983 research outputs found

    Business Model Canvas: aplicando o conceito de modelo de negócios à tecnologia Agritempo 2.0.

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar e descrever a ferramenta Business Model Canvas e aplicá-la à tecnologia ?Sistema de Monitoramento Agrometeorológico ? Agritempo 2.0?, desenvolvida pela Embrapa Informática Agropecuária e pelo Centro de Pesquisas Meteorológicas e Climáticas Aplicadas à Agricultura (Cepagri) vinculado à Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)

    Respostas bioquímicas e fisiológicas em híbridos de milho em função da aplicação de doses de nitrogênio em cobertura.

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    Resumo: Objetivou?se avaliar a adubação nitrogenada em cobertura em variáveis bioquímicas-fisiológicas de diferentes híbridos de milho. Onde inicialmente foi realizada uma coleta de solo na camada de 0-20 cm para verificar a fertilidade do mesmo, posteriormente à área foi preparada com adubação de semeadura. Os tratamentos corresponderam a dois genótipos submetidos a quatro níveis de N. O delineamento foi feito em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Foram realizadas coletas e analises dos dados, quando significativos foi executado teste de comparação de médias para o fator qualitativo e análise de regressão linear e polinomial para o fator quantitativo. As análises foram procedidas com auxílio do software SISVAR. Houve diferença de respostas bioquímicas-fisiológicas entre os híbridos de milhos em função da adubação nitrogenada em cobertura. Para aminoácidos livres totais nos grãos o genótipo AS1522 foi superior ao AS1596. . [Physiological and biochemical responses in maize hybrids in relation to the applied doses of nitrogen]. Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the nitrogen application on physiological-biochemical variables of different corn hybrids. Where was initially conducted a soil sampling at 0-20 cm to check soil fertility, after the area was prepared with sowing fertilization. The treatments consisted of two genotypes subjected to four levels of N. The experiment was done in randomized block design with three replications. Were collected and analysis of the data was performed when significant test for comparison of means for the qualitative factor analysis and linear regression and polynomial for the quantitative factor. The testing was performed using the software SISVAR. Differences in the biochemical and physiological responses among corn hybrids due to nitrogen application. For free amino acids in the grain genotype AS1522 was higher than AS1596

    Frying edible vegetable oil quality from street-food vendors in a Metropolitan area in the Central Highlands of Mexico

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    Vegetable oil deterioration during frying is a health problem because of oil degradation compounds and recycled oil practices are related to disturb oil quality. Frying food street-vendors are an important part of endemic market type Tianguis at the Metropolitan areas in the Central Highlands of Mexico. The main objective of this research was to evaluate frying edible vegetable oil quality from frying by street-food vendors in a Metropolitan area in the Central Highlands of Mexico. A behaviour questionary registered fresh and recycling oil addition, frying temperature and method in real operation conditions for three working days. Free fatty acid, colour, p-Anisidine, peroxide, and TOTOX indexes were observed in the vendors by triplicate. Free fatty acids and peroxide values in two vendors exceeded the NMX-F-223-SCFI-2011 values. Physicochemical variables revealed oil oxidation deterioration. Not so high temperatures were registered, and continually fresh oil addition was suggested as mitigating or masking edible oil of thermal oxidation and its degradation agents during the observed time. Thermal oxidation could be lower than in controlled conditions as in many reports due to vendor operations studied as a real approximation that suggested less oil degradation. Present results could be evidence for government intervention in the regulation needsCONACY

    Litterfall production and nutrient cycling on caatinga woody leguminous.

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    The knowledge on nutrient cycling through litter is important for the management of the species in agroforestry systems (SAFs), since the litter is an important way of making plant nutrients available to soil. The aim of this work was to evaluate the litterfall production and nutrient cycling of woody species in an agroforestry system of Caatinga. The study was developed in SAF belonging to Embrapa Goats and Sheep, located in the county of Sobral-CE, Brazil. The evaluated species were four native leguminous from Caatinga: Mimosa caesalpiniifolia (sabiá), Mimosa tenuiflora (jurema-preta), Libidibia férrea (jucá) and Poncianella piramydalis (catingueira). To collect the litter, collectors were installed under the tree canopy, using six replicates for each species evaluated

    Efeito de doses de nitrogênio em cobertura em variáveis biométricas e de produção em híbridos de milho.

