11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Biaya Periklanan dan Biaya Promosi Penjualan terhadap Volume Penjualan pada PT. Agung Automall Soetomo Pekanbaru

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    This study aimed to measure the effect of the advertising fee which consists of; the cost of print advertising, radio broadcasting costs, the cost of brochures / booklets and sales promotion which consists of; the cost of monthly exhibitions as well as a raffle coupon to sales volume PT. Agung Automall located Soetomo streets of Pekanbaru. In this study consists of five independent variables consisting of print ads (X1), radio (X2), brochures and booklets (X3), the cost of monthly exhibitions (X4), the cost of lottery tickets (X5) and the dependent variable sales volume (Y ). This study uses data analysis using multiple linear regression (multiple regression) with SPSS (Statistic Services For Product and Solution) Version 17.0 These results indicate that the advertising and sales promotion variables simultaneously (test f) significant positive effect on the volume of sales at PT. Agung Automall Soetomo Pekanbaru, while (t test) in partial print ads, radio, brochures / booklets, monthly exhibitions as well as lottery tickets, just print ads and promotional monthly significant effect on the volume of sales at PT. Agung Automall Soetomo Pekanbaru. Adusjted (R2) square of the model influence the cost of advertising and sales promotion expenses to sales volume in PT. Agung Automall Soetomo Pekanbaru by sixtyone point eight percent. While the remaining thirty-eight point two percent is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.Keywords: Advertising Costs, Costs of Sales Promotion, Sales Volum

    Pengaruh Experiential Marketing Dan Brand Trust Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Hotel Grand Jatra Pekanbaru

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    This research aimed to analyze Experiential Marketing, Brand Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty, research applied on customer Grand Jatra Hotel in Pekanbaru City. The object of this research was Customer Grand Jatra Hotel in Pekanbaru City. This research consists of four variables: the dependent variable, one intervening variable and two independent variables. They are Customer Loyalty(Y2), Customer Satisfaction (Y1), Brand Trust (X2), and Experintial Marketing (X1). This research was conducted using a sample of 100 people. This research used nonprobability sampling, based on respondents who had check-in Grand Jatra Hotel over than one time. Data are taken by giving respondents structural questionaires. In terms of data analysis, this research used Path Analysis method using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 20.Based on the hypothesis test conducted, research shows that Experiential Marketing has significant and positive effect toward Customer Satisfaction, Brand Trust has significant and positive effect toward Customer Satisfaction. Experintial Marketing has significant and positive effect toward Customer Loyalty, Brand Trust has significant and positive effect toward Customer Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction has significant and positive effect toward Customer Loyalty. Experiential Marketing and Brand Trust Influence Customer Loyaltyare moderated by Customer Satifastion

    Dampak Brand Equity pada Keputusan Pembelian melalui Brand Preference Konsumen pada Produk Televisi Merek Sony di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of brand equity on the purchase decisions of consumers through brand preference Sony brand televisions in the city of Pekanbaru. This study used 112 samples. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis method is a way to test variables, regression test, and final test path analysis or path analysis. From the results of the testing that has been done, brand equity directly affect Consumer Buying Decision on Sony Television Products in Pekanbaru "is acceptable because the value of the regression is positive and t count> t table. Influential Brand Equity Against Indirect Consumer Purchase Decision Through Brand Preference on Sony Television Products in Pekanbaru "received as a result of the indirect effect of variables consisting of Brand Equity (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality) on consumer purchasing decisions through more Brand Preference greater than the value of the direct influence of the variables consisting of Brand Equity (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality) on consumer purchasing decisions through Brand Preference. So when variables consisting of Brand Equity (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality) increased, it will cause an increase in the variable purchase decision and also the variable Brand Preference.Keywords: Brand Equity, Brand Preference, Purchase Decisio

    Pengendalian Mutu Air Bersih Menggunakan Teknologi Nano Filtrasi Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Derajat Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Vokasi Mranak Demak Jawa Tengah

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    Air bersih merupakan kebutuhan pokok yang selalu dikonsumsi masyarakat dan berpengaruh pada kelancaran aktivitas masyarakat. Masyarakat Desa Vokasi Mranak Kabupaten Demak mengalami kesulitan untuk mendapatkan air bersih yang sehat dan berkualitas secara berkelanjutan. Air bersih masih sangat susah didapatkan didaerah ini karena masih banyak masyarakat yang sumber airnya berasal dari sungai. Padahal air sungai masih dalam kondisi banyak bakteri, logam berat, kotor dan sebagainya. Permasalahan timbul ketika terjadi musim kemarau, dimana sumber air tanah dan sungai kecil mengalami penurunan kuantitas. Kondisi ini menyebabkan kondisi kesehatan masyarakat menurun. Pemanfaatan air sungai menjadi air bersih sangat dianjurkan. Teknologi yang dapat mengatasi permasalah tersebut adalah nano filtrasi. Alasan menggunakan teknologi ini karena ketika buntu filternya dapat dilakukan perawatan yang murah. Oleh karena itu salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan mutu air bersih pada masyarakat di daerah Mranak, Kabupaten Demak adalah dengan menerapkan teknologi pengolah air sungai menjadi air bersih dan bebas bakteri. Air yang dihasilkan alat ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan air bersih dan sehat untuk dikonsumsi rumah tangga. Metode pelaksanaan program dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, tahap sosialisasi, tahap praktek dan pendampingan, tahap evaluasi dan pembentukan kepengurusan. Tahap sosialisasi merupakan bagian untuk mensosialisasikan keberadaan alat teknologi pengolah air sungai menjadi air bersih dan bebas bakteri kepada masyarakat sasaran untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai pengolah air sungai menjadi air bersih. Pada tahap ini juga dijelaskan bahwa alat teknologi pengolah air sungai juga mudah dalam perawatan sehingga sangat murah untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Pada tahap praktek dan pendampingan merupakan tahap terpenting dari program ini. Tahap ini akan dilakukan proses produksi teknologi pengolah air sungai dan tahap penerapan langsung alat. Selanjutnya pada tahap pendampingan dilakukan pendirian kepengurusan Desa Mranak sebagai langkah untuk menghimpun masyarakat yang mau merawat dan mengembangkan menjadi anggota dari program ini. Tahap evaluasi bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peningkatan penerapan teknologi pengolah air sungai menjadi air bersih dan bebas bakteri yang dapat dilihat dari segi kualitatif air sungai (mutu air bersih)

