17 research outputs found

    Art and politics in the modern period

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    This volume compiles a selection of papers that were originally presented at the international conference, Art and Politics in Europe in the Modern Period, held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb from June 29 to July 2, 2016. The main aim of the conference, and therefore of this volume as well, was to establish a comprehensive perspective on the intricate relationships between art and political regimes as seen from various vantages and based on different discourses (governmental, social, economic, religious, gender, ethnic and the like) in the period from the 15th century until the present

    Morfološka i imunohistohemijska ispitivanja hirurški odstranjenih tumora mlečne žlezde kuja

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    In this study an estimation of the malignancy of mammary gland tumors was carried out based upon clinical examination, macroscopic and pathohistological characteristics of neoplasms and expression of cytokeratins. In the study 60 bitches of different ages, race and reproductive status with clinically evident signs of mammary gland tumor were included. After clinical examination the mammary gland tumors were excided, after which tissue samples were taken for subsequent pathohistological and immunohistochemical analysis. Tumors are classified according to the latest WHO recommendation (1999). The ratio of malignant tumors vs. non-malignant was 1.9 : 1. The most frequent malignant tumor was adenocarcinoma (n=17), followed by complex adenocarcinoma (n=12), carcinoma in mixed tumors (n=5), mucinous carcinoma (n=3), and fibrosarcoma and osteosarcoma, one of each. Most common benign changes were benign mixed tumors (n=10) and adenoma (n=6). Hyperplasia of the mammary gland was found in two bitches, while chronic steatitis, fibrosis and complex adenoma were reported only in individual cases. The expression of cytokeratins on different malignant and benign neoplastic cells was determined by the immunohystochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. In simple carcinoma a positive reaction was established within the epithelium of the lumen of the alveoli and in the stromal tumor cells present in the lymph and blood vessels. In the cells of complex tumors cytokeratin was expressed on epithelial cells as well as on spindle, stellate and myoepithelial cells.U radu je izvršena procena maligniteta tumora mlečne žlezde kuja na osnovu kliničkog pregleda, makroskopskih i patohistoloških karateristika neoplazmi i ekspresije citokeratina. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 60 kuja različite starosti, rase i reproduktivnog statusa, sa klinički uočljivim promenama na mlečnoj žlezdi. Posle kliničke opservacije, kod svih ispitivanih kuja izvršeno je hirurško odstranjivanje tumorskih proliferata, nakon čega su uzimani tkivni uzorci za patohistološku i imunohistohemijsku analizu. Tumori su klasifikovani prema najnovijoj preporuci WHO iz 1999. godine. Odnos malignih i benignih tumora je iznosio 1,9:1 u korist malignih alteracija. Najzastupljeniji maligni tumori su prosti adenokarcinomi (17 kuja), zatim kompleksni adenokarcinomi (12 kuja), iza kojih sledi 5 karcinoma u mešovitom tumoru, 3 mucinozna karcinoma i po jedan fibrosarkom i osteosarkom. Od benignih promena najzastupljeniji su benigni mešoviti tumori (10 kuja) i adenomi (6 kuja). Hiperplazija mlečne žlezde nađena je kod dve kuje, dok su hronični steatis, fibroza i kompleksni adenom dijagnostikovani u pojedinačnim slučajevima. Imunohistohemijskom metodom peroksidaza-antiperoksidaza, ustanovljena je ekspresija citokeratina na različitim ćelijama benignihimalignih neoplazmi. U prostim karcinomima, pozitivna reakcija nađena je u epitelu lumena kanalića i alveola, kao i na tumorskim ćelijama u stromi tumora, u limfnimikrvnim sudovima. U kompleksnim karcinomima, citokeratin je eksprimiran osim na epitelnim i na mirujućim, vretenastim i zvezdastim mioepitelnim ćelijama

    Primjena asistirane reprodukcije u govedarstvu

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    More than five decades of research in reproductive biology have resulting in the development of biotechnologies in the cattle industry to increase efficiency in beef and dairy production systems. These technologies are related to gamete and embryo manipulation aimed at improving fertility and genetic progress. The application of assisted reproductive technology in stockbreeding has tremendously altered the rate of genetic improvement in breeding programmes and strategies. Artificial insemination, embryo transfer and in vitro embryo production are technologies systematically applied in breeding programs around the world. They enable rapid genetic progress, shortening of the generation interval, control of disease transmission and reduction of production costs. Worldwide, artificial insemination has been the most efficient and useful way to improve the genetic quality of the herd. Over a period of thirty years, embryo transfer has become an internationally accepted technology with over 500, 000 in vivo produced embryos per year. The recommended handling procedures of the International Embryo Transfer Society enable the safe export of in vivo derived embryos, without the risk of disease transmission. Approximately 15% of embryos produced annually are produced by in vitro technology. This technology enables embryo production from cows of high genetic merit that cannot produce offspring by conventional reproduction. Improvements in OPU/IVF programs would have a great impact on the cattle industry and could replace the traditional MOET programs in the near future. Furthermore, they are important for the development and operation of a gene bank for the cryoconservation of animal genetic resources, to preserve indigenous and endangered breeds of cattle. In addition to genetic progress, the application of these biotechnologies in animal breeding permits high quality breeding stock to be available on the market and enables the application of advanced technologies. Semen and embryo sexing allows for identification and selection of sex, which can assist in the more efficient management of resources. Cloning and transgenesis have great potential in the cattle industry, though due to their low efficiency and high costs, these technologies are predominantly applied in experimental settings and the production of pharmaceuticals