288 research outputs found

    2D Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of exciton-polaritons and their interactions

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    We investigate polariton-polariton interactions in a semiconductor microcavity through two-dimensional Fourier transform (2DFT) spectroscopy. We observe, in addition to the lower-lower and the upper-upper polariton self-interaction, a lower-upper cross-interaction. This appears as separated peaks in the on-diagonal and off-diagonal part of 2DFT spectra. Moreover, we elucidate the role of the polariton dispersion through a fine structure in the 2DFT spectrum. Simulations, based on lower-upper polariton basis Gross-Pitaevskii equations including both self and cross-interactions, result in a 2DFT spectra in qualitative agreement with experiments

    Excitonic lasing in semiconductor quantum wires

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    Direct experimental evidences for excitonic lasing is obtained in optically pumped V-groove quantum wire structures. We demonstrate that laser emission at a temperature of 10 K arises from a population inversion of localized excitons within the inhomogenously-broadened luminescence line. At the lasing threshold, we estimate a maximum exciton density of about 1.8 105cm-1.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Anderson localisation in steady states of microcavity polaritons

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    We present an experimental signature of the Anderson localisation of microcavity polaritons, and provide a systematic study of the dependence on disorder strength. We reveal a controllable degree of localisation, as characterised by the inverse-participation ratio, by tuning the positional disorder of arrays of interacting mesas. This constitutes the realisation of disorder-induced localisation in a driven-dissipative system. In addition to being an ideal candidate for investigating localisation in this regime, microcavity polaritons hold promise for low-power, ultra-small devices and their localisation could be used as a resource in quantum memory and quantum information processing.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Cross Feshbach resonance

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    Feshbach resonance occurs when a pair of free particles is resonantly coupled to a molecular bound state. In the field of ultracold quantum gases, atomic Feshbach resonances became a usual tool for tailoring atomic interactions opening up many new applications in this field. In a semiconductor microcavity, the Feshbach resonance appears when two lower polaritons are coupled to the molecular biexciton state. Here, we demonstrate the existence of a cross Feshbach resonance for which a pair of polaritons, lower together with upper, effectively couples to the biexciton state. This demonstration is a crucial step towards the efficient generation of entangled photon pairs in a semiconductor microcavity. The existence of a Cross Feshbach resonance establishes the condition to convert a pair of upper and lower polaritons via the biexciton state into two lower polaritons, paving the way for the generation of momentum and polarization entangled photons.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Strand Coating for the Superconducting Cables of the LHC Main Magnets

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    The electrical resistance of contacts between strands in the Rutherford type superconducting cables has a major effect on the eddy current loss in cables, and on the dynamic magnetic field error in the LHC main magnets. In order to guarantee the value and constancy of the contact resistance, various metallic coatings were studied from the electrical and mechanical points of view in the past. We report on the molten bath Sn95wt.Ag5wt. coating, oxidized thermally in air after the cabling is completed, that we adopted for the cables of the LHC main magnets. The value of the con-tact resistance is determined by the strand coating and cabling procedures, oxidation heat treatment, and the magnet coil cu-ring and handling. Chemical analysis helps to understand the evolution of the contacts. We also mention results on two electrolytic coatings resulting in higher contact resistance

    Examination of contacts between strands by electrical measurements and topographical analysis

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    The contact resistance (crossing and adjacent) between the strands of Rutherford type superconducting cables has been proven to be an essential parameter for the behaviour of the main magnets in accelerators like the LHC. A strong development program has been launched at CERN. Contact resistances were measured by means of a DC method at 4.2 K. The strand deformation and the chemical conditions at the contacts were analyzed in order to interpret the electrical resistances measured by a 3 contacts method on individual strands as well as the resistances measured independently on cables

    Dephasing effects on coherent exciton-polaritons and the breakdown of the strong coupling regime

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    International audienceUsing femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, we identify excitation-induced dephasing as a major mechanism responsible for the breakdown of the strong coupling between excitons and photons in a semiconductor microcavity. The effects of dephasing are observed on the transmitted probe-pulse spectrum as a density-dependent broadening of the exciton-polariton resonances and the emergence of a third resonance at high excitation density. A striking asymmetry in the energy shift between the upper and the lower polaritons is also evidenced. Using the excitonic Bloch equations, we quantify the respective contributions to the energy shift of many-body effects associated with Coulomb fermion exchange and photon assisted exchange processes and the contribution to collisional broadening

    Design Features and Performance of a 10 T Twin Aperture Model Dipole for LHC

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    A twin-aperture superconducting (sc) dipole model has been designed in collaboration with Finnish and Swedish Institutions and built at CERN. The cable critical current was attained at a central field of 10.5 T at a temperature of 1.77 K after three training quenches only. This model has shown a very good quench performance as well as a robust mechanical behavior over several thermal cycles. This p aper will discuss the design, the innovations of the mechanical structure, and the results obtained during the intensive campaigns of tests

    Temporally resolved second-order photon correlations of exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensate formation

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    Second-order time correlation measurements with a temporal resolution better than 3 ps were performed on a CdTe microcavity where spontaneous Bose-Einstein condensation is observed. After the laser pulse, the nonresonantly excited thermal polariton population relaxes into a coherent polariton condensate. Photon statistics of the light emitted by the microcavity evidences a clear phase transition from the thermal state to a coherent state, which occurs within 3.2 ps after the onset of stimulated scattering. Following this very fast transition, we show that the emission possesses a very high coherence that persists for more than 100 ps after the build-up of the condensate.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    DC measurement of electrical contacts between strands in superconducting cables for the LHC main magnets

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    In the LHC main magnets, using Rutherford type cable, the eddy current loss and dynamic magnetic field error depend largely on the electrical resistance between crossing (Rc) and adjacent (Ra) strands. Cables made of strands with pre-selected coatings have been studied at low temperature using a DC electrical method. The significance of the inter-strand contact is explained. The properties of resistive barriers, the DC method used for the resistance measurement on the cable, and sample preparation are described. Finally the resistances are presented under various conditions, and the effect is discussed that the cable treatment has on the contact resistance
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