495 research outputs found

    The Destruction of Bars by Central Mass Concentrations

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    More than two thirds of disk galaxies are barred to some degree. Many today harbor massive concentrations of gas in their centers, and some are known to possess supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and their associated stellar cusps. Previous theoretical work has suggested that a bar in a galaxy could be dissolved by the formation of a mass concentration in the center, although the precise mass and degree of central concentration required is not well-established. We report an extensive study of the effects of central masses on bars in high-quality N-body simulations of galaxies. We have varied the growth rate of the central mass, its final mass and degree of concentration to examine how these factors affect the evolution of the bar. Our main conclusions are: (1) Bars are more robust than previously thought. The central mass has to be as large as several percent of the disk mass to completely destroy the bar on a short timescale. (2) For a given mass, dense objects cause the greatest reduction in bar amplitude, while significantly more diffuse objects have a lesser effect. (3) The bar amplitude always decreases as the central mass is grown, and continues to decay thereafter on a cosmological time-scale. (4) The first phase of bar-weakening is due to the destruction by the CMC of lower-energy, bar-supporting orbits, while the second phase is a consequence of secular changes to the global potential which further diminish the number of bar-supporting orbits. We provide detailed phase-space and orbit analysis to support this suggestion. Thus current masses of SMBHs are probably too small, even when dressed with a stellar cusp, to affect the bar in their host galaxies. The molecular gas concentrations found in some barred galaxies are also too diffuse to affect the amplitude of the bar significantly.Comment: AASTeX v5.0 preprint; 44 pages, including 1 table and 16 figures. To appear in ApJ. High resolution version can be found at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~shen/bar_destruct/paper_high_res.pd

    Unstable Disk Galaxies. II. the Origin of Growing and Stationary Modes

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    I decompose the unstable growing modes of stellar disks to their Fourier components and present the physical mechanism of instabilities in the context of resonances. When the equilibrium distribution function is a non-uniform function of the orbital angular momentum, the capture of stars into the corotation resonance imbalances the disk angular momentum and triggers growing bar and spiral modes. The stellar disk can then recover its angular momentum balance through the response of non-resonant stars. I carry out a complete analysis of orbital structure corresponding to each Fourier component in the radial angle, and present a mathematical condition for the occurrence of van Kampen modes, which constitute a continuous family. I discuss on the discreteness and allowable pattern speeds of unstable modes and argue that the mode growth is saturated due to the resonance overlapping mechanism. An individually growing mode can also be suppressed if the corotation and inner Lindblad resonances coexist and compete to capture a group of stars. Based on this mechanism, I show that self-consistent scale-free disks with a sufficient distribution of non-circular orbits should be stable under perturbations of angular wavenumber m>1m>1. I also derive a criterion for the stability of stellar disks against non-axisymmetric excitations.Comment: 15 Pages (emulateapj), 7 Figures, Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Dynamical Friction and the Distribution of Dark Matter in Barred Galaxies

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    We use fully self-consistent N-body simulations of barred galaxies to show that dynamical friction from a dense dark matter halo dramatically slows the rotation rate of bars. Our result supports previous theoretical predictions for a bar rotating within a massive halo. On the other hand, low density halos, such as those required for maximum disks, allow the bar to continue to rotate at a high rate. There is somewhat meager observational evidence indicating that bars in real galaxies do rotate rapidly and we use our result to argue that dark matter halos must have a low central density in all high surface brightness disk galaxies, including the Milky Way. Bars in galaxies that have larger fractions of dark matter should rotate slowly, and we suggest that a promising place to look for such candidate objects is among galaxies of intermediate surface brightness.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, 3 figures, Accepted by Ap.J.L., revised copy, includes an added paragrap

    Bar-Halo Friction in Galaxies II: Metastability

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    It is well-established that strong bars rotating in dense halos generally slow down as they lose angular momentum to the halo through dynamical friction. Angular momentum exchanges between the bar and halo particles take place at resonances. While some particles gain and others lose, friction arises when there is an excess of gainers over losers. This imbalance results from the generally decreasing numbers of particles with increasing angular momentum, and friction can therefore be avoided if there is no gradient in the density of particles across the major resonances. Here we show that anomalously weak friction can occur for this reason if the pattern speed of the bar fluctuates upwards. After such an event, the density of resonant halo particles has a local inflexion created by the earlier exchanges, and bar slowdown can be delayed for a long period; we describe this as a metastable state. We show that this behavior in purely collisionless N-body simulations is far more likely to occur in methods with adaptive resolution. We also show that the phenomenon could arise in nature, since bar-driven gas inflow could easily raise the bar pattern speed enough to reach the metastable state. Finally, we demonstrate that mild external, or internal, perturbations quickly restore the usual frictional drag, and it is unlikely therefore that a strong bar in a galaxy having a dense halo could rotate for a long period without friction.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Ap


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    The stability of a galaxy model is most easily assessed through N-body simulation. Particle-mesh codes have been widely used for this purpose, since they enable the largest numbers of particles to be employed. We show that the functional expansion technique, originally proposed by Clutton-Brock for other simulation problems, is in fact superior for stability work. For simulations of linear evolution it is not much slower than grid methods using the same number of particles, and reproduces analytical results with much greater accuracy. This success rests on its ability to represent global modes with a modest number of basis functions; grid methods may be more effective for other applications, however. Our conclusions are based on implementations of functional expansion and grid algorithms for disk galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, to appear October 1, 1995; 16 pages including 4 figures, self-unpacking uuencoded gzipped postscript, also available by email from [email protected]

