114 research outputs found

    Experimental Animal Models in Periodontology: A Review

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    In periodontal research, animal studies are complementary to in vitro experiments prior to testing new treatments. Animal models should make possible the validation of hypotheses and prove the safety and efficacy of new regenerating approaches using biomaterials, growth factors or stem cells. A review of the literature was carried out by using electronic databases (PubMed, ISI Web of Science). Numerous animal models in different species such as rats, hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, canines and primates have been used for modeling human periodontal diseases and treatments. However, both the anatomy and physiopathology of animals are different from those of humans, making difficult the evaluation of new therapies. Experimental models have been developed in order to reproduce major periodontal diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis), their pathogenesis and to investigate new surgical techniques. The aim of this review is to define the most pertinent animal models for periodontal research depending on the hypothesis and expected results

    Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Skull Base Paragangliomas

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    The treatment of skull base paragangliomas has moved towards the use of cranial nerve preservation strategies, using radiation therapy and subtotal resection in instances when aiming for gross total resection would be expected to cause increased morbidity compared to the natural history of the tumor itself. The goal of this study was to analyze the role of surgery in patients with skull base paragangliomas treated with CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for definitive tumor control. A retrospective review identified 22 patients (median age 65.5 years, 50% female) treated with SRS from 2010–2022. Fourteen patients (63.6%) underwent microsurgical resection. Gross total resection was performed in four patients for tympanic paraganglioma (n = 2), contralateral paraganglioma (n = 1), and intracranial tumor with multiple cranial neuropathies (n = 1). Partial/subtotal resection was performed for the treatment of pulsatile tinnitus and conductive hearing loss (n = 6), chronic otitis and otorrhea (n = 2), intracranial extension (n = 1), or episodic vertigo due to perilymphatic fistula (n = 1). Eighteen patients had clinical and imaging follow-up for a mean (SD) of 4.5 (3.4) years after SRS, with all patients having clinical and radiological tumor control and no mortalities. Surgery remains an important component in the multidisciplinary treatment of skull base paraganglioma when considering other outcomes besides local tumor control
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