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    Resumo: Com o objetivo de avaliar a adubação nitrogenada em cobertura em variáveis biométricas e de produção de diferentes híbridos de milho, conduziu-se ensaio em condições de campo em Jaboticabal, SP. Antes da instalação do experimento foi realizada amostragem de solo na camada 0-20 cm para verificação da fertilidade do solo e ainda realizou-se a adubação de semeadura, que consistiu em 300 kg ha-1 do formulado 4-20-20. Os tratamentos foram dois genótipos híbridos simples, AS1522 e AS1596 submetidos a quatro níveis de N em cobertura: zero, metade da padrão, padrão e duas vezes a padrão. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. A semeadura foi realizada manualmente, e quando as plantas atingiram estágio de maturidade fisiológica foram avaliadas as variáveis altura, diâmetro do colmo, produção de grãos, número de grãos por espiga e número de fileiras de grãos por espiga. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se o teste F e, quando significativos foi realizado teste de comparação de médias. Há diferença entre os híbridos de milho em função das doses de nitrogênio aplicadas em cobertura para produção de grãos e eficiência agronômica. O material AS1596 apresentou superioridade na produção de grãos e eficiência agronômica em relação ao genótipo AS1522. [Effect of nitrogen topdressing levels on biometric variables and on production of corn hybrids]. Abstract: Aiming to evaluate the nitrogen topdressing on biometric variables and production of different corn hybrids, an experiment was conducted under field conditions in Jaboticabal, SP. Before carrying out the experiment, soil sampling in the layer 0-20 cm was performed for soil fertility verification, also it was performed the sowing fertilization, which consisted of the 300 kg ha-1 formulated 4-20-20. The treatments consisted of two simple hybrid genotypes, AS1522 and AS1596, subjected to four nitrogen level: zero, half the standard, standard and twice the standard. The experimental was a randomized complete block design with three replications. The sowing was done manually, and when the plants reached stage of physiological maturity, parameters such as height, stem geometry, grain yield, number of grains per spike and number of grain rows per ear were evaluated. The data were analyzed through the F test, and when significant, it was carried out an average comparison. There is difference between the hybrids on the basis of nitrogen topdressing for grain yield and agronomic efficiency. The material AS1596 showed superiority in grain yield and agronomic efficiency in relation to genotype AS1522

    Comportamento de híbridos e variedades de milho em região semiárida no ano agrícola 2013.

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    Resumo: A produção de milho no Brasil é bastante difundida, uma vez que o País apresenta áreas consideradas propensas para a implantação de tal cultura. No entanto, em algumas regiões como o Semiárido brasileiro as condições ambientais são variáveis e o que prevalece são as variedades de polinização aberta na produção do pequeno e médio produtor. Pretendendo compensar o déficit de conhecimento técnico sobre os tipos de milho mais adaptados às características climáticas da nossa região o presente trabalho tem como objetivo a realização de um estudo comparativo do comportamento e potencial produtivo do milho no Semiárido brasileiro, relevando justamente a análise do desempenho dos grãos de híbridos e variedades de polinização aberta. Na presente pesquisa, foram avaliados 72 genótipos, sendo 30 variedades de polinização aberta e 33 híbridos elites, ambos oriundos de programas de melhoramento genético. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com duas repetições, sendo cada parcela constituída de duas linhas de quatro metros com espaçamento de 0,75 m entre linha e 0,20 m entre plantas. Pretendeu-se aqui identificar a variação de produtividade presente nos híbridos e variedades em relação aos tratamentos bem como a viabilidade do uso destes na região do experimento, conforme apresentado no decorrer do trabalho. [Behavior of hybrids and varieties of maize semiarid region in the agricultural year 2013]. Abstract: The maize production in Brazil is widespread, since the country has areas considered appropriate to implantation such culture. However, in some regions such as the Brazilian semiarid, the environmental conditions are variable and prevailing open pollinated varieties in the production of small and medium growers. Intending to make up the little knowledge about the maize types best adapted to the climatic characteristics from this region, this study aimed compare the behavior and yield potential of maize in Brazilian semi-arid, revealing the performance analysis of maize hybrids and open pollinated varieties. In the present study, it was evaluated 72 genotypes, being 30 open-pollinated varieties and 33 hybrids, both derived from breeding programs. The experimental design was a randomized block design with two replications, each plot consisted of two rows with four length meters, spacing 0.75 m between row and 0.20 m between plants. The intention here is to identify the variation in productivity present in hybrids and varieties in relation to treatment as well as viability of their use in the region, as presented in this work

    Tamanho amostral foliar para avaliação do estado nutricional de macronutrientes e índice SPAD de capim elefante irrigado.

