222 research outputs found

    Influenza vaccination of elderly: relaunch time

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    Influenza can be a serious disease and constitutes a threat to the population. Every year, seasonal influenza epidemics affect about 5-15% of the world's population. Some frail categories (such as the elderly) can develop complications, request hospitalization, and may die. In order to reduce the medical, social and economic burden of influenza, vaccination is recommended by many health authorities worldwide. Italy has a national programme of influenza vaccination which targets specific categories, such as subjects with chronic conditions, pregnant women, healthcare workers and those over 65 years old. Despite this opportunity for prevention, however, vaccination coverage in Italy does not reach the minimum recommended threshold of 75%. This paper reports some interventions that can improve coverage rates of the elderly, such as "tailor-made" information campaigns, healthcare workers training and the adoption of innovative communication strategies in order to implement vaccination strategies that take into account the needs of the elderly population, the involvement of elderly people's associations in awareness-raising activities and strengthening the role of general practitioners in promoting influenza vaccination

    Vaccination against Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE) in Italy: Still a Long Way to Go

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    Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is endemic in several European countries, and its incidence has recently increased. Various factors may explain this phenomenon: social factors (changes in human behavior, duration and type of leisure activities and increased tourism in European high-risk areas), ecological factors (e.g., effects of climate change on the tick population and reservoir animals), and technological factors (improved diagnostics, increased medical awareness). Furthermore, the real burden of TBE is not completely known, as the performance of surveillance systems is suboptimal and cases of disease are under-reported in several areas. Given the potentially severe clinical course of the disease, the absence of any antiviral therapy, and the impossibility of interrupting the transmission of the virus in nature, vaccination is the mainstay of prevention and control. TBE vaccines are effective (protective effect of approximately 95% after completion of the basic vaccination\u2014three doses) and well tolerated. However, their uptake in endemic areas is suboptimal. In the main endemic countries where vaccination is included in the national/regional immunization program (with reimbursed vaccination programs), this decision was driven by a cost-effectiveness assessment (CEA), which is a helpful tool in the decision-making process. All CEA studies conducted have demonstrated the cost-effectiveness of TBE vaccination. Unfortunately, CEA is still lacking in many endemic countries, including Italy. In the future, it will be necessary to fill this gap in order to introduce an effective vaccination strategy in endemic areas. Finally, raising awareness of TBE, its consequences and the benefit of vaccination is critical in order to increase vaccination coverage and reduce the burden of the disease

    Age- and risk-related appropriateness of the use of available influenza vaccines in the Italian elderly population is advantageous: Results from a budget impact analysis

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    Introduction. Nowadays, four different types of influenza vaccines are available in Italy: trivalent (TIV), quadrivalent (QIV), MF59-adjuvanted (aTIV) and intradermal TIV (idTIV) inactivated vaccines. Recently, a concept of the appropriateness (i.e. according to the age and risk factors) of the use of different vaccines has been established in Italy. We conducted a budget impact analysis of switching to a policy, in which the Italian elderly (who carry the major disease burden) received the available vaccines according to their age and risk profile. Methods. A novel budget impact model was constructed with a time horizon of one influenza season. In the reference scenario the cohort of Italian elderly individuals could receive either available vaccine according to 2017/18 season market share. The alternative scenario envisaged the administration of TIV/QIV to people aged 65-74 years and at low risk of developing influenza-related complications, while aTIV/idTIV were allocated to high-risk 65-74-year-olds and all subjects aged \ue2\u89\ua5 75 years. Results. Switching to the alternative scenario would result in both significant health benefits and net budget savings. Particularly, it would be possible to prevent an additional 8201 cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza, 988 complications, 355 hospitalizations and 14 deaths. Despite the alternative strategy being associated with slightly higher vaccination costs, the total savings derived from fewer influenza events completely resets this increase with net budget savings of \ue2\u82\uac 0.13 million. Conclusions. An immunization policy in which influenza vaccines are administered according to the age and risk profile of Italian elderly individuals is advisable

    COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza Vaccination: Cross-Protection, Co-Administration, Combination Vaccines, and Hesitancy

