608 research outputs found

    The influence of the concentration of montmorillonite containing sorbent and pH of the culture medium on the antibiotic sensitivity of Escherichia coli, as well as the effect of ground on growth of Escherichia

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    The aim of this work was the comparative sensitivity test of E. coli to enrofloxacin and doxycycline and bactericidal action of montmorillonite containing sorbent and its combination with enrofloxacin, as well as the influence of the concentration of the enriched montmorillonite containing sorbent and pH of the culture medium on the antibiotic sensitivity of Escherichia coli. The sensitivity test of Escherichia coli to enrofloxacin, and the combination of enrofloxacin with sorbent was performd by the method of double serial dilutions of drugs in a liquid culture mediu

    Influence of the enterosorbent on quality of eggs

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    In this article research the influence of natural montmorillonite containing sorbent used as a mineral supplement in animal feed in an amount of 30 g per 1 kg of sorbent feed on commercial quality table eggs at his dacha hens-layers. Found that feeding hens’ mineral feed additive reduces the toxic chemical elements in a chicken egg. It was found that the weight of the eggs in the experimental group compared to the control group, was significantly increased by 3,5% (p <0,05) after the completion of feeding the mineral sorbent. Despite the fact that in the control group, egg weight did not change and remained virtually unchange

    Adaptive Physical Education as a Factor of Improving the Quality of Life of Disabled People

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    The article is devoted to the problem of improving the quality of life of people with disabilities through adaptive physical education. In the research the basic principles and types of adaptive physical training are described. As conclusion of the research, that physical culture and sport are the most important factors of socialization of a person with disability, which promoting of social mobility, social success and quality of life, in general.Данная статья посвящена проблеме повышения качества жизни людей с ограниченными возможностями посредством адаптивной физической культуры. В работе рассмотрены основные принципы и виды адаптивной физической культуры. Как следует из исследования, физическая культура и спорт являются важнейшим фактором социализации человека с ограниченными возможностями, способствуя социальной мобильности, достижению социального успеха и качества жизни в целом

    Social integration of disabled people in the Russian society

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    This article is devoted to the problem of social integration of disabled people in the Russian society. The term "disabled person" is literally comprehended as a person with mental or physical deviations. Major factors of integration of physically disabled people into society are analyzed.Данная статья посвящена проблеме социальной интеграции инвалидов в российском обществе. Термин «инвалид» буквально понимается как человек с умственными или физическими отклонениями. Анализируются основные факторы интеграции в общество людей с ограниченными возможностями

    The history of the forming and the features of the soil, lithological and geomorphological structure of the Jizzakh steppe as the basais for its natural zoning

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    The paper provides initial materials characterizing the complicated history of formation, natural soils and lithological-geomorphological conditions of the Jizzakh steppe before the beginning of reclamation development. It is shown that on the basis of soil-lithological and geomorphological zoning, the Jizzakh steppe is divided into a number of natural regions belonging to different levels (altitude levels) of the piedmont plain. In total, 22 districts have been identified within the Jizzakh steppe, including the foothill margins. On the piedmont plain itself, the regions are combined into two high-altitude levels: the upper step and the lower step or blanket zone. These two levels differ sharply in terms of drainage conditions and soil salinity. The upper level, covering the upper and middle parts of the alluvial fan, the high interconal Zaamin-Sanzar plain and the Lomakino plateau, is characterized by a weak manifestation of salinity due to relatively good drainage, except for the sloping depressions of the Lomakino plateau. In contrast to the upper level, the lower level, located in the blanket zone of the piedmont plain, is characterized by active natural salinization because of the poor drainage. The saline sediments of the Zaamin cone delta are characterized by the greatest thickness. To a lesser extent, the rocks of the Sanzar cone delta, which are drained by deep gullies, are salinized. The Khavast sloping plain is characterized by a strongly saline upper two-meter layer, with salt and gypsum content decreasing with depth. Thus, it is shown that high salinity and gypsum bearing rocks, as well as high groundwater salinity of the cone delta zone are the source of modern salt accumulation in soils of foothill Golodnostepskaya plain, as well as in soils of the cone delta zone of Djizak steppe

