1,142 research outputs found

    Nonideal Solution Behavior in Forward Osmosis Processes Using Magnetic Nanoparticles

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    Despite the tremendous progress made toward the realization of wider application for forward osmosis (FO) technologies, lack of suitable draw solutes that provide high water flux, low reverse solute flux, and facile recovery has hindered commercial development. An extensive variety of osmotic agents have been investigated during the past decade, and while simple inorganic salts remain the most widely used, organic-coated magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) offer exploitable properties that hold great promise. In addition to size-mitigated reverse flux and low-cost recovery via magnetic separation, devitalized MNPs provide enhanced osmotic performance when compared to that of the ungrafted coating material at similar concentration levels, a consequence of greater nonideal solution behavior. This nonideality has been assessed using a simple, semiempirical model and is largely attributable to the increased solvent-accessible surface area and enhanced hydration. When attached to MNPs, polymers appear to behave osmotically as much smaller molecules, providing higher osmotic pressures and improved FO performance

    Comprehensive analysis of liver macrophage composition by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence in murine NASH

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    Recently, it has become evident that macrophage diversity increases in the liver during the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Here, we provide a detailed protocol for the analysis of liver macrophage subsets in mice with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and early NASH using flow cytometry and immunofluorescence (IF). These methods can be used to assess the composition and localization of macrophage subsets during NASH. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Daemen et al. (2021)

    Autistic adults' personal experiences of navigating a social world prior to and during Covid-19 lockdown in Spain

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    BACKGROUND: The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic brought significant movement restrictions and national lockdowns. These drastic changes impacted routines, social life and support networks for the autistic community. AIMS: This study investigated the lived experiences of autistic adults with social expectations before and during the first Covid-19 lockdown in Spain. METHODS: A qualitative Reflexive Thematic Analysis was applied to 10 Photo Elicitation Interviews using images provided by five autistic adults. Interviews were conducted at two time points, before the pandemic and during the first lockdown. FINDINGS: Three themes before the pandemic were identified: (1) everyday interactions, (2) finding sense of belonging, and (3) fractured wellbeing, which revealed the participants' eagerness to fit in socially whilst experiencing rejection, weakening their mental health. During the first Covid-19 lockdown, two master themes were identified: (1) daily, positive experiences, and (2) surfacing failures, which emphasised an increased lived stigma as well as an ineffective autism support network, contributing to a heightened anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: The current study provides further support to the recent findings highlighting lack of appropriate mental health support for the autistic communities during the pandemic, across the world. Future research should aim to provide more data on the experiences and needs of autistic communities when sudden societal changes are imposed

    Instructional Supervision and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives From Principals

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    Six questions that instructional supervisors have been faced with and had to respond to during the COVID-19 crisis include: (a) How do we support teachers in the transition from face-to-face to virtual classes and meetings; (b) How do we focus on addressing the needs of teachers while engaged in remote or online learning; (c) How do we maintain communication, contact, and relationships with teachers; (d) How do we celebrate successes as teachers work with students in the virtual world; (e) How do we assess the quality of the teaching–learning process; and (f) How do we plan for the next steps? Within the scholar–practitioner theoretical model, this study narrates how two principals in Texas addressed each of these six questions. The case studies presented could be used as historical accounts, meaning that leaders could learn from their successes and their mistakes as they move to the next phase of reopening schools

    A randomised controlled trial of PEGASUS, a psychoeducational programme for young people with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder.

