4 research outputs found

    Constitutionality of KPU Members Prohibited to Be Management of Community Organizations. a Study of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 31 / PUU-XVI/2018

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    This research is a scientific activity that seeks to obtain a solution to a problem related to the prohibition of KPU (General Election Commission) members from being administrators of community organizations. This research is a normative legal research. The Court, in it's ruling, decided it was unacceptable. And in accordance with the provisions of Article 60 of the Law of the Constitutional Court on the content of paragraphs, articles, and/or parts of laws that have been tested, a re-examination cannot be requested unless the content in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which is used as the basis for testing is different. Therefore, regarding the provisions of Article 21 paragraph (1) letter k which is declared to be an open legal policy, it must be amended the article through a revision of the legislation

    Upaya Penanaman, Pemanfaatan Serta Pembuatan Jamu Godok dari Tanaman Obat Sambiloto Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Palir Kecamatan Tengahtani Kabupaten Cirebon

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    The Covid-19 that has hit the world has encouraged people to boost their immune systems. STF Muhammadiyah through Community Service (PkM) activities with community members, village officials in Palir Village, Tengahtani District, Cirebon Regency are directly involved in conducting outreach activities, planting, utilizing, and making herbal medicine from the bitter godok plant. The activity was carried out at the Palir village hall with 36 socialization participants. Before and after the socialization activities, residents filled out questionnaires on how to plant and use bitter plants. This activity was carried out using the presentation method, playing videos on how to make simplicia and making herbal medicine, question and answer discussions, pasting and distributing brochures at residents' homes and the meeting hall, and distributing bitter plant seeds to the community. The community did not know how to plant and use bitter plants before the PKM activities were carried out but after the socialization activities, there was an increase in the percentage of residents' knowledge about planting and using bitter plants. Score 3 there was a significant increase before and after PKM activities, from 11.11% to 56.48%. So that with this PKM activity, the community will increase their awareness and knowledge about the benefits, how to plant, processing bitter to improve the level of public health


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