156 research outputs found

    Conclusions and recommendations: Exploration of the Saturn system

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    Saturn missions have the following principal goals, in order of importance: (1) Intensive investigation of the atmosphere of Saturn; (2) determination of regional surface chemistry and properties of the surface features of satellites and properties of ring particles; (3) intensive investigation of Titan; and (4) atmospheric dynamics and structure of Saturn satellites and Saturn rings

    Blowoff and escape of H2

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    It is shown that a pure hydrogen atmosphere cannot be retained by Titan, but will blow off in a few hours. Addition of a heavier gas, such as CH4 or N2, in comparable abundance gives a great improvement, although the escape rate can still be large. Moreover, the actual flux can be predicted with confidence from the mixing ratio of H2 to heavy gas

    Scientific summary

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    Methane absorptions are prominent in the Titan atmospheric spectrum; also present are atomic hydrogen and nitrogen bands. Evaluation of the low ultraviolet albedo points to solid methane clouds and photochemical haze. Thermal infrared data indicate solar energy absorption and photodissociation reactions of the gas mixture resulting in the production of organic compounds and free hydrogen atoms

    A Titan atmosphere with a surface temperature of 200K

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    The brightness temperature of Titan at 3 mm wavelength is around 200 K according to Ulich, Conklin, and Dickel (1978). Although an earlier measurement by Briggs is much colder, 200 K as the surface temperature was used to build an atmospheric model with a surface pressure of 21 bars. CH4 clouds form between 100 and 120 km altitude. The visual limb is near 200 km. The methane mixing ratio is 0.25 percent above the clouds and 7 percent below; the dominant gas is assumed to be N2. The thermal opacity is due to pressure-induced absorption in N2 and a trace (0.5 percent) of H2, with some help from cloud particles; unit opacity is reached at 600 mbar, 110 km from the surface. The radius of the solid body in this model is 2700 km, in reasonable agreement with 2600 km obtained if the density is the same as that of Ganymede and Callisto

    The Saturn System

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    Mission planning for orbiter and entry probes of the Saturn system emphasizes scientific studies of Saturn, its satellites, its rings, and its magnetosphere

    Studies of extended planetary atmospheres

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    There was a theoretical study of physical and chemical processes in the stratosphere, later broadened to include the mesosphere. Particular emphasis was laid on testing of proposed height profiles of the eddy diffusion coefficient against observed tracer data. Eventually the effort shifted to study of ozone time series in satellite data, and interpretation in terms of aeronomical processes. Since all this work is computer-intensive, the first year of funding also contributed to the acquisition of a powerful minicomputer system, in collaboration with several other faculty members. This proved to be highly successful and cost effective

    Vertical O(sub 3) distribution as a diagnostic for eddy diffusion profile

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    A model study of the distribution of ozone on Mars is presented. It is showed that knowledge of the vertical ozone distribution, such as could be obtained from ultraviolet measurements from an orbiter, could be used to infer vertical transport rates at various levels in the atmosphere. The dependence of the vertical distribution of O(sub 3) on the height variation of eddy diffusion coefficient is illustrated. Ozone abundance is a valuable diagnostic for other climatological parameters. In addition, the sensitivity of O(sub 3) distribution to eddy diffusion may aid in determining the role of surface oxidation and recombination processes and lead to a better understanding of the volatiles released or adsorbed cyclically in the Martian regolith

    Coronagraphic Observations of Lunar Sodium

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    This grant supported an investigation of lunar sodium by our coronagraph and spectrograph on nearby Mount Lemmon. We report successful operation and data analysis during International Lunar Atmosphere Week, September 15 - 22, 1995, and submittal of a paper to Icarus. The core of the proposed work was to observe the lunar sodium atmosphere with our classical Lyot coronagraph and specially-built grating spectrograph on Mount Lemmon, a 9400-foot peak about an hour's drive from Tucson. It is optimized for low scattered light and for observing from the Moon's limb to an altitude of approx.1 lunar radius. The grating has 600 lines/mm and a blaze angle of 49 deg., and is used with a somewhat wide slit at a resolving power of about 5000. It is called DARRK for the initials of the people who designed it. The rejection of stray light from the Moon's disk is spectacularly good: when the sky is clear this light is absent right up to a few arcsec from the limb. We use an excellent 1024 by 1024 pixel CCD camera, operated at -100 C; the exposures are 10 to 30 min. Data reduction is done with IRAF running on a Sun Sparcstation

    Coronagraphic Observations of Lunar Sodium

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    The core of the proposed work was to observe the lunar sodium atmosphere with our classical Lyot coronagraph and specially-built grating spectrograph on Mount Lemmon, a 9400-foot peak about an hour's drive from Tucson. It is optimized for low scattered light and for observing from the Moon's limb to an altitude of approx. 1 lunar radius. The grating has 600 lines/mm and a blaze angle of 49 deg, and is used with a somewhat wide slit at a resolving power of about 5000. It is called DARRK for the initials of the people who designed it. The rejection of stray light from the Moon's disk is spectacularly good: when the sky is clear this light is absent right up to a few arcsec from the limb. We use an excellent 1024 by 1024 pixel CCD camera, operated at -100 C; the exposures are 10 to 30 min. Data reduction is done with ERAF running on a Sun Sparcstation

    Planetary Aeronomy and Related Studies

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    Mercury atmosphere - Sprague and Hunten, in collaboration with Katharina Lodders of Washington University, proposed, mainly on cosmochemical grounds, that S atoms are an important constituent of the atmosphere (30 times more abundant than sodium). This paper has appeared in Icarus. We also suggest that condensed sulfur is an excellent candidate for the radar-bright polar caps, more plausible than water ice because the latter is only barely stable even in permanently-shadowed craters. The best prospect for detection of the vapor is through its resonance lines, a triplet near 1814 A. Mercury is too close to the Sun to be observed by any existing space telescope, but there is some prospect that the search could be made from a Shuttle-based spectrograph such as Lyle Broadfoot's USTAR. Sprague and Hunten have completed an elaborate data analysis of over 100 measurements of the Na D lines, obtained with the 61-inch telescope and our echelle spectrograph. Full account has been taken of the radiative-transfer problem that arises because the Na atmosphere is not optically thin. The output of this code is used in another program that makes an elaborate inverse interpolation in two angles and optical depth and computes the effect of the seeing (always bad for Mercury). The seeing is determined by fitting cuts across a computed image to part of the spectrum adjacent to the sodium lines, and typically ranges from slightly less than 4 arcsec to worse than 6 (diameter at l/e of a Gaussian). The final result is a list of Na abundances, with some information on spatial distribution. One particularly interesting result of further analysis is a strong abundance maximum in the morning relative to the afternoon, confirming an earlier result for potassium, based on much fewer measurements. The analysis are completed during the extension of the present grant. This work depends heavily on the Hapke parameters used to estimate the reflectance of Mercury's surface. The paper by Domingue et al. examines the credibility of the available parameters, which are derived from disk-unresolved photometry, and concludes that errors in the derived Na abundances could be as great as 30%