    Portable urban agriculture technology and soil nutrient drive app that support farmers profit.

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    A narrow land farmed urban Agriculture. It used for daily fresh vegetables and fruit for the housing community in urban areas. Portable Urban Agriculture Technology as a support facility to increase production of Urban Agriculture, the Greenhouse portable system could be built and transferred to a specific location is convenient, safe, fast, lightweight structural material (PVC 0.55mm Tarpaulin) so that the Urban Agricultural Products closer to residential consumers in urban. The impact was the price was cheaper but quality. The objective was to plan, build and test prototype Water inflated tent activity as a facility to strengthen Greenhouse's strength, speed, effectiveness and comfort. Application method stages of the Cup or SDN on a former tin mining land, with Portable Urban Agriculture Technology support soil nutrient drive are as follows: first Reconstruction of the land in the form of land arrangement in accordance contours and irrigation channels that exist in the field is very important to support the success of the method SDN; second Management of top soil in the form of top soil enriched with organic material will support environmental compliance in the soil, especially for the growth and development of VAM hyphae and root system; third Soil Amendment to improve the physical and chemical properties of former mining land; fourth Activities vegetation of mined land with SDN method optimizes the achievement of the goals replanting of sustainable of native vegetation for erosion and runoff, repair and restoration of biodiversity, landscape aesthetics that will impact habitat improvement fauna, biodiversity, soil productivity and water quality. Tree plant species such as Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculiformis and Leucaena diversifolia microbes that have been infected with mycorrhizal fungi (VAM) will be very effective and support this effort. Vegetation activities with SDN method includes the following steps: first Seedling plants with VAM; second Preparation of arable land that supports the development of VAM in the soil; third Planting of the first cup with VAM; fourth Incubate 1 month; fifth Planting of the second cup with VAM; sixth 1 month incubation; and seventh The planting of the main crop.N/

    Identifying the Teaching of English to Early Young Learners at Stepping Stones School Surabaya

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    Early stage of human life is considered as unique as it has special characteristics that are different from other stage of human being’s development and growth. There are ways and strategies in dealing with young learners especially at the process of learning. As part of the methods dealing with young learners, school has taken an important role besides the parents of the children. There are many roles taken by school such as teaching in the process of learning of the young learners. In Indonesia, learning English becomes one of important part in the process of learning at the school. And there are notes to be considered in introducing English as a Second Language to young learners. The research was conducted to find out that there are key factors to be considered dealing with teaching English to early young learners and one of the important factors is one of the key factors underlying methods of the teaching English especially at Steping Stones School. The research was conducted at Stepping Stones School Surabaya as it is a school for very young learners. The methods of the research is a qualitative descriptive research. The research found out that the methods of teaching English to young learners need a full English school and a school with fun learning environment. The key factors underlying the methods of teaching English at the Stepping Stones School Surabaya are the school becomes a high quality preschool program with a well-designed curriculum; the school is with well-qualified teachers enabling to interpret the school curriculum to be a daily based practices in teachings; the school pays attention on the age of the students especially in applying the full English method; the school involves the parents to be in part of the learning by having similar ways in treating the children at home

    Rethinking Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance: A Role for Lot Quality Assurance Sampling

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    Global surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a key component of the 68th World Health Assembly Global Action Plan on AMR. Laboratory-based surveillance is inherently biased and lacks local relevance due to aggregation of data. We assessed the feasibility, sensitivity, and affordability of a population-based AMR survey using lot quality assurance sampling (LQAS), which classifies a population as having a high or low prevalence of AMR based on a priori defined criteria. Three studies were carried out in Medan and Bandung, Indonesia, between April 2014 and June 2017. LQAS classifications for 15 antibiotics were compared with AMR estimates from a conventional population-based survey, with an assessment of the cost of a single LQAS classification using microcosting methodology, among patients suspected of urinary tract infection at 11 sites in Indonesia. The sensitivity of LQAS was above 98%. The approach detected local variation in the prevalence of AMR across sites. Time to reach LQAS results ranged from 47 to 138 days. The average cost of an LQAS classification in a single facility was US$466. The findings indicate that LQAS-based AMR survey is a feasible, sensitive, and affordable strategy for population-based AMR surveys, providing essential data to inform local empirical treatment guidelines and antimicrobial stewardship efforts