26,512 research outputs found

    Statistical Modelling of Information Sharing: Community, Membership and Content

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    File-sharing systems, like many online and traditional information sharing communities (e.g. newsgroups, BBS, forums, interest clubs), are dynamical systems in nature. As peers get in and out of the system, the information content made available by the prevailing membership varies continually in amount as well as composition, which in turn affects all peers' join/leave decisions. As a result, the dynamics of membership and information content are strongly coupled, suggesting interesting issues about growth, sustenance and stability. In this paper, we propose to study such communities with a simple statistical model of an information sharing club. Carrying their private payloads of information goods as potential supply to the club, peers join or leave on the basis of whether the information they demand is currently available. Information goods are chunked and typed, as in a file sharing system where peers contribute different files, or a forum where messages are grouped by topics or threads. Peers' demand and supply are then characterized by statistical distributions over the type domain. This model reveals interesting critical behaviour with multiple equilibria. A sharp growth threshold is derived: the club may grow towards a sustainable equilibrium only if the value of an order parameter is above the threshold, or shrink to emptiness otherwise. The order parameter is composite and comprises the peer population size, the level of their contributed supply, the club's efficiency in information search, the spread of supply and demand over the type domain, as well as the goodness of match between them.Comment: accepted in International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation, Juan-les-Pins, France, October-200

    Fast beam stacking using RF barriers

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    Two barrier RF systems were fabricated, tested and installed in the Fermilab Main Injector. Each can provide 8 kV rectangular pulses (the RF barriers) at 90 kHz. When a stationary barrier is combined with a moving barrier, injected beams from the Booster can be continuously deflected, folded and stacked in the Main Injector, which leads to doubling of the beam intensity. This paper gives a report on the beam experiment using this novel technology.Comment: 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07

    Information and Particle Physics

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    Information measures for relativistic quantum spinors are constructed to satisfy various postulated properties such as normalisation invariance and positivity. Those measures are then used to motivate generalised Lagrangians meant to probe shorter distance physics within the maximum uncertainty framework. The modified evolution equations that follow are necessarily nonlinear and simultaneously violate Lorentz invariance, supporting previous heuristic arguments linking quantum nonlinearity with Lorentz violation. The nonlinear equations also break discrete symmetries. We discuss the implications of our results for physics in the neutrino sector and cosmology

    From computation to black holes and space-time foam

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    We show that quantum mechanics and general relativity limit the speed ν~\tilde{\nu} of a simple computer (such as a black hole) and its memory space II to \tilde{\nu}^2 I^{-1} \lsim t_P^{-2}, where tPt_P is the Planck time. We also show that the life-time of a simple clock and its precision are similarly limited. These bounds and the holographic bound originate from the same physics that governs the quantum fluctuations of space-time. We further show that these physical bounds are realized for black holes, yielding the correct Hawking black hole lifetime, and that space-time undergoes much larger quantum fluctuations than conventional wisdom claims -- almost within range of detection with modern gravitational-wave interferometers.Comment: A misidentification of computer speeds is corrected. Our results for black hole computation now agree with those given by S. Lloyd. All other conclusions remain unchange

    Electron-spectroscopic investigation of metal-insulator transition in Sr2Ru1-xTixO4 (x=0.0-0.6)

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    We investigate the nature and origin of the metal-insulator transition in Sr2Ru1-xTixO4 as a function of increasing Ti content (x). Employing detailed core, valence, and conduction band studies with x-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopies along with Bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy, it is shown that a hard gap opens up for Ti content greater than equal to 0.2, while compositions with x<0.2 exhibit finite intensity at the Fermi energy. This establishes that the metal-insulator transition in this homovalent substituted series of compounds is driven by Coulomb interaction leading to the formation of a Mott gap, in contrast to transitions driven by disorder effects or band flling.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Collapse of Vacuum Bubbles in a Vacuum

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    Motivated by the discovery of a plenitude of metastable vacua in a string landscape and the possibility of rapid tunneling between these vacua, we revisit the dynamics of a false vacuum bubble in a background de Sitter spacetime. We find that there exists a large parameter space that allows the bubble to collapse into a black hole or to form a wormhole. This may have interesting implications to inflationary physics.Comment: 8 pages including 6 figures, LaTex; references adde