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    Resumo: Das várias etapas que compõem a diagnose foliar, a amostragem é, sem dúvida, a mais sensível e sujeita a erros. Com este trabalho objetivou-se dimensionar o número de plantas a serem amostradas para a diagnose do estado nutricional de macronutrientes e índice SPAD do capim elefante, necessárias para formar uma amostra composta. O estudo foi realizado em uma capineira de capim elefante (Pennisetum purpureum), localizada no município de Sobral-CE na Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos. Para a diagnose do estado nutricional e coleta do índice SPAD do capim elefante coletou-se 40 amostras simples, em zigue-zague, de maneira aleatória, sendo as amostras simples as plantas de uma mesma touceira. Considerando um erro aceitável de 10%, 16 plantas de capim elefante seriam suficientes para análise de macronutrientes. Já para avaliação da medida indireta de clorofila (índice SPAD), que apresenta estreita relação com o teor de nitrogênio, seriam necessárias no mínimo 8 plantas amostradas para um erro aceitável de 5 a 10%. [Leaf sample size for nutritional state evaluation of macronutrients and SPAD index of napier grass irrigated]. Abstract: The various stages that make up the leaf analysis, sampling is the most sensitive and liable to errors. This study aimed to size the number of plants to be sampled for the diagnosis of nutritional status of macronutrients and SPAD index of napier grass, needed to form a composite sample. The study was conducted in an area with napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum), located in the municipality of Sobral-CE at Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos. For the diagnosis of nutritional status and SPAD index gathering of napier grass was collected 40 single samples, randomly, and the simple samples were plants of the same clump. Considering an acceptable error of 10%, 16 napier grass would be sufficient for analysis of macronutrients. As for the indirect measurement evaluation of chlorophyll (SPAD), which is closely related to the nitrogen level, would require at least eight plants sampled for an acceptable error from 5 to 10%

    Targeting the autosomal Ceratitis capitata transformer gene using Cas9 or dCas9 to masculinize XX individuals without inducing mutations

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    Background: Females of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Medfly) are major agricultural pests, as they lay eggs into the fruit crops of hundreds of plant species. In Medfly, female sex determination is based on the activation of Cctransformer (Cctra). A maternal contribution of Cctra is required to activate Cctra itself in the XX embryos and to start and epigenetically maintain a Cctra positive feedback loop, by female-specific alternative splicing, leading to female development. In XY embryos, the male determining Maleness-on-the-Y gene (MoY) blocks this activation and Cctra produces male-specific transcripts encoding truncated CcTRA isoforms and male differentiation occurs. Results: With the aim of inducing frameshift mutations in the first coding exon to disrupt both female-specific and shorter male-specific CcTRA open reading frames (ORF), we injected Cas9 ribonucleoproteins (Cas9 and single guide RNA, sgRNA) in embryos. As this approach leads to mostly monoallelic mutations, masculinization was expected only in G1 XX individuals carrying biallelic mutations, following crosses of G0 injected individuals. Surprisingly, these injections into XX-only embryos led to G0 adults that included not only XX females but also 50% of reverted fertile XX males. The G0 XX males expressed male-specific Cctra transcripts, suggesting full masculinization. Interestingly, out of six G0 XX males, four displayed the Cctra wild type sequence. This finding suggests that masculinization by Cas9-sgRNA injections was independent from its mutagenic activity. In line with this observation, embryonic targeting of Cctra in XX embryos by a dead Cas9 (enzymatically inactive, dCas9) also favoured a male-specific splicing of Cctra, in both embryos and adults. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the establishment of Cctra female-specific autoregulation during the early embryogenesis has been repressed in XX embryos by the transient binding of the Cas9-sgRNA on the first exon of the Cctra gene. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that the shift of Cctra splicing from female to male mode is induced also by dCas9. Collectively, the present findings corroborate the idea that a transient embryonic inactivation of Cctra is sufficient for male sex determination

    Soil chemical attributes for different land-use systems in semi arid region.

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    Introduction the evaluation of soil fertility in already placed agroforestry systems allows inferences of greater managements practices and nutrient cycling. In the semi arid region the use of integrated systems provides optimization of land and the efficient use of resources, thus becomes preponderant know soil chemical properties to assist in soil management. It aimed to evaluate soil chemical properties of agroforestry systems already placed