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    SARS-CoV-2 and influenza are the main respiratory viruses for which effective vaccines are currently available. Strategies in which COVID-19 and influenza vaccines are administered simultaneously or combined into a single preparation are advantageous and may increase vaccination uptake. Here, we comprehensively review the available evidence on COVID-19/influenza vaccine coadministration and combination vaccine candidates from the standpoints of safety, immunogenicity, efficacy, policy and public acceptance. While several observational studies have shown that the trained immunity induced by influenza vaccines can protect against some COVID-19-related endpoints, it is not yet understood whether co-administration or combination vaccines can exert additive effects on relevant outcomes. In randomized controlled trials, co-administration has proved safe, with a reactogenicity profile similar to that of either vaccine administered alone. From the immunogenicity standpoint, the immune response towards four influenza strains and the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in co-administration groups is generally non-inferior to that seen in groups receiving either vaccine alone. Several public health authorities have advocated co-administration. Different combination vaccine candidates are in (pre)-clinical development. The hesitancy towards vaccine co-administration or combination vaccines is a multifaceted phenomenon and may be higher than the acceptance of either vaccine administered separately. Public health implications are discussed

    Impact assessment of an education course on vaccinations in a population of pregnant women: A pilot study

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    Introduction. Although the benefits of vaccinations have been extensively demonstrated, vaccination coverage remains unsatisfactory as result of many people's poor knowledge and negative perception of vaccination. We evaluated the impact of an education course on vaccinations in a population of pregnant women. Methods. A total of 214 pregnant women were invited to participate in this project, which was undertaken at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of Careggi University Hospital in Florence (Italy). Anonymous questionnaires were administered to women before and after the intervention. A descriptive and statistical analysis was carried out in order to compare the responses obtained before and after the intervention. Results. Adherence to the initiative was good (98%): Initially, the respondents were not hostile to vaccinations, though many (43%) were poorly or insufficiently informed. The educational intervention had a positive impact. After the intervention, the number of women who rated their level of knowledge of vaccinations as poor or insufficient had decreased by 30% and the number of "hesitant" respondents had decreased with respect to all aspects of the study, especially the decision to be vaccinated during pregnancy. Conclusions. Hesitancy stems from a lack of accurate information. Healthcare professionals need to improve their communication skills. Appropriate education during pregnancy, when women are more receptive, may have a highly positive impact. These observations need to be considered in the planning of courses to prepare pregnant women for delivery also in other maternal-foetal centres in Italy

    Chlamydia trachomatis prevalence and chlamydial/ HPV co-infection among HPV-unvaccinated young italian females with normal cytology

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    Infections caused by Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) and human papillomavirus (HPV) are the two main sexually transmitted infections; however, epidemiological data on Ct prevalence and Ct/HPV co-infection in Italy are scant. This study aimed at estimating the prevalence of Ct infection and Ct/HPV co-infection in young HPV-unvaccinated females with normal cytology, and placed particular attention on the possible association between Ct-DNA positivity and different HPV infecting genotypes. Five hundred 66 healthy females aged 16-26 years without cervical lesions, previously assessed for HPV infection (HPV-DNA prevalence: 18.2%), were tested for Ct-DNA. The overall prevalence of Ct was 5.8% (95% CI: 4.2-8.1), while Ct/HPV co-infection was recorded in 2.7% (95% CI: 1.6-4.3) of subjects. Compared with HPV-DNA-negative females, HPV-DNA positive subjects had significantly (P < 0.001) higher odds of being infected with Ct (odds ratio of 4.20, 95% CI: 2.01-8.71). Both Ct and Ct/HPV infections were much more prevalent in under 18-year-olds than in older women. Subjects positive for single high-risk HPV genotypes and various multiple HPV infections had higher odds of being Ct-DNA positive. Our findings confirm that HPV and Ct infections are very common among asymptomatic young Italian females. This underlines the urgent need for nationwide Ct screening programs and reinforcement of sexual health education, which would be the most important public health strategies, since no Ct vaccines are currently available

    Do the omeprazole family compounds exert a protective effect against influenza-like illness?

