244 research outputs found

    Invasive Actinomycosis of Maxilla - An Unusual Case Report

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    Cervicofacial actinomycosis is an unusual infection caused by Actinomyces species. It rarely involves the maxilla. We present a case of an elderly female with a left sided maxillary swelling which was diagnosed as left maxillary actinomycosis invading the adjacent structures suspected to be secondary to a bone neoplasm on the basis of histopathology. The organism grew in culture in our laboratory and hence this case is a deviation from the common feature that cultures are most of the times of little help in detecting this organism. The classical growth of this organism on culture in addition to the histopathology report highly empowered the diagnosis of this case. Also, our findings that it can permeate the surrounding structures and can produce a conundrum for the diagnosis are noteworthy

    Phase Field Model for Three-Dimensional Dendritic Growth with Fluid Flow

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    We study the effect of fluid flow on three-dimensional (3D) dendrite growth using a phase-field model on an adaptive finite element grid. In order to simulate 3D fluid flow, we use an averaging method for the flow problem coupled to the phase-field method and the Semi-Implicit Approximated Projection Method (SIAPM). We describe a parallel implementation for the algorithm, using Charm++ FEM framework, and demonstrate its efficiency. We introduce an improved method for extracting dendrite tip position and tip radius, facilitating accurate comparison to theory. We benchmark our results for two-dimensional (2D) dendrite growth with solvability theory and previous results, finding them to be in good agreement. The physics of dendritic growth with fluid flow in three dimensions is very different from that in two dimensions, and we discuss the origin of this behavior

    Tunable intervalence charge transfer in ruthenium Prussian blue analogue enables stable and efficient biocompatible artificial synapses

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    Emerging concepts for neuromorphic computing, bioelectronics, and brain-computer interfacing inspire new research avenues aimed at understanding the relationship between oxidation state and conductivity in unexplored materials. Here, we present ruthenium Prussian blue analogue (RuPBA), a mixed valence coordination compound with an open framework structure and ability to conduct both ionic and electronic charge, for flexible artificial synapses that reversibly switch conductance by more than four orders of magnitude based on electrochemically tunable oxidation state. Retention of programmed states is improved by nearly two orders of magnitude compared to the extensively studied organic polymers, thus reducing the frequency, complexity and energy costs associated with error correction schemes. We demonstrate dopamine detection using RuPBA synapses and biocompatibility with neuronal cells, evoking prospective application for brain-computer interfacing. By application of electron transfer theory to in-situ spectroscopic probing of intervalence charge transfer, we elucidate a switching mechanism whereby the degree of mixed valency between N-coordinated Ru sites controls the carrier concentration and mobility, as supported by DFT

    Fusion Energy Output Greater than the Kinetic Energy of an Imploding Shell at the National Ignition Facility

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    A series of cryogenic, layered deuterium-tritium (DT) implosions have produced, for the first time, fusion energy output twice the peak kinetic energy of the imploding shell. These experiments at the National Ignition Facility utilized high density carbon ablators with a three-shock laser pulse (1.5 MJ in 7.5 ns) to irradiate low gas-filled (0.3  mg/cc of helium) bare depleted uranium hohlraums, resulting in a peak hohlraum radiative temperature ∼290  eV. The imploding shell, composed of the nonablated high density carbon and the DT cryogenic layer, is, thus, driven to velocity on the order of 380  km/s resulting in a peak kinetic energy of ∼21  kJ, which once stagnated produced a total DT neutron yield of 1.9×10¹⁶ (shot N170827) corresponding to an output fusion energy of 54 kJ. Time dependent low mode asymmetries that limited further progress of implosions have now been controlled, leading to an increased compression of the hot spot. It resulted in hot spot areal density (ρr∼0.3  g/cm²) and stagnation pressure (∼360  Gbar) never before achieved in a laboratory experiment

    C-ME: A 3D Community-Based, Real-Time Collaboration Tool for Scientific Research and Training

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    The need for effective collaboration tools is growing as multidisciplinary proteome-wide projects and distributed research teams become more common. The resulting data is often quite disparate, stored in separate locations, and not contextually related. Collaborative Molecular Modeling Environment (C-ME) is an interactive community-based collaboration system that allows researchers to organize information, visualize data on a two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D) basis, and share and manage that information with collaborators in real time. C-ME stores the information in industry-standard databases that are immediately accessible by appropriate permission within the computer network directory service or anonymously across the internet through the C-ME application or through a web browser. The system addresses two important aspects of collaboration: context and information management. C-ME allows a researcher to use a 3-D atomic structure model or a 2-D image as a contextual basis on which to attach and share annotations to specific atoms or molecules or to specific regions of a 2-D image. These annotations provide additional information about the atomic structure or image data that can then be evaluated, amended or added to by other project members

    Linking the dust and chemical evolution: Taurus and Perseus -- New collisional rates for HCN, HNC, and their C, N, and H isotopologues

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    HCN, HNC, and their isotopologues are ubiquitous molecules that can serve as chemical thermometers and evolutionary tracers to characterize star-forming regions. Despite their importance in carrying information that is vital to studies of the chemistry and evolution of star-forming regions, the collision rates of some of these molecules have not been available for rigorous studies in the past. We perform an up-to-date gas and dust chemical characterization of two different star-forming regions, TMC 1-C and NGC 1333-C7, using new collisional rates of HCN, HNC, and their isotopologues. We investigated the possible effects of the environment and stellar feedback in their chemistry and their evolution. With millimeter observations, we derived their column densities, the C and N isotopic fractions, the isomeric ratios, and the deuterium fractionation. The continuum data at 3 mm and 850 μ\mum allowed us to compute the emissivity spectral index and look for grain growth as an evolutionary tracer. The H13^{13}CN/HN13^{13}C ratio is anticorrelated with the deuterium fraction of HCN, thus it can readily serve as a proxy for the temperature. The spectral index (β1.342.09)(\beta\sim 1.34-2.09) shows a tentative anticorrelation with the H13^{13}CN/HN13^{13}C ratio, suggesting grain growth in the evolved, hotter, and less deuterated sources. Unlike TMC 1-C, the south-to-north gradient in dust temperature and spectral index observed in NGC 1333-C7 suggests feedback from the main NGC 1333 cloud. With this up-to-date characterization of two star-forming regions, we found that the chemistry and the physical properties are tightly related. The dust temperature, deuterium fraction, and the spectral index are complementary evolutionary tracers. The large-scale environmental factors may dominate the chemistry and evolution in clustered star-forming regions.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figure