27 research outputs found

    Distinct Gene Number-Genome Size Relationships for Eukaryotes and Non-Eukaryotes: Gene Content Estimation for Dinoflagellate Genomes

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    The ability to predict gene content is highly desirable for characterization of not-yet sequenced genomes like those of dinoflagellates. Using data from completely sequenced and annotated genomes from phylogenetically diverse lineages, we investigated the relationship between gene content and genome size using regression analyses. Distinct relationships between log10-transformed protein-coding gene number (Y′) versus log10-transformed genome size (X′, genome size in kbp) were found for eukaryotes and non-eukaryotes. Eukaryotes best fit a logarithmic model, Y′ = ln(-46.200+22.678X′, whereas non-eukaryotes a linear model, Y′ = 0.045+0.977X′, both with high significance (p<0.001, R2>0.91). Total gene number shows similar trends in both groups to their respective protein coding regressions. The distinct correlations reflect lower and decreasing gene-coding percentages as genome size increases in eukaryotes (82%–1%) compared to higher and relatively stable percentages in prokaryotes and viruses (97%–47%). The eukaryotic regression models project that the smallest dinoflagellate genome (3×106 kbp) contains 38,188 protein-coding (40,086 total) genes and the largest (245×106 kbp) 87,688 protein-coding (92,013 total) genes, corresponding to 1.8% and 0.05% gene-coding percentages. These estimates do not likely represent extraordinarily high functional diversity of the encoded proteome but rather highly redundant genomes as evidenced by high gene copy numbers documented for various dinoflagellate species

    Intersection Graphs of Maximal Sub-polygons of k-Lizards

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    Abstract We introduce k-maximal sub-polygon graphs (k-MSP graphs), the intersection graphs of maximal polygons contained in a polygon with sides parallel to a regular 2k-gon. We prove that all complete graphs are k-MSP graphs for all k>1k>1 k > 1 ; trees are 2-MSP graphs; trees are k-MSP graphs for k>2k>2 k > 2 if and only if they are caterpillars; and n-cycles are not k-MSP graphs for n>3n>3 n > 3 and k>1k>1 k > 1 . We derive bounds for which j-cycles appear as induced subgraphs of k-MSP graphs. As our main result, we construct examples of graphs which are k-MSP graphs and not j-MSP graphs for all k>1k>1 k > 1 , j>1j>1 j > 1 , kjk \ne j k ≠ j

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    Contrasting migratory journeys and changes in hippocampal astrocyte morphology in shorebirds

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    Semipalmated sandpiper (Calidris pusilla) migration to the Southern Hemisphere includes a 5-day non-stop flight over the Atlantic Ocean, whereas semipalmated plover (Charadrius semipalmatus) migration, to the same area, is largely over land, with stopovers for feeding and rest. We compared the number and 3D morphology of hippocampal astrocytes of Ch. semipalmatus before and after autumnal migration with those of C. pusilla to test the hypothesis that the contrasting migratory flights of these species could differentially shape hippocampal astrocyte number and morphology. We captured individuals from both species in the Bay of Fundy (Canada) and in the coastal region of Bragança (Brazil) and processed their brains for selective GFAP immunolabeling of astrocytes. Hierarchical cluster analysis of astrocyte morphological features distinguished two families of morphological phenotypes, named type I and type II, which were differentially affected after migratory flights. Stereological counts of hippocampal astrocytes demonstrated that the number of astrocytes decreased significantly in C. pusilla, but did not change in Ch. semipalmatus. In addition, C. pusilla and Ch. semipalmatus hippocampal astrocyte morphological features were differentially affected after autumnal migration. We evaluated whether astrocyte morphometric variables were influenced by phylogenetic differences between C. pusilla and Ch. semipalmatus, using phylogenetically independent contrast approach, and phylogenetic trees generated by nuclear and mitochondrial markers. Our findings suggest that phylogenetic differences do not explain the results and that contrasting long-distance migratory flights shape plasticity of type I and type II astrocytes in different ways, which may imply distinct physiological roles for these cells