360 research outputs found

    Career Development Program for Refugee and Migrant Youth

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    The Career Guidance for Refugee and Migrant Young People project is an initiative of the South Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre funded by the Department of Education and Training. It aims to develop, pilot and evaluate a career development and planning program that specifically meets the learning levels and needs of refugee youth with low levels of education, cultural life skills and English language ability

    A Bound on the Number of Integrators Needed to Linearize a Two-input Control System

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    For nonlinear control systems with two inputs we consider the problem of dynamic feedback linearization. For a restricted class of dynamic compensators that correspond to adding chains of integrators to the inputs, we give an upper bound for the order of the compensator that needs to be considered. Moreover, we show by an example that this bound is sharp

    Education about and for sustainability in Australian business schools: Stage 1

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    A national review of environmental education and its contribution to sustainability in Australia: further and higher education

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    This report is Volume 5 in a five part series that reviews Environmental Education and its contribution to sustainability in Australia. The research which underpins it was undertaken between July and September 2004 by the Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES) for the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage

    Stabilization of trajectories for systems with nonholonomic constraints

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    A technique for stabilizing nonholonomic systems to trajectories is presented. It is well known that such systems cannot be stabilized to a point using smooth static-state feedback. The authors suggest the use of control laws for stabilizing a system about a trajectory, instead of a point. Given a nonlinear system and a desired nominal feasible trajectory, an explicit control law which will locally exponentially stabilize the system to the desired trajectory is given. The theory is applied to several examples, including a car-like robot

    Stabilization of trajectories for systems with nonholonomic constraints

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    A technique for stabilizing nonholonomic systems to trajectories is presented. It is well known that such systems cannot be stabilized to a point using smooth static-state feedback. The authors suggest the use of control laws for stabilizing a system about a trajectory, instead of a point. Given a nonlinear system and a desired nominal feasible trajectory, an explicit control law which will locally exponentially stabilize the system to the desired trajectory is given. The theory is applied to several examples, including a car-like robot

    Product Design Education for Circular Economy

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    Design has continually developed new approaches to find the most appropriate solutions to the growing environmental and social problems. At the same time higher education courses have tried to adapt their curricula accordingly. The most recently proposed model is circular economy. It reinforces the idea of a paradigm shift to a system of closed loops where there is no waste. This article develops a state of the art on the integration of sustainability in product design in higher education and its evolution to embrace circular economy. This analysis includes identifying past experiences, which contents are addressed, what methodologies are used, what type of approach (focused or dispersed) and what are the needs for teaching staff. This paper tries to identify gaps in order to purpose better solution for circular economy integration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aspectos práticos e jurídicos relevantes do crowdfunding de investimento

