1,263 research outputs found

    Economic Growth-Women Labour Force Participation Nexus: An Empirical Evidence for Pakistan

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    The immense focus of the study is to investigate the impact of economic growth on women labour force participation nexus. Women labour force participation (WLFP), (Real) GDP per capita (RPCY) are chosen as variables for this selected study. Material and data have been taken from 1980 to 2011. The result of this study depicts that long run and U-shaped association between economic development and women labour force participation in case of Pakistan. Our study shows that an increase in education and dynamics of economic activity increases the Women Labour Force Participation in later stage of growth. Keywords: Economic Growth, (Real) GDP per Capita, Women Labour Force

    A Preliminary Analysis of the Marketing of Mango in Sindh Province, Pakistan

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    Fruits are an important sub-sector in the agricultural sector of Pakistan. This paper describes the structure and operation of the marketing channels, and quantifies marketing margins of producers and other market agencies. Survey results show that more than 90 percent of producers sold harvesting rights to their orchards to contractors. The producers’ share of the retail price was calculated to be 25 percent. The other shares were 43 percent for contractors, 6 percent for commission agents, 5 percent for wholesalers, and 21 percent for retailers. Other indicators reported here are net profit margins, duration and type of contract, method of contract price determination, mode of payment, and conduct of auctions


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      Objectives: The main aim of this study was to assess the low bone mass in younger adults using peripheral dual X-ray absorptiometry (pDXA) and also to find the co-relational aspect of Indian, Nepal-Bhutan, and Afghanistan men.Methods: In this study, 70 younger adults aged from 18 to 25 years were incorporated. In every adult, bone mineral density (BMD) of the left forearm (LF-BMD), right forearm (RF-BMD), left calcaneum (LC-BMD), and right calcaneum (RC-BMD) were measured by pDXA. The back-propagation neural network classifier is used in the classification of low bone mass and healthy controls, and the statistical tool was used to find the co-relational aspect of various BMD measurements.Results: The LC-BMD positively correlated (p<0.05) with subject's body weight and body mass index (BMI) r=0.40 in Indian men. The LC-BMD and RC-BMD were positively correlated (p<0.05 and p<0.01) with BMI (r=0.549 and r=0.63) in Nepal-Bhutan men. In Afghanistan men, LF-BMD and RF-BMD are positively correlated (p<0.05 and p<0.01) with BMI (r=0.49 and r=0.80). The accuracy of the classifier was found to be 94.3% and 97.1% with RF-BMD and RC-BMD in the total population.Conclusion: The result suggested that the forearm and calcaneum BMD measured by pDXA shows statistically high significant correlation with BMI, which can be used for screening purpose, and also it will be helpful in the evaluation of low bone mass in the developing countries

    The Socio–economic Characteristics of Communities at the Downstream Sector of Jebba Dam, Nigeria

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    Downstream communities have been neglected in dam construction planning process in Nigeria.. A survey was carried out on some randomly selected downstream communities of Jebba dam namely Gungu, Gana, Fanga, Bele, Bere, Gaba and Baru communities, using structured interviews administered to people in the selected communities. The research result showed that the Jebba dam has negative effect on settlements downstream. About 5% of the houses in each of the villages have been displaced and the value of land has also depreciated by 20%. Farming and fishing in various communities have been affected due to land appropriation, flooding and soil erosion. Only Gungu and Gana are connected to electricity supply while road accessibility is very poor in all the villages except Gungu and Gana. The impacts of these changes are magnified by changes in the flow pattern of The River Niger downstream that is caused by the operations of the dam. These changes, whether in total streamflow in seasonal timing or in short-term, even hourly fluctuations in flows, generate a range of impacts on The River. This is because the aquatic lives in and around the river is tightly linked to the existing flow patterns of river. It is recommended that all villages that are affected by the activities of the dam should be connected to the national grid; this will enhance the socioeconomic activities in the area. It is also suggested as a principle that ‘a programme to monitor the impacts of dam development (particularly in downstream communities) should be an integral element of the planning process, and should be matched by resources to mitigate impacts not addressed fully by the planning processes.Key words: Downstream Communities, Socio-economic, sector, Dam, Characteristics, Flow patter

    Factors of Permanent Income and effects over Consumption in Pakistan (1973-2013)

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    This  Study  significantly  observes  long run as well as  the short run effect  of  the  permanent income (PI) on consumption (C) the same as initiated by the Milton Friedman employing ARDL to Cointegration bound testing approach and Error Correction Model (ECM). The reason of the current study is to discover the degree to which wealth indicators connecting to PI may have an effect on consumption with respect to Pakistan like GNE (Gross National Expenditure), GNS (Gross National Savings), GVA (Gross Value Added), NR (Natural Resources) and TR (Total Reserves) span from 1973 to 2013. Above tests show long run association exists among the selected variables. According to ECM correction process is slow and short-run disequilibrium not at all adjusts completely in the current period. Keywords: Consumption, Consumption function, Permanent Income

    An Analysis of Mobile Banking Acceptance by Pakistani Customers

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    This study explores the factors affecting and manipulating the mobile banking acceptance by Pakistani customers. The expansion of technology has generated new opportunities  in the world as the expansion of mobile technology has merged the financial and telecom service providers to pioneer new innovations for financial institutions in order to provide branchless banking through mobile banking. This research acquires a TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). Outcomes of this study sustains extensive TAM in forecasting bank customer’s behavioural intent to use mobile banking. The data was collected from the MCB bank account holders in Pakistan which includes 200 survey responses, analyze through statistical techniques: regression analysis. The result of data analysis demonstrated the context of the following variables such as speed, self-efficacy (SE), Mobilty Access(MA) , Advertising(AT) and quality of service , user perception relates to the convenience of mobile banking that affect the tendency to use and adoption. Keywords: Mobile Banking, Innovation, TAM

    Determinants of entrepreneurial propensity of Nigerian undergraduates: an empirical assessment

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    The specific factors that influence the entrepreneurial inclination of students were studied with a view to designing appropriate policies on entrepreneurship within tertiary institutions. The sample for the study consisted of 7,560 students from a total of 25 tertiary institutions with 83% response rate. While we found that entrepreneurial interest among Nigerian students is quite high, the expression of this interest in practice is rather low. The main factors found to significantly explain entrepreneurial interest are parents‟ educational qualifications, family entrepreneurial history, family socio-demographics, students‟ entrepreneurial experience, and students‟ socio-demographics. Of the fourteen variables identified as being central in encouraging students‟ entrepreneurial interests, only five can be defined as necessary, though but not sufficient, conditions to stimulate interest: gender, number of children by father, position among mother's children, father's monthly income and entrepreneurial education. This has policy implications both for government and the institutions. The study is the first of its magnitude in Nigeria and provides baseline information for researchers and policy makers who need to better understand the dynamics of entrepreneurship among Nigerian youth.entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial interest; students; tertiary institutions; Nigeria
