RW systems in relation to water management hampers development of management practices leading to more efficient use of nitrogen and water. The present work studied the effects of N and water management on yields of rice and wheat, and nitrogen use efficiencies (NUEs) in RW systems. A RW field experiment with nitrogen rates from 0 to 300 kg N/ha with continuously flooded and intermittently irrigated rice crops was carried out at the Jiangpu experimental station of Nanjing Agricultural University of China from 2002 to 2004 to identify improved nitrogen management practices in terms of land productivity and NUE. Nitrogen uptake by rice and wheat increased with increasing N rates, while agronomic NUE (kg grain/kg N applied) declined at rates exceeding 150 kg N/ha. The highest combined grain yields of rice and wheat were obtained at 150 and 300 kg N/ha per season in rice and wheat, respectively. Carry-over of residual N from rice to the subsequent wheat crop was limited, consistent with low soil nitrate after rice harvest. Total soil N hardly changed during the experiment, while soil nitrate was much lower after wheat than after rice harvest. Water management did not affect yield and N uptake by rice, but apparent N recovery was higher under intermittent irrigation (II). In one season, II management in rice resulted in higher yield and N uptake in the subsequent wheat season. Uptake of indigenous soil N was much higher in rice than in wheat, while in rice it was much higher than values reported in the literature, which may have consequences for nitrogen fertilizer recommendations based on indigenous N suppl

    Rotational Doppler effect in left-handed materials

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    We explain the rotational Doppler effect associated with light beams carrying with orbital angular momentum in left-handed materials (LHMs). We demonstrate that the rotational Doppler effect in LHMs is unreversed, which is significantly different from the linear Doppler effect. The physics underlying this intriguing effect is the combined contributions of negative phase velocity and inverse screw of wave-front. In the normal dispersion region, the rotational Doppler effect induces a upstream energy flow but a downstream momentum flow. In the anomalous dispersion region, however, the rotational Doppler effect produces a downstream energy flow but a upstream momentum flow. We theoretically predict that the rotational Doppler effect can induce a transfer of angular momentum of the LHM to orbital angular momentum of the beam.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Spin Hall effect of light in photon tunneling

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    We resolve the breakdown of angular momentum conservation on two-dimensional photon tunneling by considering spin Hall effect (SHE) of light. This interesting effect manifests itself as polarization-dependent transverse shifts for a classic wave packet tunneling through a prism-air-prism barrier. For a certain circularly polarized component, the transverse shifts can be modulated by altering the refractive index gradient associated with the two prisms. We find that the SHE in conventional beam refraction can be evidently enhanced via photon tunneling mechanism. The polarization-dependent transverse shift is governed by the total angular momentum conservation law, while the polarization-dependent angular shift is governed by the total linear momentum law. These findings open the possibility for developing new nano-photonic devices and can be extrapolated to other physical systems.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Chaotic to ordered state transition of cathode-sheath instabilities in DC glow discharge plasmas

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    Transition from chaotic to ordered state has been observed during the initial stage of a discharge in a cylindrical dc glow discharge plasma. Initially it shows a chaotic behavior but increasing the discharge voltage changes the characteristics of the discharge glow and shows a period substraction of order 7 period →\to 5 period →\to3 period →\to1 period i.e. the system goes to single mode through odd cycle subtraction. On further increasing the discharge voltage, the system goes through period doubling, like 1 period →\to 2 period →\to 4 period. On further increasing the voltage, the system goes to stable state without having any oscillations.Comment: chathode-sheath, instabilities, chaos, period-subtraction, bifurcation, dc-discharg

    Reversed propagation dynamics of Laguerre-Gaussian beams in left-handed materials

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    On the basis of angular spectrum representation, the reversed propagation dynamics of Laguerre-Gaussian beam in left-handed materials (LHMs) is presented. We show that negative phase velocity gives rise to a reversed screw of wave-front, and ultimately leads to a reversed rotation of optical vortex. Furthermore, negative Gouy-phase shift causes an inverse spiral of Poynting vector. It is found that the Laguerre-Gaussian beam in LHMs will present the same propagation characteristics as the counterpart with opposite topological charges in regular right-handed materials (RHMs). The momentum conservation theorem insures that the tangential component of the wave momentum at the RHM-LHM boundary is conserved. It is shown that although the linear momentum reverses its direction, the angular momentum remains unchanged.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Folding Langmuir Monolayers