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.Desde a crise de crédito de 2008, muitas empresas em seus estágios iniciais deixaram de existir por não conseguirem arrecadar recursos suficientes para desenvolver suas ideias e projetos. As formas de financiamento tradicionais, através de empréstimos bancários, fundos de investimento e investidores anjo, nem sempre estão disponíveis no mercado e, quando estão, seus operadores nem sempre estão dispostos a arriscarem investimentos em negócios que ainda não possuem resultados ou histórico de crédito. Dentro deste contexto, alinhando a ideia do poder da multidão com a existência dessa lacuna de alternativas no mercado para se poder obter financiamento, foi que surgiu o crowdfunding. Nesta senda, o objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma análise sobre os aspectos práticos e jurídicos relevantes, em especial, do crowdfunding de investimentos, que se apresenta como modalidade de financiamento coletivo onde a empresa investida oferece, como contrapartida, a distribuição de valores mobiliários. Para tanto, valeu-se da técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica em fontes primárias e secundárias, como também de pesquisa qualitativa através da análise da norma específica, no caso, a Instrução CVM n. 588/2017 com a respectiva exposição de motivos, e pela observação do modus operandi adotado pelas plataformas eletrônicas. O intuito do estudo é averiguar como é intermediada a relação entre empresa investida e investidor, incluindo a análise dos instrumentos jurídicos adequados para formação dessa tríade a fim de que, ao final, estabeleça-se um parâmetro de verificação dos impactos da regulação neste mercado. Verificou-se ao longo do trabalho que o crowdfunding de investimento ainda é uma novidade para os brasileiros, como também para a doutrina, de modo que esta figura ainda carece de maiores investigações. Viu-se que a instrução normativa trazida pela CVM veio em boa hora, estabelecendo limites e condições importantes para funcionalidade deste mecanismo de funcionamento, buscando-se conciliar a necessidade de proteção do investidor, em face da assimetria de informações em relação a empresa investida, com a necessidade de tornar o mercado de crowdfunding viável, e não demasiadamente oneroso e complexo. Observou-se, também, a variedade de contrapartidas que as empresas podem oferecer ao investidor, o que resulta, por conseguinte, nos mais variados arranjos jurídicos contratuais possíveis para moldar a vontade das partes. Percebeu-se que os contratos de investimento podem ser complexos ou não, dependendo do objetivo das partes, não existindo ainda um padrão ou modelo contratual nacional praticado entre as plataformas. Por fim, concluiu-se, que ainda há a necessidade de refinamento doutrinário e de pesquisa no Brasil sobre o tema; de modo que hoje já há uma regulamentação sólida a seu respeito, a qual trouxe segurança jurídica para os personagens que têm interesse em participar dessa forma de distribuição de créditos e títulos, mas que ao longo dos próximos anos pode precisar ser alterada para se adaptar à realidade e maturidade deste mercado.Since the credit crunch of 2008, many early-stage companies have ceased to exist because they could not raise enough funds to develop their ideas and projects. Traditional forms of financing, for example, bank loans, investment funds, and angel investors are not always available in the market and when it is, they are not always willing to take risk investments in businesses that still do not have results. In this context, it was aligning the idea of the crowd’s efficiency with the existence of this gap of alternatives in the market to obtain financing, that the crowdfunding emerged. The goal of this work, therefore, is to perform an analysis on the relevant practical and legal aspects concerning the investment-based crowdfunding, which is presented as a financing modality where the invested company offers in return the distribution of securities to its investors. To address this, the study is based on the examination of research papers and articles, but mainly by the analysis on the regulation brought out by Brazil’s financial regulatory authority (CVM) through the “Regulation CVM n. 588/2017”, as well as by the observation of the modus operandi adopted by the crowdfunding platforms, in order to ascertain how the relationships between companies and investors are brokered, including the analysis of the legal instruments adopted by them. It has been found throughout the study that investment-based crowdfunding is still a novelty for the market, as well as for scholars, in a sense that it still lacks for further investigation. This research shows that the regulation brought out by CVM came in good time, establishing important limits and conditions for the crowdfunding’s functionality, and it was able to reconcile the need for investor protection, given the asymmetry of information with the invested company, and the need to make the crowdfunding market feasible, not turning it into a costly and complex mechanism. It was noted the variety of counterparties that companies can offer to investors, which can lead to varied contractual arrangements. Based on this knowledge, therefore, there is still a need for scholars to delve deeper into this subject in Brazil; specially because today there is sound regulation on this issue, which has given legal certainty to the characters who are interested in participating in this form of distribution of credits and securities, but which in the coming years may need to be modified to adapt to the forthcoming reality and maturity of this market

    Hospitality employers’ perceptions of technology for sustainable development: The implications for graduate employability

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    This paper investigates hospitality employers’ perspectives of two key inter-disciplinary subjects, i.e. sustainable development (SD) and information technology in the context of hospitality education, particularly graduate employability. A qualitative approach is deployed at this stage of the research with semi-structured interviews conducted with employers of hospitality graduates that represent diverse stakeholders in the industry. Respondents had varying interpretations of the meaning of sustainable development and the role of technology in their businesses. Sustainability is not currently prioritised as a critical employability skill however employers clearly appreciate the value of sustainability for their business and recognise how technology might support SD. This is the first effort to investigate employers’ perspectives of the interdisciplinary subjects of technology and sustainable development in hospitality management undergraduate education