1,127 research outputs found

    Numerical studies of the vibrational isocoordinate rule in chalcogenide glasses

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    Many properties of alloyed chalcogenide glasses can be closely correlated with the average coordination of these compounds. This is the case, for example, of the ultrasonic constants, dilatometric softening temperature and the vibrational densities of states. What is striking, however, is that these properties are nevertheless almost independent of the composition at given average coordination. Here, we report on some numerical verification of this experimental rule as applied to vibrational density of states.Comment: 7 pages, including 3 figure

    Thermally-activated charge reversibility of gallium vacancies in GaAs

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    The dominant charge state for the Ga vacancy in GaAs has been the subject of a long debate, with experiments proposing −-1, −-2 or −-3 as the best answer. We revisit this problem using {\it ab initio} calculations to compute the effects of temperature on the Gibbs free energy of formation, and we find that the thermal dependence of the Fermi level and of the ionization levels lead to a reversal of the preferred charge state as the temperature increases. Calculating the concentrations of gallium vacancies based on these results, we reproduce two conflicting experimental measurements, showing that these can be understood from a single set of coherent LDA results when thermal effects are included.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Self-vacancies in Gallium Arsenide: an ab initio calculation

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    We report here a reexamination of the static properties of vacancies in GaAs by means of first-principles density-functional calculations using localized basis sets. Our calculated formation energies yields results that are in good agreement with recent experimental and {\it ab-initio} calculation and provide a complete description of the relaxation geometry and energetic for various charge state of vacancies from both sublattices. Gallium vacancies are stable in the 0, -, -2, -3 charge state, but V_Ga^-3 remains the dominant charge state for intrinsic and n-type GaAs, confirming results from positron annihilation. Interestingly, Arsenic vacancies show two successive negative-U transitions making only +1, -1 and -3 charge states stable, while the intermediate defects are metastable. The second transition (-/-3) brings a resonant bond relaxation for V_As^-3 similar to the one identified for silicon and GaAs divacancies.Comment: 14 page

    Gallium self-interstitial relaxation in Gallium Arsenide: an {ab initio} characterization

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    Ga interstitials in GaAs (IGaI_{Ga}) are studied using the local-orbital {ab-initio} code SIESTA in a supercell of {216+1} atoms. Starting from eight different initial configurations, we find five metastable structures: the two tetrahedral sites in addition to the 110-split[Ga−As]\mathrm{_{[Ga-As]}}, 111-split[Ga−As]\mathrm{_{[Ga-As]}}, and 100-split[Ga−Ga]\mathrm{_{[Ga-Ga]}}. Studying the competition between various configuration and charges of IGaI_{Ga}, we find that predominant gallium interstitials in GaAs are charged +1, neutral or at most -1 depending on doping conditions and prefer to occupy the tetrahedral configuration where it is surrounded by Ga atoms. Our results are in excellent agreement with recent experimental results concerning the dominant charge of IGaI_{Ga}, underlining the importance of finite size effects in the calculation of defects.Comment: v1) 18 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PRB (Latex preprint version) v2) 9 pages, 5 figures, reviewed version resubmitted to PRB (correction to equation 1, some changes and reformulations, minor grammatical and typo corrections, added reference

    The Kinetic Activation-Relaxation Technique: A Powerful Off-lattice On-the-fly Kinetic Monte Carlo Algorithm

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    Many materials science phenomena, such as growth and self-organisation, are dominated by activated diffusion processes and occur on timescales that are well beyond the reach of standard-molecular dynamics simulations. Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) schemes make it possible to overcome this limitation and achieve experimental timescales. However, most KMC approaches proceed by discretizing the problem in space in order to identify, from the outset, a fixed set of barriers that are used throughout the simulations, limiting the range of problems that can be addressed. Here, we propose a more flexible approach -- the kinetic activation-relaxation technique (k-ART) -- which lifts these constraints. Our method is based on an off-lattice, self-learning, on-the-fly identification and evaluation of activation barriers using ART and a topological description of events. The validity and power of the method are demonstrated through the study of vacancy diffusion in crystalline silicon.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Structural, electronic, and dynamical properties of amorphous gallium arsenide: a comparison between two topological models

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    We present a detailed study of the effect of local chemical ordering on the structural, electronic, and dynamical properties of amorphous gallium arsenide. Using the recently-proposed ``activation-relaxation technique'' and empirical potentials, we have constructed two 216-atom tetrahedral continuous random networks with different topological properties, which were further relaxed using tight-binding molecular dynamics. The first network corresponds to the traditional, amorphous, Polk-type, network, randomly decorated with Ga and As atoms. The second is an amorphous structure with a minimum of wrong (homopolar) bonds, and therefore a minimum of odd-membered atomic rings, and thus corresponds to the Connell-Temkin model. By comparing the structural, electronic, and dynamical properties of these two models, we show that the Connell-Temkin network is energetically favored over Polk, but that most properties are little affected by the differences in topology. We conclude that most indirect experimental evidence for the presence (or absence) of wrong bonds is much weaker than previously believed and that only direct structural measurements, i.e., of such quantities as partial radial distribution functions, can provide quantitative information on these defects in a-GaAs.Comment: 10 pages, 7 ps figures with eps

    Traveling through potential energy landscapes of disordered materials: the activation-relaxation technique

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    A detailed description of the activation-relaxation technique (ART) is presented. This method defines events in the configurational energy landscape of disordered materials, such as a-Si, glasses and polymers, in a two-step process: first, a configuration is activated from a local minimum to a nearby saddle-point; next, the configuration is relaxed to a new minimum; this allows for jumps over energy barriers much higher than what can be reached with standard techniques. Such events can serve as basic steps in equilibrium and kinetic Monte Carlo schemes.Comment: 7 pages, 2 postscript figure

    Event-based relaxation of continuous disordered systems

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    A computational approach is presented to obtain energy-minimized structures in glassy materials. This approach, the activation-relaxation technique (ART), achieves its efficiency by focusing on significant changes in the microscopic structure (events). The application of ART is illustrated with two examples: the structure of amorphous silicon, and the structure of Ni80P20, a metallic glass.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, epsf.sty, 3 figure

    Nucleation and crystallization process of silicon using Stillinger-Weber potential

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    We study the homogeneous nucleation process in Stillinger-Weber silicon in the NVT ensemble. A clear first-order transition from the liquid to crystal phase is observed thermodynamically with kinetic and structural evidence of the transformation. At 0.75 T_m, the critical cluster size is about 175 atoms. The lifetime distribution of clusters as a function of the maximum size their reach follows an inverse gaussian distribution as was predicted recently from the classical theory of nucleation (CNT). However, while there is a qualitative agreement with the CNT, the free energy curve obtained from the simulations differs significantly from the theoretical predictions, suggesting that the low-density liquid phase found recently could play a role in the nucleation process.Comment: 21 page

    Self-organization with equilibration: a model for the intermediate phase in rigidity percolation

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    Recent experimental results for covalent glasses suggest the existence of an intermediate phase attributed to the self-organization of the glass network resulting from the tendency to minimize its internal stress. However, the exact nature of this experimentally measured phase remains unclear. We modify a previously proposed model of self-organization by generating a uniform sampling of stress-free networks. In our model, studied on a diluted triangular lattice, an unusual intermediate phase appears, in which both rigid and floppy networks have a chance to occur, a result also observed in a related model on a Bethe lattice by Barre et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 208701 (2005)]. Our results for the bond-configurational entropy of self-organized networks, which turns out to be only about 2% lower than that of random networks, suggest that a self-organized intermediate phase could be common in systems near the rigidity percolation threshold.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
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