11 research outputs found

    E-Learning Utilizing Schoology: Teaching Theory of Relativity Using Online

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    Physics is not only learning through the presentation of concepts or formulas, but many events can be understood through various learning media. Evidently, students better understand the material if they can interact directly with the topic of the lesson. In addition, the rapid internet makes teachers are required to actively develop learning media. This research aims to develop physics learning using E-Learning learning media on the Special Theory of Relativity material for high school students in class XII. This study uses research and development methods that refer to the ADDIE model. This research is limited to making applications. Based on the results of research, this development has produced products that function well and present features that support student learning. Available features include quizzes, learning videos, materials and simulations that students can access. E-learning developed using Schoology can support learning through the online platform. E-learning using Schoology can display the stages of stimulus that can be determined by educators when using this e-learning. Therefore, e-learning learning that utilizes Schoology on relativity material can be designed and developed according to the needs of teachers and students in the learning process in class

    Kombinasi Metode Steaming-up dan Flushing dalam Meningkatkan Litter Size Babi Landrace

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan jumlah anak babi Landrace dengan menggunakan metode steaming-up (injeksi ovalumon) dan flushing (penambahan glukosa dalam ransum) pada 12 ekor babi induk. Penelitianini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan pola percobaan faktorial 2×2. Faktor pertama (H)adalah steaming-up dengan injeksi ovalumon, dibagi menjadi dua yakni tanpa injeksi (H0) dan dengan injeksi(H1). Faktor kedua (F) adalah flushing dengan penambahan glukosa, dibagi menjadi dua yakni tanpa glukosa (F0)dan dengan glukosa (F1). Injeksi 3 ml ovalumon (2.000 i.u Estrogen) pada tiap ekor induk diberikan melalui suntikandibawah kulit belakang telinga hari ke-10 setelah penyapihan. Pemberian pakan tambahan berupa 100grglukosa dalam ransum dilakukan mulai penyapihan sampai saat induk dikawinkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa rataan jumlah anak babi per kelahiran (litter size) pada H0F0 (kontrol); H0F1; H1F0 dan H1F1 masingmasingadalah 4,33±0,58; 7,67±0,58; 7,00±0,99 dan 9,33±0,58 ekor. Bobot lahir anak per induk masing-masingadalah 4,10±0,38; 6,12±0,05; 5,86±0,50 dan 7,14±0,25 kg; dan bobot lahir anak per ekor masing-masing adalah0,95±0,03; 0,80±0,06; 0,84±0,07 dan 0,77±0,03 kg, serta munculnya berahi setelah penyapihan masing-masingadalah 14,67±0,58; 13,00±0,58; 12,67±0,58 dan 11,33±0,58. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwametode steaming-up dan flushing pada babi landrace dapat mempercepat munculnya berahi setelah penyapihananak, meningkatkan litter size, berpengaruh terhadap bobot lahir per induk dan bobot lahir per ekor

    The Defect Analysis of Carbonsteel Pipe Welding Connections Using Non-Destructive Testing with the Penetrant Test Method

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    In a welding process carried out on metallic materials is sometimes found defects in the material being tested, it is caused by many factors, such as the lack of good materials used and the lack of perfection of the welding process. At testing, it aims to know the surface defects in carbonsteel pipes to know the defects arising after welding. This test is performed with non-destructive tests (NDT) using Dye Penetrant testing method. This test uses 3 types of liquids, including; Cleaner, Penetrant, and developer. The results of these tests will then be observed whether defects occur after welding and what factors affect it. From the test, results there are known 10 locations defects on the surface of the carbonsteel pipe welding with a type of rounded indication of defects that are then followed up by re-welding on indications of such defects