    Long-Lived Double-Barred Galaxies From Pseudo-Bulges

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    A large fraction of barred galaxies host secondary bars that are embedded in their large-scale primary counterparts. These are common also in gas poor early-type barred galaxies. The evolution of such double-barred galaxies is still not well understood, partly because of a lack of realistic NN-body models with which to study them. Here we report a new mechanism for generating such systems, namely the presence of rotating pseudo-bulges. We demonstate with high mass and force resolution collisionless NN-body simulations that long-lived secondary bars can form spontaneously without requiring gas, contrary to previous claims. We find that secondary bars rotate faster than primary ones. The rotation is not, however, rigid: the secondary bars pulsate, with their amplitude and pattern speed oscillating as they rotate through the primary bars. This self-consistent study supports previous work based on orbital analysis in the potential of two rigidly rotating bars. The pulsating nature of secondary bars may have important implications for understanding the central region of double-barred galaxies.Comment: Paper submitted to ApJ

    Physical Properties of Tidal Features in Interacting Disk Galaxies

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    We explore tidal interactions of a galactic disk with Toomre parameter Q ~ 2 embedded in rigid halo/bulge with a point mass companion moving in a prescribed parabolic orbit. Tidal interactions produce well-defined spiral arms and extended tidal features such as bridge and tail that are all transient, but distinct in nature. In the extended disks, strong tidal force is able to lock the perturbed epicycle phases of the near-side particles to the perturber, shaping them into a tidal bridge that corotates with the perturber. A tidal tail develops at the opposite side as strongly-perturbed, near-side particles overtake mildly-perturbed, far-side particles. The tail is essentially a narrow material arm with a roughly logarithmic shape, dissolving with time because of large velocity dispersions. Inside the disks where tidal force is relatively weak, on the other hand, a two-armed logarithmic spiral pattern emerges due to the kinematic alignment of perturbed particle orbits. While self-gravity makes the spiral arms a bit stronger, the arms never become fully self-gravitating, wind up progressively with time, and decay after the peak almost exponentially in a time scale of ~ 1 Gyr. The arm pattern speed varying with both radius and time converges to Omega-kappa/2 at late time, suggesting that the pattern speed of tidally-driven arms may depend on radius in real galaxies. We present the parametric dependences of various properties of tidal features on the tidal strength, and discuss our findings in application to tidal spiral arms in grand-design spiral galaxies. (Abridged)Comment: 49 pages, 17 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. PDF version with higher resolution figures is available at http://astro.snu.ac.kr/~shoh/research/publications/astroph/Tidally_Induced_Spiral_Structure.pd

    Bars and Dark Matter Halo Cores

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    Self-consistent bars that form in galaxies embedded within cuspy halos are unable to flatten the cusp. Short bars form in models with quasi-flat rotation curves. They lose angular momentum to the halo through dynamical friction, but the continuous concentration of mass within the disk as the bar grows actually compresses the halo further, overwhelming any density reduction due to the modest angular momentum transfer to the halo. Thus the Weinberg-Katz proposed solution to the non-existence of the predicted cuspy halos from CDM simulations would seem to be unworkable. I also find that the concerns over the performance of N-body codes raised by these authors do not apply to the methods used here.Comment: Latex 11 pages (uses emulateapj.sty), 8 figures, revised version to appear ApJ, very minor change

    Bar-halo Friction in Galaxies I: Scaling Laws

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    It has been known for some time that rotating bars in galaxies slow due to dynamical friction against the halo. However, recent attempts to use this process to place constraints on the dark matter density in galaxies and possibly also to drive dark matter out of the center have been challenged. This paper uses simplified numerical experiments to clarify several aspects of the friction mechanism. I explicitly demonstrate the Chandrasekhar scaling of the friction force with bar mass, halo density, and halo velocity dispersion. I present direct evidence that exchanges between the bar and halo orbits at major resonances are responsible for friction and study both individual orbits and the net changes at these resonances. I also show that friction alters the phase space density of particles in the vicinity of a major resonance, which is the reason the magnitude of the friction force depends on the prior evolution. I demonstrate that bar slow down can be captured correctly in simulations having modest spatial resolution and practicable numbers of particles. Subsequent papers in this series delineate the dark matter density that can be tolerated in halos of different density profiles.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, to appear in ApJ - major revisions from version

    Structure and Star Formation in NGC 925

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    We present the results from an optical study of the stellar & star formation properties of NGC 925 using the WIYN 3.5m telescope. Images in B,V,R, & H-alpha reveal a galaxy that is fraught with asymmetries. From isophote fits we discover that the bar center is not coincident with the center of the outer isophotes nor with the dynamical center (from Pisano et al. 1998). Cuts across the spiral arms reveal that the northern arms are distinctly different from the southern arm. The southern arm not only appears more coherent, but the peaks in stellar and H-alpha emission are found to be coincident with those of the HI distribution, while no such consistency is present in the northern disk. We also examine the gas surface density criterion for massive star formation in NGC 925, and find that its behavior is more consistent with that for irregular galaxies, than with late-type spirals. In particular, star formation persists beyond the radius at which the gas surface density falls below the predicted critical value for star formation for late-type spirals. Such properties are characteristic of Magellanic spirals, but are present at a less dramatic level in NGC 925, a late-type spiral.Comment: accepted for publication in the August 2000 Astronomical Journal 12 pages, 3 tables, 14 figure