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    Psychoeducation is an essential component of postdiagnostic care for people with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), but there is currently no evidence base for clinical practice. We designed, manualised and evaluated PEGASUS (psychoeducation group for autism spectrum understanding and support), a group psychoeducational programme aiming to enhance the self-awareness of young people with ASD by teaching them about their diagnosis

    Valuing Arts-based Academic Projects in a Faculty of Nursing: Experiences of Graduate Students and Supervisors

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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explore student and supervisor experiences and perspectives regarding the advantages and challenges of arts-based projects in the context of graduate nursing education programs. We define arts-based academic projects as graduate level projects that incorporate a significant artistic component, and that culminate in a final written report of a capping exercise, a thesis or a dissertation. Procedures: Three graduate students were asked to briefly summarize their arts-based academic projects and to reflect upon their experiences with their projects, noting the advantages and challenges that they encountered in the process. The students’ supervisors also reported their experiences with supervising students conducting arts-based academic projects. The resulting written reflections were collated and summarized. Results: The arts-based academic projects included a set of comics, a story-based digital education tool and a digital knowledge whiteboard animation video. All of these projects integrated visual art into products for the purpose of knowledge translation. The students and their supervisors identified numerous advantages to arts-based projects, such as being able to address the complexities of context and to engage broad audiences. They reported challenges such as misunderstanding and devaluing the nature of these less traditional academic projects. Conclusions: This study has implications for future arts-based projects that may be conducted in Schools or Faculties of Nursing. Supervisors and committee members play a key role in fostering the creativity of students, building on their strengths, and encouraging them to pursue innovative theses or capping exercises. Similarly, graduate program coordinators/associate deans of graduate programs can also support these students by encouraging and approving projects that are less conventional and by helping others understand the value of these projects. Résumé Objectif : Cet article a pour but d’explorer les expériences et les perspectives d’étudiantes et de directrices de projets quant aux avantages et aux défis inhérents aux projets de nature artistique dans le cadre de programmes d’études supérieures en sciences infirmières. Nous définissons les projets d’études de nature artistique comme étant des travaux des cycles supérieurs qui comportent un important volet artistique et aboutissent à la rédaction d’un rapport de fin d’études, d’une thèse ou d’un mémoire. Approche : Nous avons demandé à trois étudiantes des cycles supérieurs de résumer leur projet artistique et de réfléchir sur leur expérience en soulignant les avantages et les défis rencontrés au court du processus. Les directrices de ces projets étudiants ont également décrit leur expérience de suivi de projets d’études de nature artistique. Nous avons colligé les réflexions écrites pour en faire la synthèse. Résultats : Les projets d’études de nature artistique qui ont été présentés comprenaient une bande dessinée comme moyen de diffusion de résultats de recherche, un outil numérique d’apprentissage basé sur un récit pour des parents et des enfants asthmatiques ,et une vidéo d’animation numérique de partage de connaissances sur tableau blanc pour les parents d’enfants qui ont gastroentérite aiguë. Tous ces projets intégraient les arts visuels dans des produits destinés au transfert de connaissances. Les étudiantes et les directrices de projets ont soulevé de nombreux avantages liés à de tels projets, comme la possibilité de rendre compte de la complexité du contexte et d’intéresser un large public. Les défis soulignés incluaient notamment l’incompréhension et la dévalorisation de tels projets d’études moins conventionnels. Conclusions : Cette synthèse peut avoir des répercussions sur d’éventuels projets d’études de nature artistique menés dans les écoles ou les facultés de sciences infirmières. Les directrices et les membres de comités jouent un rôle prépondérant auprès des étudiantes, soit de favoriser leur créativité, de développer leurs forces et de les encourager à envisager des thèses et des rapports de fin d’études avant-gardistes. De même, les responsables et les vice-doyennes des programmes de cycles supérieurs peuvent soutenir ces étudiantes en favorisant et en approuvant des travaux moins conventionnels, tout en aidant les autres à en comprendre la valeur

    Discontinuation of reflex testing of stool samples for vancomycin-resistant enterococci resulted in increased prevalence

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    Discontinuation of reflex testing stool submitted for Clostridium difficile testing for vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) led to an increase of patients with healthcare-associated VRE bacteremia and bacteriuria (2.1 versus 3.6 per 10,000 patient days; p<0.01 ). Cost-benefit analysis showed reflex screening and isolation of VRE reduced hospital costs

