1,434 research outputs found

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    The twisted XXZ chain at roots of unity revisited

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    The symmetries of the twisted XXZ spin-chain (alias the twisted six-vertex model) at roots of unity are investigated. It is shown that when the twist parameter is chosen to depend on the total spin an infinite-dimensional non-abelian symmetry algebra can be explicitly constructed for all spin sectors. This symmetry algebra is identified to be the upper or lower Borel subalgebra of the sl_2 loop algebra. The proof uses only the intertwining property of the six-vertex monodromy matrix and the familiar relations of the six-vertex Yang-Baxter algebra.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. One footnote and some comments in the conclusions adde

    Children's Databases - Safety and Privacy

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    This report describes in detail the policy background, the systems that are being built, the problems with them, and the legal situation in the UK. An appendix looks at Europe, and examines in particular detail how France and Germany have dealt with these issues. Our report concludes with three suggested regulatory action strategies for the Commissioner: one minimal strategy in which he tackles only the clear breaches of the law, one moderate strategy in which he seeks to educate departments and agencies and guide them towards best practice, and finally a vigorous option in which he would seek to bring UK data protection practice in these areas more in line with normal practice in Europe, and indeed with our obligations under European law

    A Q-operator for the twisted XXX model

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    Taking the isotropic limit in a recent representation theoretic construction of Baxter's Q-operators for the XXZ model with quasi-periodic boundary conditions we obtain new results for the XXX model. We show that quasi-periodic boundary conditions are needed to ensure convergence of the Q-operator construction and derive a quantum Wronskian relation which implies two different sets of Bethe ansatz equations, one above the other below the "equator" of total spin zero. We discuss the limit to periodic boundary conditions at the end and explain how this construction might be useful in the context of correlation functions on the infinite lattice. We also identify a special subclass of solutions to the quantum Wronskian for chains up to a length of 10 sites and possibly higher.Comment: 19 page

    Quantum cohomology via vicious and osculating walkers

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    We relate the counting of rational curves intersecting Schubert varieties of the Grassmannian to the counting of certain non-intersecting lattice paths on the cylinder, so-called vicious and osculating walkers. These lattice paths form exactly solvable statistical mechanics models and are obtained from solutions to the Yang–Baxter equation. The eigenvectors of the transfer matrices of these models yield the idempotents of the Verlinde algebra of the gauged u^(n)k -WZNW model. The latter is known to be closely related to the small quantum cohomology ring of the Grassmannian. We establish further that the partition functions of the vicious and osculating walker model are given in terms of Postnikov’s toric Schur functions and can be interpreted as generating functions for Gromov–Witten invariants. We reveal an underlying quantum group structure in terms of Yang–Baxter algebras and use it to give a generating formula for toric Schur functions in terms of divided difference operators which appear in known representations of the nil-Hecke algebra

    Baxter Q-operators of the XXZ chain and R-matrix factorization

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    We construct Baxter operators as generalized transfer matrices being traces of products of generic RR matrices. The latter are shown to factorize into simpler operators allowing for explicit expressions in terms of functions of a Weyl pair of basic operators. These explicit expressions are the basis for explicit expression for Baxter Q-operators and for investigating their properties.Comment: 19 pages LaTex, references adde

    XXZ Bethe states as highest weight vectors of the sl2sl_2 loop algebra at roots of unity

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    We show that every regular Bethe ansatz eigenvector of the XXZ spin chain at roots of unity is a highest weight vector of the sl2sl_2 loop algebra, for some restricted sectors with respect to eigenvalues of the total spin operator SZS^Z, and evaluate explicitly the highest weight in terms of the Bethe roots. We also discuss whether a given regular Bethe state in the sectors generates an irreducible representation or not. In fact, we present such a regular Bethe state in the inhomogeneous case that generates a reducible Weyl module. Here, we call a solution of the Bethe ansatz equations which is given by a set of distinct and finite rapidities {\it regular Bethe roots}. We call a nonzero Bethe ansatz eigenvector with regular Bethe roots a {\it regular Bethe state}.Comment: 40pages; revised versio

    Auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model and the algebraic Bethe ansatz

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    We connect two alternative concepts of solving integrable models, Baxter's method of auxiliary matrices (or Q-operators) and the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The main steps of the calculation are performed in a general setting and a formula for the Bethe eigenvalues of the Q-operator is derived. A proof is given for states which contain up to three Bethe roots. Further evidence is provided by relating the findings to the six-vertex fusion hierarchy. For the XXZ spin-chain we analyze the cases when the deformation parameter of the underlying quantum group is evaluated both at and away from a root of unity.Comment: 32 page

    Auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model at roots of 1 and a geometric interpretation of its symmetries

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    The construction of auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model at a root of unity is investigated from a quantum group theoretic point of view. Employing the concept of intertwiners associated with the quantum loop algebra Uq(sl~2)U_q(\tilde{sl}_2) at qN=1q^N=1 a three parameter family of auxiliary matrices is constructed. The elements of this family satisfy a functional relation with the transfer matrix allowing one to solve the eigenvalue problem of the model and to derive the Bethe ansatz equations. This functional relation is obtained from the decomposition of a tensor product of evaluation representations and involves auxiliary matrices with different parameters. Because of this dependence on additional parameters the auxiliary matrices break in general the finite symmetries of the six-vertex model, such as spin-reversal or spin conservation. More importantly, they also lift the extra degeneracies of the transfer matrix due to the loop symmetry present at rational coupling values. The extra parameters in the auxiliary matrices are shown to be directly related to the elements in the enlarged center of the quantum loop algebra Uq(sl~2)U_q(\tilde{sl}_2) at qN=1q^N=1. This connection provides a geometric interpretation of the enhanced symmetry of the six-vertex model at rational coupling. The parameters labelling the auxiliary matrices can be interpreted as coordinates on a three-dimensional complex hypersurface which remains invariant under the action of an infinite-dimensional group of analytic transformations, called the quantum coadjoint action.Comment: 52 pages, TCI LaTex, v2: equation (167) corrected, two references adde
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