    Социальная ответственность в трудовой сфере как фактор экономического роста

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    У статті наведено основні науково-методичні підходи до розробки інтегрального показника рівня соціальної відповідальності в забезпеченні розвитку трудової сфери та представлена їх апробація. На підґрунті економетричних моделей визначено кількісна міра впливу соціальної відповідальності в трудовій сфері, як соціального ресурсу, на можливості економічного зростання та представлено прогнозні сценарії зміни ВВП залежно від зміни рівнів соціальної відповідальності в трудовій сфері.In the article the basic scientific and methodological approaches to the development of integral index of social responsibility in the provision of labor issues and presented their approbation. On the ground of economic models defined quantitative measure of the impact of social responsibility at work, as a social resource, the possibility of growth and the forecast scenarios are changes in GDP depending on changes in levels of social responsibility at work. Analysis of the state social responsibility and the level of provision of labor sphere currently poorly researched. Almost no scientific and methodological approaches to identify and quantitatively measuring the level of social responsibility for the main actors of development and implementation of the system of industrial relations, social identification of the main levers of change in its assessment of the impact achieved a level of social responsibility in the labor sphere to ensure economic development. The article is to define the social responsibility of providing labor sphere as a social resource and a factor of economic growth. This necessitates the development of scientific and methodological approaches for the quantitative measurement of social responsibility for the main actors of its formation: the state, society and economic activity (business), households (family, individual). Assessment measures the impact of CSR on growth parameters provides the ability to develop future scenarios of economic development based on changes in the level of social responsibility. The simulation results change depending on the level of GDP scope of work based on social responsibility of proving that social responsibility really stands for today social resource growth of national economy and it is formed in the labor area.В статье приведены основные научно-методические подходы к разработке интегрального показателя уровня социальной ответственности в обеспечении развития трудовой сферы и представлена их апробация. На основе эконометрических моделей определена количественная мера воздействия социальной ответственности в трудовой сфере, как социального ресурса, на возможности экономического роста и представлены прогнозные сценарии изменения ВВП в зависимости от изменения уровней социальной ответственности в трудовой сфере

    On the works of the Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute in Uzbekistan

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    The article considers the history of the work of the Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute researchers in Uzbekistan, conducted jointly with soil scientists from Uzbekistan. These works were started in 1930–1940s. They were especially active during the Great Patriotic War, when the Soil Institute was evacuated to Tashkent. During these years, both Russian and Uzbek soil scientists participated in joint work. Outstanding scientists can be named among Russian researchers: V.A. Kovda, A.A. Rode, A.N. Rozanov and many others who contributed to the study of Uzbekistan soils. The work of the researchers from the Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, performed on the basis of a station in the Hungry Steppe (Mirzacho'l) in connection with the development of saline lands during the creation of new irrigation systems in Central Asia, is analyzed in particular detail. Various work areas of the station researchers are discussed in the article: issues of ameliorative development of saline soils, salinity mapping based on remote sensing methods, detailed study of the reclaimed soils properties using chemical, micromorphological, mineralogical and other research methods for the determination of salinity and gypsum content of soils in the New Irrigation Zone (NIZ) of Hungry and Jizzakh steppes. The results of the work were presented in a series of publications. In the 1990s, cooperation was temporarily ceased, but at the beginning of the 21st century it was resumed

    Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: focus on improving behavioral risk factors

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    Public health strategies for the detection, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) can be implemented at many levels as follows: from individual behavioral alterations to population-based strategies that affect different national and cultural communities. Despite the fact that the priority of primary prevention is treating hypertension and hyperlipidemia, great importance is given to improving behavioral and biological risk factors. Dietary modification, exercise and smoking cessation are specific interventions that can be targeted to reduce CVD risk at both the individual and population levels. Following a healthy lifestyle can potentially change factors such as overweight/obesity, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension. The aim of this review was to present and summarize new data on the primary cardiovascular prevention with a focus on improving behavioral risk factors considered in the current guidelines

    Persistent DNA strand breaks induce a CAF-like phenotype in normal fibroblasts.

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    Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are an emerging target for cancer therapy as they promote tumour growth and metastatic potential. However, CAF targeting is complicated by the lack of knowledge-based strategies aiming to selectively eliminate these cells. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that a pro-inflammatory microenvironment (e.g. ROS and cytokines) promotes CAF formation during tumorigenesis, although the exact mechanisms involved remain unclear. In this study, we reveal that a prolonged pro-inflammatory stimulation causes a de facto deficiency in base excision repair, generating unrepaired DNA strand breaks and thereby triggering an ATF4-dependent reprogramming of normal fibroblasts into CAF-like cells. Based on the phenotype of in vitro-generated CAFs, we demonstrate that midostaurin, a clinically relevant compound, selectively eliminates CAF-like cells deficient in base excision repair and prevents their stimulatory role in cancer cell growth and migration

    Чтение как эффективный способ развития всех видов речевой деятельности на иностранном языке

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    Целью данной работы является собрать теоретический материал, посвящённый чтению литературных источников в качестве способа изучения иностранного языка. В дальнейшем эти данные будут использованы для разработки собственной методики обучения чтению на иностранном языке.The purpose of this work is to collect theoretical material on reading literary sources as a way of learning a foreign language. This data will be further used to develop our own methodology based on reading