    Obesity alters oestrogen metabolism and contributes to pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Obesity is a common comorbidity for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Additionally, oestrogen and its metabolites are risk factors for the development of PAH. Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) is a major site of oestrogen production; however, the influence of obesity-induced changes in oestrogen synthesis and metabolism on the development of PAH is unclear. To address this we investigated the effects of inhibiting oestrogen synthesis and metabolism on the development of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in male and female obese mice. We depleted endogenous oestrogen in leptin deficient (ob/ob) mice with the oestrogen inhibitor anastrozole (ANA) and determined the effects on the development of PH, plasma oestradiol and urinary 16α-hydroxyestrone (16αOHE1). Oestrogen metabolism through CYP1B1 was inhibited with 2,2',4,6'-tetramethoxystilbene (TMS). Ob/ob mice spontaneously develop PH, pulmonary vascular remodelling and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the lung; these effects were attenuated by ANA. Oestradiol levels were decreased in obese male mice; however, VAT CYP1B1 and 16αOHE1 levels were increased. TMS also attenuated PH in male ob/ob mice. Intra-thoracic fat from ob/ob mice and VAT conditioned media produce 16αOHE1 and can contribute to oxidative stress; effects that are attenuated by both ANA and TMS. Obesity can induce PH and changes in oestrogen metabolism, resulting in increased production of 16αOHE1 from VAT that contributes to oxidative stress. Oestrogen inhibitors are now in clinical trials for PAH. This study has translational consequences as it suggests that oestrogen inhibitors may be especially beneficial in treating obese individuals with PA

    Neural Correlates of Theory of Mind Are Preserved in Young Women With Anorexia Nervosa

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    People with anorexia nervosa (AN) commonly exhibit social difficulties, which may be related to problems with understanding the perspectives of others, commonly known as Theory of Mind (ToM) processing. However, there is a dearth of literature investigating the neural basis of these differences in ToM and at what age they emerge. This study aimed to test for differences in the neural correlates of ToM processes in young women with AN, and young women weight-restored (WR) from AN, as compared to healthy control participants (HC). Based on previous findings in AN, we hypothesized that young women with current or prior AN, as compared to HCs, would exhibit a reduced neural response in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), the inferior frontal gyrus, and the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) whilst completing a ToM task. We recruited 73 young women with AN, 45 WR young women, and 70 young women without a history of AN to take part in the current study. Whilst undergoing a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scan, participants completed the Frith-Happé task, which is a commonly used measure of ToM with demonstrated reliability and validity in adult populations. In this task, participants viewed the movements of triangles, which depicted either action movements, simple interactions, or complex social interactions. Viewing trials with more complex social interactions in the Frith-Happé task was associated with increased brain activation in regions including the right TPJ, the bilateral mPFC, the cerebellum, and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. There were no group differences in neural activation in response to the ToM contrast. Overall, these results suggest that the neural basis of spontaneous mentalizing is preserved in most young women with AN

    Word Recognition Memory in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder as Reflected by Event-Related Potentials

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    Objective: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is increasingly diagnosed in adults. In this study we address the question whether there are impairments in recognition memory. Methods: In the present study 13 adults diagnosed with ADHD according to DSM-IV and 13 healthy controls were examined with respect to event-related potentials (ERPs) in a visual continuous word recognition paradigm to gain information about recognition memory effects in these patients. Results: The amplitude of one attention-related ERP component, the N1, was significantly increased for the ADHD adults compared with the healthy controls in the occipital electrodes. The ERPs for the second presentation were significantly more positive than the ERPs for the first presentation. This effect did not significantly differ between groups. Conclusion: Neuronal activity related to an early attentional mechanism appears to be enhanced in ADHD patients. Concerning the early or the late part of the old/new effect ADHD patients show no difference which suggests that there are no differences with respect to recollection and familiarity-based recognition processes
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