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    The maximum pressure a two-dimensional surfactant monolayer is able to withstand is limited by the collapse instability towards formation of three-dimensional material. We propose a new description for reversible collapse based on a mathematical analogy between the formation of folds in surfactant monolayers and the formation of Griffith Cracks in solid plates under stress. The description, which is tested in a combined microscopy and rheology study of the collapse of a single-phase Langmuir monolayer of 2-hydroxy-tetracosanoic acid (2-OH TCA), provides a connection between the in-plane rheology of LM's and reversible folding

    Dynamic aperture factor analysis/target transformation (DAFA/TT) for Mg-serpentine and Mg-carbonate mapping on Mars with CRISM near-infrared data

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Lin, H., Tarnas, J. D., Mustard, J. F., Zhang, X., Wei, Y., Wan, W., Klein, F., & Kellner, J. R. Dynamic aperture factor analysis/target transformation (DAFA/TT) for Mg-serpentine and Mg-carbonate mapping on Mars with CRISM near-infrared data. Icarus, 355, (2021): 114168, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2020.114168.Serpentine and carbonate are products of serpentinization and carbonation processes on Earth, Mars, and other celestial bodies. Their presence implies that localized habitable environments may have existed on ancient Mars. Factor Analysis and Target Transformation (FATT) techniques have been applied to hyperspectral data from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) to identify possible serpentine and Mg-carbonate-bearing outcrops. FATT techniques are capable of suggesting the presence of individual spectral signals in complex spectral mixtures. Applications of FATT techniques to CRISM data thus far only evaluate whether an entire analyzed image (≈ 3 × 105 pixels) may contain spectral information consistent with a specific mineral of interest. The spatial distribution of spectral signal from the possible mineral is not determined, making it difficult to validate a reported detection and also to understand the geologic context of any purported detections. We developed a method called Dynamic Aperture Factor Analysis/Target Transformation (DAFA/TT) to highlight the locations in a CRISM observation (or any similar laboratory or remotely acquired data set) most likely to contain spectra of specific minerals of interest. DAFA/TT determines the locations of possible target mineral spectral signals within hyperspectral images by performing FATT in small moving windows with different geometries, and only accepting pixels with positive detections in all cluster geometries as possible detections. DAFA/TT was applied to a hyperspectral image of a serpentinite from Oman for validation testing in a simplified laboratory setting. The mineral distribution determined by DAFA/TT application to the laboratory hyperspectral image was consistent with Raman analysis of the serpentinite sample. DAFA/TT also successfully mapped the spatial distribution of Mg-serpentine and Mg-carbonate previously detected in CRISM data using band parameter mapping and extraction of ratioed spectra. We applied DAFA/TT to CRISM images in some olivine-rich regions of Mars to characterize the spatial distribution of Mg-serpentine and Mg-carbonate-bearing outcrops.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 41671360, 41525016, 41902318). JFM and JDT acknowledge NASA support through a subcontract from the Applied Physics Lab for CRISM investigations. H. Lin also acknowledges the support from the key research Program of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS (IGGCAS-201905). The Headwall imaging spectrometer was acquired using funds to JRK from The Institute at Brown for Environment and Society and Brown University. The DAFA/TT codes are available on GitHub (https://github.com/linhoml?tab=repositories)

    Rust Secreted Protein Ps87 Is Conserved in Diverse Fungal Pathogens and Contains a RXLR-like Motif Sufficient for Translocation into Plant Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Effector proteins of biotrophic plant pathogenic fungi and oomycetes are delivered into host cells and play important roles in both disease development and disease resistance response. How obligate fungal pathogen effectors enter host cells is poorly understood. The Ps87 gene of Puccinia striiformis encodes a protein that is conserved in diverse fungal pathogens. Ps87 homologs from a clade containing rust fungi are predicted to be secreted. The aim of this study is to test whether Ps87 may act as an effector during Puccinia striiformis infection. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Yeast signal sequence trap assay showed that the rust protein Ps87 could be secreted from yeast cells, but a homolog from Magnaporthe oryzae that was not predicted to be secreted, could not. Cell re-entry and protein uptake assays showed that a region of Ps87 containing a conserved RXLR-like motif [K/R]RLTG was confirmed to be capable of delivering oomycete effector Avr1b into soybean leaf cells and carrying GFP into soybean root cells. Mutations in the Ps87 motif (KRLTG) abolished the protein translocation ability. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results suggest that Ps87 and its secreted homologs could utilize similar protein translocation machinery as those of oomycete and other fungal pathogens. Ps87 did not show direct suppression activity on plant defense responses. These results suggest Ps87 may represent an "emerging effector" that has recently acquired the ability to enter plant cells but has not yet acquired the ability to alter host physiology
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