706 research outputs found

    Agricultural land use mapping

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Agricultural areas were selected or analysis in southeastern Pennsylvania, north central Montana, and southern Texas. These three sites represent a broad range of soils, soil parent materials, climate, modes of agricultural operation, crops, and field sizes. In each of these three sites, ERTS-1 digital data were processed to determine the feasibility of automatically mapping agricultural land use. In Pennsylvania, forest land, cultivated land, and water were separable within a 25,000 acre area. Four classes of water were also classified and identified, using ground truth. A less complex land use pattern was analyzed in Hill County, Montana. A land use map was prepared shown alternating patterns of summer fallow and stubble fields. The location of farmsteads could be inferred, along with that of a railroad line. A river and a creek flowing into the river were discernible. Six categories of water, related to sediment content and depth, were defined in the reservoir held by the Fresno dam. These classifications were completed on a 150 square mile area. Analysis of the data from Texas is in its formative stages. A test site has been selected and a brightness map has been produced

    Techniques for delineation and portrayal of land cover types using ERTS-1 data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. ERTS data was used to map land cover in agricultural areas, although in some parts of Pennsylvania, with small irregular fields, many of the pixels overlap field boundaries and cause difficulties in classification. Various techniques and devices were used to display the results of these land cover analyses. The most promising approach would be a user-interactive color monitor interfaced with a large computer so that classification results could be displayed on the CRT and these results output by a hard complete copier

    Relation of lineaments to sulfide deposits: Bald Eagle Mountain, Centre County, Pennsylvania

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Discrete areas of finely-fractured and brecciated sandstone float are present along the crest of Bald Mountain and are commonly sites of sulfide mineralization, as evidenced by the presence of barite and limonite gossans. The frequency distributions of the brecciated float as the negative binomial distribution supports the interpretation of a separate population of intensely fractured material. Such zones of concentrated breccia float have an average width of one kilometer with a range from 0.4 to 1.6 kilometers and were observed in a quarry face to have subvertical dips. Direct spatial correlation of the Landsat-derived lineaments to the fractured areas on the ridge is low; however, the mineralized and fracture zones are commonly assymetrical to the lineament positions. Such a systematic dislocation might result from an inherent bias in the float population or could be the product of the relative erosional resistance of the silicified material in the mineralized areas in relation to the erosionally weak material at the stream gaps

    Lineaments and Mineral Occurrences in Pennsylvania

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    The author has identified the following significant results. A conservative lineament map of Pennsylvania interpreted from ERTS-1 channel 7 (infrared) imagery and Skylab photography was compared with the distribution of known metallic mines and mineral occurrences. Of 383 known mineral occurrences, 116 show a geographical association to 1 km wide lineaments, another 24 lie at the intersection of two lineaments, and one lies at the intersection of three lineaments. The Perkiomen Creek lineament in the Triassic Basin is associated with 9 Cu-Fe occurrences. Six Pb-Zn occurrences are associated with the Tyrone-Mount Union lineament. Thirteen other lineaments are associated with 3, 4, or 5 mineral occurrences each

    Preliminary Skylab MSS channel evaluation

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    The author has identified the following significant results. A set of 18 channels which were considered of usable quality were identified. These were channels 1-14, 17, 19-21. Channels 15, 16, 18, and 22 were dropped out because they were of poor quality; channels 7 and 11 were dropped to limit the total channel number to 16. From these 16 channels, a total of 22 signatures were obtained. Eight were developed from uniform blocks of the UMAP, and 14 from use of the DCLUS program. These signatures fell into six basic categories and classified more than 90% of the five scenes mapped: agriculture land (6 signatures); forest aland (4); water (2); open nonagriculture land (2); urban (6); and disturbed land (2)

    School Nutrition Policy: An Evaluation of the Rhode Island Healthier Beverages Policy in Schools

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    Background. School policies limiting the availability of sweetened beverages are often considered to be effective interventions for improving children\u27s diet and weight-related health. This study was designed to examine the effectiveness of the Rhode Island Healthier Beverage Policy in reducing consumption of unhealthy beverages and in producing changes in children\u27s weight status. Method. Students in 2 public middle schools in Rhode Island completed self-reported measures of dietary intake and were measured for height and weight prior to and 1 year following the implementation of a state-mandated healthier beverage policy. An inventory of beverages available in vending machines after the beverage policy was implemented provided a measure of adherence with the statewide policy. Results. Both surveyed schools demonstrated compliance with the beverage policy (ie, greater than 70% of available beverages complied). Self-reported consumption of sweetened beverages did not change significantly following policy implementation. Neither average BMI percentile for age and gender nor frequency of children in each weight category changed significantly 1 year after the policy was implemented. Conclusions. Although the healthier beverage policy was effectively implemented, it did not result in changes in self-reported sweetened beverage consumption or weight status 1 year later. Additional school policy and individual-level changes appear to be necessary to effect change in weight and dietary outcomes for children. © 2012 The Author(s)