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    BACKGROUND: Infections by influenza viruses place a heavy burden on public health and economies worldwide. Although vaccines are the best weapons against influenza, antiviral drugs could offer an opportunity to alleviate the burden of influenza. Since omeprazole family compounds block the “proton pump”, we hypothesized that they could interfere with the mechanism of fusion of the virus envelope and endosomal membrane, thereby hindering the M2 proton pump mechanism of influenza viruses. METHODS: A matched case-control study was performed in 2010-2011 in Italy. Cases were subjects aged over 18 years with a diagnosis of Influenza-like Illness (ILI); 254 case-control pairs were recruited. A multivariable conditional logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between the prevention of ILI and the administration of omeprazole family compounds. The interaction between omeprazole family compounds and influenza vaccination was also examined. RESULTS: After control for potential confounders, subjects treated with omeprazole family compounds displayed a lower risk of catching ILI (OR(adj) = 0.29, 95% CI: 0.15-0.52). The risk of ILI in unvaccinated non-OFC users was about six times than that in vaccinated OFC users. CONCLUSIONS: Although confirmation is necessary, these results suggest that omeprazole family compounds could be profitably used in the prevention of ILI

    Prevalence of human papillomavirus in young Italian women with normal cytology: how should we adapt the national vaccination policy?

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    Background: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection. In Italy, HPV vaccination is now offered free of charge to 12-year-old females. However, some regional health authorities have extended free vaccination to other age-groups, especially to girls under 18 years of age. We conducted a multicentre epidemiological study to ascertain the prevalence of different genotypes of HPV in young Italian women with normal cytology, with the aim of evaluating the possibility of extending vaccination to older females.Methods: The study was performed in 2010. Women aged 16-26 years with normal cytology were studied. Cervical samples were analyzed to identify the presence of HPV by PCR amplification of a segment of ORF L1 (450 bp). All positive HPV-DNA samples underwent viral genotype analysis by means of a restriction fragment length polymorphism assay.Results: Positivity for at least one HPV genotype was found in 18.2% of the 566 women recruited: 48.1% in the 16-17 age-class, 15.4 in the 18-20 age-class, 21.9% in the 21-23 age-class, and 15.5% in the 24-26 age-class; 10.1% of women were infected by at least one high-risk HPV genotype. HPV-16 was the most prevalent genotype. Only 4 (0.7%), 4 (0.7%) and 3 (0.5%) women were infected by HPV-18, HPV-6 and HPV-11, respectively. Of the HPV-DNA-positive women, 64.1% presented only one viral genotype, while 24.3% had multiple infections. The HPV genotypes most often involved in multiple infections were high-risk. A high prevalence was noted in the first years of sexual activity (48.1% of HPV-DNA-positive women aged 16-17 years); HPV prevalence subsequently declined and stabilized.The estimate of cumulative proportions of young women free from any HPV infection at each age was evaluated; 93.3% and 97.1% of 26 year-old women proved free from HPV-16 and/or HPV-18 and from HPV-6 and/or HPV-11, respectively.Conclusions: Our findings confirm the crucial importance of conducting studies on women without cytological damage, in order to optimise and up-date preventive interventions against HPV infection, and suggest that vaccinating 26-year-old females at the time of their first pap-test is to be recommend, though this issue should be further explored

    Comparison between a conventional subunit vaccine and the MF59-adjuvanted subunit influenza vaccine in the elderly: an evaluation of the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity for two seasonal influ- enza subunit vaccines, one with MF59 adjuvant (Fluad?) and one without an adjuvant (Agrippal?). A total of 195 subjects aged ? 65 years were enrolled to receive one dose of vaccine intramuscularly, 96 were vaccinated with Fluad?, 99 received Agrippal?. Blood samples were taken from all subjects in order to assess their antibody titre by the haemagglutination inhibition assay (HI), before (Time 0) and after (Time 1: 28 ± 7 days) vaccination, against the A/H3N2 (A/Moscow/10/99), A/H1N1 (A/New Caledonia/20/99) and B/Shandong/7/97 antigens contained in the influenza vaccine in the 2002/2003 influenza season for the northern emisphere. A good humoral antibody response was detected for both vac- cines, meeting all the criteria of EMEA. The number of subjects in whom a ? 4-fold increase in antibody titre was recorded, in comparison with the pre-vaccination value, proved to be lower in the group vaccinated with Agrippal? than in those vaccinated with the adjuvated preparation. Fluad? exhibited better immu- nogenicity than Agrippal?. This difference was probably linked to the potentiated immune stimulation exerted by the adjuvant molecules. These results take on a particular importance if we consider that the immune system is weaker in the elderly; the admin- istration of an adjuvated vaccine in such subjects is clearly preferable in that it provides greater and more prolonged protection. Both vaccines were generally well tolerated; no severe adverse events occurred in any of the subjects vaccinated, confirming the excellent safety profile of Fluad? and Agrippa