806 research outputs found


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    Learned Visual Features to Textual Explanations

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    Interpreting the learned features of vision models has posed a longstanding challenge in the field of machine learning. To address this issue, we propose a novel method that leverages the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to interpret the learned features of pre-trained image classifiers. Our method, called TExplain, tackles this task by training a neural network to establish a connection between the feature space of image classifiers and LLMs. Then, during inference, our approach generates a vast number of sentences to explain the features learned by the classifier for a given image. These sentences are then used to extract the most frequent words, providing a comprehensive understanding of the learned features and patterns within the classifier. Our method, for the first time, utilizes these frequent words corresponding to a visual representation to provide insights into the decision-making process of the independently trained classifier, enabling the detection of spurious correlations, biases, and a deeper comprehension of its behavior. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct experiments on diverse datasets, including ImageNet-9L and Waterbirds. The results demonstrate the potential of our method to enhance the interpretability and robustness of image classifiers

    First measurement of the Head-Tail directional nuclear recoil signature at energies relevant to WIMP dark matter searches

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    We present first evidence for the so-called Head-Tail asymmetry signature of neutron-induced nuclear recoil tracks at energies down to 1.5 keV/amu using the 1m^3 DRIFT-IIc dark matter detector. This regime is appropriate for recoils induced by Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMPs) but one where the differential ionization is poorly understood. We show that the distribution of recoil energies and directions induced here by Cf-252 neutrons matches well that expected from massive WIMPs. The results open a powerful new means of searching for a galactic signature from WIMPs.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Low Energy Electron and Nuclear Recoil Thresholds in the DRIFT-II Negative Ion TPC for Dark Matter Searches

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    Understanding the ability to measure and discriminate particle events at the lowest possible energy is an essential requirement in developing new experiments to search for weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter. In this paper we detail an assessment of the potential sensitivity below 10 keV in the 1 m^3 DRIFT-II directionally sensitive, low pressure, negative ion time projection chamber (NITPC), based on event-by-event track reconstruction and calorimetry in the multiwire proportional chamber (MWPC) readout. By application of a digital smoothing polynomial it is shown that the detector is sensitive to sulfur and carbon recoils down to 2.9 and 1.9 keV respectively, and 1.2 keV for electron induced events. The energy sensitivity is demonstrated through the 5.9 keV gamma spectrum of 55Fe, where the energy resolution is sufficient to identify the escape peak. The effect a lower energy sensitivity on the WIMP exclusion limit is demonstrated. In addition to recoil direction reconstruction for WIMP searches this sensitivity suggests new prospects for applications also in KK axion searches
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