3,240 research outputs found

    SSX MHD Plasma Wind Tunnel

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    A new turbulent plasma source at the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment (SSX) facility is described. The MHD wind tunnel configuration employs a magnetized plasma gun to inject high-beta plasma into a large, well-instrumented, vacuum drift region. This provides unique laboratory conditions approaching that in the solar wind: there is no applied background magnetic field in the drift region and has no net axial magnetic flux; the plasma flow speed is on the order of the local sound speed (M ~ 1), so flow energy density is comparable to thermal energy density; and the ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure is of order unity (plasma β ~ 1) so thermal energy density is also comparable to magnetic energy density. Results presented here and referenced within demonstrate the new capabilities and show how the new platform is proving useful for fundamental plasma turbulence studies

    Développement d'un Test Sérologique Contre le Virus de la Chorioméningite Lymphocytaire

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    Les Arenavirus sont une famille de virus à ARN très diversifiée avec plus de 23 espèces recensées dans le monde, divisées en deux Clades majeures (Emonet et al., 2009). Ils sont classifiés en Arenavirus du Nouveau Monde versus de l'Ancien Monde (Buchmeier, de la Torre, and Peters, 2007) (Fig. 1). Parmi les Arenavirus, sept sont connus pour être les agents causales de fièvres hémorragiques foudroyantes : Les virus Lassa, Junin, Machupo, Guanarito, Sabia, Chapare et Lujo. Les Arenavirus infectent, de façon spécifique, des espèces de rongeurs qui sont le réservoir naturel déterminant ainsi leur distribution géographique (Clegg, 2002). On retrouve le virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV) à la fois en Europe et aux Amériques. Le rongeur infecté est le vecteur de transmission à l'Homme. Les maladies associées aux infections par les Arenavirus hémorragiques ont un haut taux de mortalité allant de 15 à 30% et sont à haut risque épidémiologique en raison de l'absence de vaccin et de traitement efficace. Pour ces raisons, ces Arenavirus sont classifiés comme pathogènes à haut risque par le centre pour le contrôle des maladies (CDC) (Borio et al., 2002)

    New Class of Compact Stars at High Density

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    We discuss the equation of state for cold, dense quark matter in perturbation theory, and how it might match onto that of hadronic matter. Certain choices of the renormalization scale correspond to a strongly first order chiral transition, and may generate a new class of small and very dense quark stars. The results for the mass-radius relation are compatible with the recent determination of the mass and the radius of an isolated neutron star by Pons et al.Comment: Latex, 7 pages, 4 figures. Presented at the International Conference on Statistical QCD, Bielefeld, Germany, 26-30 August 2001. Requires espcrc1.st

    Temporal and Spatial Turbulent Spectra of MHD Plasma and an Observation of Variance Anisotropy

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    The nature of MHD turbulence is analyzed through both temporal and spatial magnetic fluctuation spectra. A magnetically turbulent plasma is produced in the MHD wind-tunnel configuration of the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment (SSX). The power of magnetic fluctuations is projected into directions perpendicular and parallel to a local mean field; the ratio of these quantities shows the presence of variance anisotropy which varies as a function of frequency. Comparison amongst magnetic, velocity, and density spectra are also made, demonstrating that the energy of the turbulence observed is primarily seeded by magnetic fields created during plasma production. Direct spatial spectra are constructed using multi-channel diagnostics and are used to compare to frequency spectra converted to spatial scales using the Taylor Hypothesis. Evidence for the observation of dissipation due to ion inertial length scale physics is also discussed as well as the role laboratory experiment can play in understanding turbulence typically studied in space settings such as the solar wind. Finally, all turbulence results are shown to compare fairly well to a Hall-MHD simulation of the experiment.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, Submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    The properties of the D-meson in dense matter

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    We study the D-meson spectral density in dense matter within the framework of a coupled-channel self-consistent calculation taking, as bare meson-baryon interaction, a separable potential. Our coupled-channel model generates dynamically the Λc(2593)\Lambda_c(2593) resonance. The medium modifications of the D-meson properties due to Pauli blocking and the dressing of D-mesons, nucleons and pions are also discussed. We found that the coupled-channel effects in the self-consistent process reduce the in-medium effects on the D-meson compared to previous works.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of Strangeness in Quark Matter 2004 (SQM2004), Cape Town, South Africa, 15-20 September 200

    Possible Signatures Of Dissipation From Time-Series Analysis Techniques Using A Turbulent Laboratory Magnetohydrodynamic Plasma

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    The frequency spectrum of magnetic fluctuations as measured on the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment is broadband and exhibits a nearly Kolmogorov 5/3 scaling. It features a steepening region which is indicative of dissipation of magnetic fluctuation energy similar to that observed in fluid and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence systems. Two non-spectrum based time-series analysis techniques are implemented on this data set in order to seek other possible signatures of turbulent dissipation beyond just the steepening of fluctuation spectra. Presented here are results for the flatness, permutation entropy, and statistical complexity, each of which exhibits a particular character at spectral steepening scales which can then be compared to the behavior of the frequency spectrum

    A new possible quark-hadron mixed phase in protoneutron stars

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    The phase transition from hadronic matter to quark matter at high density might be a strong first order phase transition in presence of a large surface tension between the two phases. While this implies a constant-pressure mixed phase for cold and catalyzed matter this is not the case for the hot and lepton rich matter formed in a protoneutron star. We show that it is possible to obtain a mixed phase with non-constant pressure by considering the global conservation of lepton number during the stage of neutrino trapping. In turn, it allows for the appearance of a new kind of mixed phase as long as neutrinos are trapped and its gradual disappearance during deleptonization. This new mixed phase, being composed by two electric neutral phases, does not develop a Coulomb lattice and it is formed only by spherical structures, drops and bubbles, which can have macroscopic sizes. The disappearance of the mixed phase at the end of deleptonization might lead to a delayed collapse of the star into a more compact configuration containing a core of pure quark phase. In this scenario, a significant emission of neutrinos and, possibly, gravitational waves are expected.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hyperons and massive neutron stars: the role of hyperon potentials

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    The constituents of cold dense matter are still far from being understood. However, neutron star observations such as the recently observed pulsar PSR J1614-2230 with a mass of 1.97+/-0.04 M_solar help to considerably constrain the hadronic equation of state (EoS). We systematically investigate the influence of the hyperon potentials on the stiffness of the EoS. We find that they have but little influence on the maximum mass compared to the inclusion of an additional vector meson mediating repulsive interaction amongst hyperons. The new mass limit can only be reached with this additional meson regardless of the hyperon potentials. Further, we investigate the impact of the nuclear compression modulus and the effective mass of the nucleon at saturation density on the high density regime of the EoS. We show that the maximum mass of purely nucleonic stars is very sensitive to the effective nucleon mass but only very little to the compression modulus.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure