11 research outputs found

    Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and acute chest syndrome revealing sickle cell anemia in a 32 years female patient

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    Sickle cell anemia results from a single amino acid substitution in the gene encoding the 4-globin subunit. Polymerization of deoxygenated sickle hemoglobin leads to decreased deformability of red blood cells. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a common thyroid disease now recognized as an autoimmune thyroid disorder, it is usually thought to be haemolytic autoimmune anemia. We report the case of a 32 years old women admitted for chest pain and haemolysis anemia in which Hashimoto's thyroiditis and sickle cell anemia were found. In our observation the patient is a young woman whose examination did not show signs of goitre but the analysis of thyroid function tests performed before an uto-immune hemolytic anemia (confirmed by a high level of unconjugated bilirubin and a Coombs test positive for IgG) has found thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and positive thyroid antibody at rates in excess of 4.5 times their normal value. In the same period, as the hemolytic anemia, and before the atypical chest pain and anguish they generated in the patient, the search for hemoglobinopathies was made despite the absence of a family history of haematological disease or painful attacks in childhood. Patient electrophoresis's led to research similar cases in the family. The mother was the first to be analyzed with ultimately diagnosed with sickle cell trait have previously been ignored. This case would be a form with few symptoms because the patient does not describe painful crises in childhood or adolescence

    Correlates of self-reported history of mental health help-seeking: a cross-sectional study among individuals with symptoms of a mental or substance use disorder initiating care for HIV in Cameroon

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    Background: Mental health and substance use disorders (MSDs) increase the risk of poor human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care outcomes among people living with HIV (PLWH). Receipt of mental health care may improve these adverse outcomes. We aimed to identify correlates of prior mental health help-seeking among PLWH with symptoms of an MSD in Cameroon. Methods: We characterize prior mental health help-seeking from formal (mental health specialist/general medical provider) and informal (traditional healer/religious leader) sources among 161 people with symptoms of depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores> 9), anxiety (General Anxiety Disorder-7 scores> 9), probable post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 scores> 30), or possible alcohol use disorder (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test scores≄16) who were newly entering HIV care at three healthcare facilities in Cameroon between June 2019 and March 2020. Help-seeking was defined as ever speaking to a formal or informal source about emotional problems, sadness, or the way they were feeling or behaving. We estimated the association between sociodemographic and psychosocial measures and lifetime mental health help-seeking from each type of source using log-binomial regression. Results: Overall, 55.3% of 161 PLWH with MSD symptoms reported prior mental health help-seeking, with 24.2% and 46.0% seeking help from formal and informal sources, respectively. Religious leaders were the most common source of help (40.4%), followed by general medical professionals (22.4%), traditional healers (16.8%), and mental health specialists (7.4%). Individuals with higher depressive, anxiety, and trauma symptom severity scores were more likely to have sought help than those with lower scores. Individuals with possible alcohol use disorder were the least likely to have sought help. Prior help-seeking was more common among those reporting a higher number of lifetime traumatic events (prevalence ratio [PR]: 1.06; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01, 1.11) and those with a history of emotional intimate partner violence (PR: 1.34; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.80). Conclusions: Prior mental health help-seeking was associated with psychosocial stressors. Help-seeking from informal networks was more common than formal help-seeking. Training in the provision of evidence-based mental health support for informal networks could improve access to mental health care for PLWH with MSDs in Cameroon

    Prevalence of potentially traumatic events and symptoms of depression, anxiety, hazardous alcohol use, and post-traumatic stress disorder among people with HIV initiating HIV care in Cameroon

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    Background: This study explored the relationship between specific types of potentially traumatic events (PTEs) and symptoms of mental health disorders among people with HIV (PWH) in Cameroon. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study with 426 PWH in Cameroon between 2019–2020. Multivariable log binominal regression was used to estimate the association between exposure (yes/no) to six distinct types of PTE and symptoms of depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 score > 9), PTSD (PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 score > 30), anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 scale score > 9), and hazardous alcohol use (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test score > 7 for men; > 6 for women). Results: A majority of study participants (96%) reported exposure to at least one PTE, with a median of 4 PTEs (interquartile range: 2–5). The most commonly reported PTEs were seeing someone seriously injured or killed (45%), family members hitting or harming one another as a child (43%), physical assault or abuse from an intimate partner (42%) and witnessing physical assault or abuse (41%). In multivariable analyses, the prevalence of PTSD symptoms was significantly higher among those who reported experiencing PTEs during childhood, violent PTEs during adulthood, and the death of a child. The prevalence of anxiety symptoms was significantly higher among those who reported experiencing both PTEs during childhood and violent PTEs during adulthood. No significant positive associations were observed between specific PTEs explored and symptoms of depression or hazardous alcohol use after adjustment. Conclusions: PTEs were common among this sample of PWH in Cameroon and associated with PTSD and anxiety symptoms. Research is needed to foster primary prevention of PTEs and to address the mental health sequelae of PTEs among PWH

    Age-varying Associations of Depressive Symptoms and Heavy Episodic Drinking Throughout Adulthood Among People with HIV and Receiving care in Cameroon Within a National “treat all” Policy

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    Comorbid depression and heavy episodic drinking (HED) may threaten the success of “treat all” policies in sub-Saharan Africa as the population of people with HIV (PWH) ages. We investigated associations between depressive symptoms and heavy episodic drinking (HED) and the extent the relationship differed across ages among PWH receiving HIV care in Cameroon. We conducted a retrospective analysis of 18-60-year-old PWH on antiretroviral therapy in Cameroon from January 2016 to March 2020. Age-varying effect modelling was conducted to assess associations between depressive symptoms and HED across ages and by gender. Prevalence of depression and HED was highest at ages 20 and 25, respectively. After age 25, the magnitude of the association between depressive symptoms and HED was significant and increased until age 30 (aOR: 1.88, 95% CI: 1.48, 2.39), with associations remaining significant until age 55 (aOR: 1.64, 95% CI: 1.17, 2.29). Women had more variability and higher magnitudes of associations between depressive symptoms and HED than men. The interrelationship between depressive symptoms and HED was significant throughout most of adulthood for PWH receiving HIV care in Cameroon. Understanding age and gender trends in these associations can guide integration efforts in HIV care settings

    Gender, Mental Health, and Entry Into Care with Advanced HIV Among People Living with HIV in Cameroon Under a National ‘Treat All’ Policy

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    Delays in diagnosis and linkage to HIV care persist among people living with HIV (PLWH), even after expanded access to ART worldwide. Mental health may influence timely linkage to HIV care. Greater understanding of the relationship among gender, mental health, and delayed linkage to HIV care can inform strategies to improve the health of PLWH. We interviewed 426 PLWH initiating HIV care in Cameroon between June 2019 and March 2020 to estimate the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the association between mental health and entry into care with advanced HIV. Separate multivariable log binomial regression models were used to estimate the association between mental health exposure and entry into HIV care with advanced HIV. Stratified analyses were used to assess effect modification by gender. Approximately 20, 15, and 12% of participants reported symptoms of depression, PTSD, and anxiety, respectively. The prevalence of mental health symptoms did not vary significantly by gender. Overall, 53% of participants enrolled in HIV care with advanced HIV: 51% of men and 54% of women. Screening positive for one of the mental health disorders assessed was associated with greater prevalence of enrollment with advanced HIV among men, but not among women. Future research should examine gender-specific pathways between mental health symptoms and entry into care with advanced HIV, particularly for men in Cameroon. The extent to which untreated mental health symptoms drive gender disparities throughout the HIV care continuum should be explored further

    Coping Strategies and Symptoms of Mental Health Disorders Among People with HIV Initiating HIV Care in Cameroon

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    Little is known about the coping strategies used among people with HIV (PWH), especially in sub-Saharan Africa, and the extent to which adaptive or maladaptive coping strategies are associated with symptoms of mental health disorders. We interviewed 426 PWH initiating HIV care in Cameroon and reported the prevalence of adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies, overall and by presence of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Log binominal regression was used to estimate the association between each type of coping strategy (adaptive or maladaptive) and symptoms of each mental health disorder, separately. Adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies were commonly reported among PWH enrolling in HIV care in Cameroon. Across all mental health disorders assessed, greater maladaptive coping was associated with higher prevalence of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Adaptive coping was not associated with symptoms of any of the mental health disorders assessed in bivariate or multivariable models. Our study found that PWH endorsed a range of concurrent adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies. Future efforts should explore the extent to which coping strategies change throughout the HIV care continuum. Interventions to reduce maladaptive coping have the potential to improve the mental health of PWH in Cameroon

    Prevalence of stressful life events and associations with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder among people entering care for HIV in Cameroon