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Gene Polymorphism Associations with Growth, Body Composition, Skeleton Integrity, and Metabolic Traits

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    Molecular genetic selection on individual genes is a promising method to genetically improve economically important traits in chickens. A resource population was developed to study the genetics of growth, body composition, skeletal integrity, and metabolism traits. Broiler sires were crossed to dams of 2 diverse, highly inbred lines (Leghorn and Fayoumi), and the F1 birds were intermated by dam line to produce broiler-Leghorn and broiler-Fayoumi F2 offspring. Growth, body composition, skeletal integrity, and hormonal and metabolic factors were measured in 713 F2 individuals. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF1) was selected for study as a biological and positional candidate gene. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was identified between the founder lines in the IGF1 promoter region, and a PCR-RFLP assay was developed. A mixed model was used to statistically analyze associations of IGF1-SNP1 with phenotypic traits. The IGF1-SNP1 had significant associations with most recorded traits, except metabolic traits. Strong interactions between the IGF1 gene and genetic background on growth traits in the 2 F2 populations suggest that genetic interaction is an important aspect for consideration before using the IGF1-SNP1 in marker-assisted selection programs. Several beneficial effects (improved growth, increased breast muscle weight, decreased abdominal fat, and enhanced skeletal integrity) associated with 1 allele indicate the presence of 1 or more loci near IGF1-SNP1 controlling biologically diverse and economically important traits in chickens

    Holocene Sediment Records From the Continental Shelf of Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica

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    Geochemical records are presented for five sediment cores from basins on the continental shelf of Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica. The cores contain 2-4 m thick sequences of hemipelagic, siliceous mud and ooze (SMO) deposited under seasonally open marine conditions. The inner and middle shelf SMO sequences are massive dark olive green material, whereas the outer shelf SMO sequences are dark olive material interspersed with light olive green layers similar to1-10 cm thick. The biogenic material is dominated by marine diatoms including Fragilariopsis curta, Fragilariopsis cylindrus, and Chaetoceros spp. in the dark-colored SMO and Corethron criophilum in the light-colored layers. Radiocarbon dates suggest that the cores provide continuous accumulation records extending from \u3c 1 kyr before present (B.P.) back as far as 4-15 kyr B.P., with estimated accumulation rates of 0.07-5 mm yr(-1). The three core records from the middle and outer shelf suggest six episodes of increased accumulation of biogenic material at 5.5 kyr B.P. tall three cores), 1, 2, and 6.2 kyr B.P. (two of the three cores), and 3.8 and 10.8 kyr B.P. tone core), most of which coincide with Corethron layers. We interpret these features as the result of enhanced diatom production over the outer shelf, possibly related to climatic warm periods. The absence of such features in the inner shelf core records is thought to reflect a relatively constant level of seasonal diatom production in adjacent waters maintained by a coastal polynya

    A Geochemical Study of Marine Sediments from the Mac. Robertson Shelf, East Antarctica: Initial Results and Palaeoenvironmental Implications

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    Sediments from the Antarctic continental margin may provide detailed palaeoenvironmental records for Antarctic shelf waters during the late Quaternary. Here we present results from a palaeoenvironmental study of two sediment cores recovered from the continental shelf off Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica. These gravity cores were collected approximately 90 km apart from locations on the inner and outer shelf. Both cores are apparently undisturbed sequences of diatom ooze mixed with fine, quartz-rich sand. Core stratigraphies have been established from radiocarbon analyses of bulk organic carbon. Down-core geochemical determinations include the lithogenic components Al and Fe, biogenic components opal and organic carbon, and palaeo-redox proxies Mn, Mo and U. We use the geochemical data to infer past variations in the deposition of biogenic and lithogenic materials, and the radiocarbon dates to estimate average sediment accumulation rates. The Holocene record of the outer-shelf core suggests three episodes of enhanced diatom export production at about 1.8, 3.8 and 5.5 ka BP, as well as less pronounced bloom episodes which occurred over a shorter period. Average sediment accumulation rates at this location range from 13.7 cm ka-1 in the late Pleistocene-early Holocene to 82 cm ka-1 in the late Holocene, and suggest that the inferred episodes of enhanced biogenic production lasted 100- 1000 years. In contrast, data for the inner-shelf core suggest that there has been a roughly constant proportion of biogenic and lithogenic material accumulating during the middle to late Holocene, with a greater proportion of biogenic material relative to the outer shelf. Notably, there is an approximately 7-fold increase in average sediment accumulation rate (from 24.5 to 179 cm ka-1 ) at this inner-shelf location between the middle and late Holocene, with roughly comparable increases in the mass accumulation rates of both biogenic and lithogenic material. This may represent changes in sediment transport processes, or reflect real increases in pelagic sedimentation in this region during the Holocene. Our results suggest quite different sedimentation regimes in these two shelf locations during the middle to late Holocene
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