25 research outputs found

    Broadband telecom transparency of semiconductor-coated metal nanowires: more transparent than glass

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    Metallic nanowires (NW) coated with a high permittivity dielectric are proposed as means to strongly reduce the light scattering of the conducting NW, rendering them transparent at infrared wavelengths of interest in telecommunications. Based on a simple, universal law derived from electrostatics arguments, we find appropriate parameters to reduce the scattering efficiency of hybrid metal-dielectric NW by up to three orders of magnitude as compared with the scattering efficiency of the homogeneous metallic NW. We show that metal@dielectric structures are much more robust against fabrication imperfections than analogous dielectric@metal ones. The bandwidth of the transparent region entirely covers the near IR telecommunications range. Although this effect is optimum at normal incidence and for a given polarization, rigorous theoretical and numerical calculations reveal that transparency is robust against changes in polarization and angle of incidence, and also holds for relatively dense periodic or random arrangements. A wealth of applications based on metal-NWs may benefit from such invisibility

    Directional emission from leaky and guided modes in GaAs nanowires measured by cathodoluminescence

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    8 págs.; 4 figs.We measure the polarization-resolved angular emission distribution from thin and thick GaAs nanowires (diameters ∼110 and ∼180 nm) with cathodoluminescence polarimetry. The nanowires, which horizontally rest on a thin carbon film, are excited by a 5 keV electron beam and emit band gap luminescence at a central wavelength of 870 nm. The emission can couple to different waveguide modes that propagate along the wire, are dependent on the wire diameter, and determine the directionality and polarization of the emission. Although each measured nanowire can support different modes, the polarized emission is dominated by the TM01 waveguide mode in all cases, independently of wire diameter. When exciting the nanowires close to the end facets, the thin and thick wires exhibit opposite directional emission. The emission from thin nanowires is dominated by a leaky TM01 mode that leads to emission toward the opposite end facet (emission to the right when exciting the left-side edge). For the thick wires, however, the TM01 mode is guided but also lossy due to absorption in the substrate. In such a case, the wires emit toward the excited end facet (to the left when exciting the left-side edge). The emission directionality switches for nanowire diameters in the range of 145-170 nm. We show that the measurements agree well with both a simple 1D current model and numerical simulations. The high spatial resolution of angle- and polarization-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy provides detailed insight into the nanoscale emission and propagation of light in semiconductor nanowires. Copyright © 2016 American Chemical SocietyThis work is part of the Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM) as well as the Dutch Technology Foundation STW, which are financially supported by the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. It is also part of NanoNextNL, a nanotechnology program funded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, part of an industrial partnership program between Philips and FOM, and is supported by the European Research Council (ERC). The Spanish Ministerio de Economıía y Competitividad is also acknowledged for financial support through the grants NANOPLAS+ (FIS2012-31070) and LENSBEAM (FIS2015- 69295-C3-2-P).Peer Reviewe

    Directional Emission from Leaky and Guided Modes in GaAs Nanowires Measured by Cathodoluminescence

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    We measure the polarization-resolved angular emission distribution from thin and thick GaAs nanowires (diameters ∼110 and ∼180 nm) with cathodoluminescence polarimetry. The nanowires, which horizontally rest on a thin carbon film, are excited by a 5 keV electron beam and emit band gap luminescence at a central wavelength of 870 nm. The emission can couple to different waveguide modes that propagate along the wire, are dependent on the wire diameter, and determine the directionality and polarization of the emission. Although each measured nanowire can support different modes, the polarized emission is dominated by the TM01 waveguide mode in all cases, independently of wire diameter. When exciting the nanowires close to the end facets, the thin and thick wires exhibit opposite directional emission. The emission from thin nanowires is dominated by a leaky TM01 mode that leads to emission toward the opposite end facet (emission to the right when exciting the left-side edge). For the thick wires, however, the TM01 mode is guided but also lossy due to absorption in the substrate. In such a case, the wires emit toward the excited end facet (to the left when exciting the left-side edge). The emission directionality switches for nanowire diameters in the range of 145–170 nm. We show that the measurements agree well with both a simple 1D current model and numerical simulations. The high spatial resolution of angle- and polarization-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy provides detailed insight into the nanoscale emission and propagation of light in semiconductor nanowires.</p

    Tuning spontaneous emission through waveguide cavity effects in semiconductor nanowires

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    The ability to tailor waveguide cavities and couple them with quantum emitters has developed a realm of nanophotonics encompassing, for example, highly efficient single photon generation or the control of giant photon nonlinearities. Opening new grounds by pushing the interaction of the waveguide cavity and integrated emitters further into the deep subwavelength regime, however, has been complicated by nonradiative losses due to the increasing importance of surface defects when decreasing cavity dimensions. Here, we show efficient suppression of nonradiative recombination for thin waveguide cavities using core-shell semiconductor nanowires. We experimentally reveal the advantages of such nanowires, which host mobile emitters, that is, free excitons, in a one-dimensional (1D) waveguide, highlighting the resulting potential for tunable, active, nanophotonic devices. In our experiment, controlling the nanowire waveguide diameter tunes the luminescence lifetime of excitons in the nanowires across 2 orders of magnitude up to 80 ns. At the smallest wire diameters, we show that this luminescence lifetime can be manipulated by engineering the dielectric environment of the nanowires. Exploiting this unique handle on the spontaneous emission of mobile emitters, we demonstrate an all-dielectric spatial control of the mobile emitters along the axis of the 1D nanowire waveguide

    Directional and Polarized Light Emission at the Nanoscale through Semiconductor Nanowires

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    Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2017 in St Petersburg, Russia, 22-25 May, 2017. -- http://www.piers.org/piers2017StPetersburg/Peer Reviewe

    Strong diameter-dependence of nanowire emission coupled to waveguide modes

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    4 pags., 5 figs.The emission from nanowires can couple to waveguide modes supported by the nanowire geometry, thus governing the far-field angular pattern. To investigate the geometry-induced coupling of the emission to waveguide modes, we acquire Fourier microscopy images of the photoluminescence of nanowires with diameters ranging from 143 to 208 nm. From the investigated diameter range, we conclude that a few nanometers difference in diameter can abruptly change the coupling of the emission to a specific mode. Moreover, we observe a diameter-dependent width of the Gaussian-shaped angular pattern in the far-field emission. This dependence is understood in terms of interference of the guided modes, which emit at the end facets of the nanowire. Our results are important for the design of quantum emitters, solid state lighting, and photovoltaic devices based on nanowires. VC 2016 AIP Publishing LLCThis research was supported by the Dutch technology foundation STW, which is part of the “Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO),” and partially funded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. This work was also part of the research program of the “Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM),” which is financially supported by NWO. J.A.S.G. acknowledges the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for financial support through the Grant Nos. NANOPLASþ (FIS2012-31070) and LENSBEAM (FIS2015-69295-C3-2-P).Peer Reviewe

    Semiconductor Nanowire antennas

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    7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Torremolinos, Malaga (Spain), July 25, 2016 – July 28, 2016 ; http://metaconferences.org/ocs/index.php/META16/META16Peer Reviewe