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    Background: Exposure to stressors increases the risk of mental health disorders. People living with HIV (PLWH) are particularly affected by poor mental health which can contribute to adverse HIV treatment outcomes. Methods: We estimated the prevalence of recent stressful life events (modified Life Events Survey) among a cohort of PLWH entering HIV care at three public health care facilities in Cameroon and quantified the association of seven types of stressful life events with symptoms of depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores>9), anxiety (General Anxiety Disorder-7 scores>9), and PTSD (PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 scores>30) using separate log-binomial regression models. Results: Of 426 PLWH enrolling in care, a majority were women (59%), in relationships (58%), and aged 21 to 39 years (58%). Recent death of a family member (39%) and severe illness of a family member (34%) were the most commonly reported stressful life events. In multivariable analyses, more stressful life event types, a negative relationship change, death or illness of a friend/family member, experience of violence, work-related difficulties, and feeling unsafe in one's neighborhood were independently associated with at least one of the mental health outcomes assessed. The greatest magnitude of association was observed between work-related difficulties and PTSD (adjusted prevalence ratio: 3.1; 95% confidence interval: 2.0–4.8). Limitations: Given the design of our study, findings are subject to recall and social desirability bias. Conclusions: Stressful life events were common among this population of PLWH entering care in Cameroon. Evidence-based interventions that improve coping, stress management, and mental health are needed

    HIV-Related Stigma, Social Support, and Symptoms of Mental Health Disorders Among People with HIV Initiating HIV Care in Cameroon

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    HIV-related stigma has been associated with poor mental health among people with HIV (PWH). Social support is a potentially modifiable factor that may buffer negative mental health sequelae of HIV-related stigma. Little is known about the extent to which the modifying effect of social support differs across mental health disorders. Interviews were conducted with 426 PWH in Cameroon. Log binomial regression analyses were used to estimate the association between high anticipated HIV-related stigma and low social support from family or friends and symptoms of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and harmful alcohol use, separately. Anticipated HIV-related stigma was commonly endorsed with ∌80% endorsing at least 1 of 12 stigma-related concerns. In multivariable analyses, high anticipated HIV-related stigma was associated with greater prevalence of symptoms of depression {adjusted prevalence ratio (aPR) 1.6 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-2.2]} and anxiety [aPR 2.0 (95% CI 1.4-2.9)]. Low social support was associated with greater prevalence of symptoms of depression [aPR 1.5 (95% CI 1.1-2.2)], anxiety [aPR 1.7 (95% CI 1.2-2.5)], and PTSD [aPR 1.6 (95% CI 1.0-2.4)]. However, social support did not meaningfully modify the relationship between HIV-related stigma and symptoms of any mental health disorders explored. Anticipated HIV-related stigma was commonly reported among this group of PWH initiating HIV care in Cameroon. Social concerns related to gossip or losing friends were of the greatest concern. Interventions focused on reducing stigma and strengthening support systems may be particularly beneficial and have the potential to improve the mental health of PWH in Cameroon

    The Disease Burden of Taenia solium Cysticercosis in Cameroon

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    Taenia solium cysticercosis is a zoonotic disease occurring in many developing countries. A relatively high prevalence in humans and pigs has been reported in several parts of the world, but insufficient data are available on the disease burden. Disease impact assessment needs detailed information on well-defined epidemiological and economic parameters. Our work conducted in West Cameroon over several years allowed us to collect the necessary information to estimate the impact of the parasite on the human and animal populations in this area using both cost and Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) estimations. This study identified the professional inactivity caused by the disease as the major loss factor in comparison to the cost of health care and losses due to infected pigs. These findings should allow a simpler estimation of the global disease burden based on information on salary levels and human cysticercosis prevalence in endemic areas of the world. In addition, the number of DALYs lost was higher than estimates already available for some other neglected tropical diseases in sub-Saharan Africa

    Thyroid Hemiagenesis Associated with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

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    Thyroid hemiagenesis is a rare congenital anomaly resulting from failure of one thyroid lobe development. We report a 23-year-old female presented with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in left lobe, associated with hemiagenesis of right lobe and isthmus which was previously diagnosed as Graves’ hyperthyroidism, but developed further into Hashimoto’s thyroiditis after being treated with antithyroid drugs. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism in the current case led to the diagnostic confirmation by scintiscanning of an absent lobe. The antithyroid pharmacotherapy by thiamazole was used. However, due to symptoms of hypothyroidism, it was discontinued two months later, so thyroid hormone substitution was reintroduced. Antithyroid antibody studies and ultrasonography documented the presence of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis